Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a neurodegenerative tauopathy that is thought to result from mild repetitive head trauma, originally classified as "punch drunk" syndrome due to its prevalence in boxers. This syndrome was first recognized in boxers in 1928, and has been known as "punch drunk" and "dementia pugilistica", its prevalence in other contact sports, such as rugby, hockey and American football has only recently been brought to light[1][2].

CTE is a neurodegenerative disorder that can only be confirmed in a post-mortem autopsy. However, tracking a patient's history of neurological trauma and creating baselines of neurological behaviour can give warning signs of the onset of a neurodegenerative disorder. The strongest predictor of CTE likelihood is the total amount of brain trauma sustained at the sub-concussive and concussive level[3].

Epidemiology[edit | edit source]

The exact incidence and prevalence of CTE is unknown. Most commonly it is seen in amateur and professional sports players where head contact is common (e.g. boxing, American football, rugby, ice hockey), as well as in military personnel exposed to explosive blasts.[2]

Neuropathology[edit | edit source]

CTE is a tauopathy that results from the culmination of repetitive MTBI[4] . Postmortem analyses have indicated that the symptoms of CTE are associated with neuropathological changes in the brain such as atrophy of certain brain structures and degeneration of myelinated neurons[5]. Like other neurodegenerative disorders, CTE is characterized by the accumulation of abnormal tau proteins.

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Symptoms have an insidious onset, most often years after the initial injuries, with loss of normal attention, concentration and memory. This can progress, in some cases in 2-3 years, to include motor symptoms such as impaired gait, impaired, executive function, lack of insight and poor judgment[2]

Clinical Assessment[edit | edit source]

Single incidences of head trauma such as concussion will very rarely result in the development of CTE. However, repeated brain trauma sustained at the sub-concussive and concussive level has been found to be a strong predictor of CTE Development[5].

CTE is a neurological disorder that can only be confirmed in a post-mortem Autopsy. Therefore, a general consensus on the best way to clinically assess CTE is lacking. however, some have tried to create frameworks from which you can more accurately judge the likelihood of CTE being present. When assessing the clinical presentation of CTE, Montenigro et al. (2014)[6] suggest five criteria:

  1. History of multiple impacts, 2 moderate or severe TBI’s, 4 concussions, or 6 years of sub-concussive trauma (e.g. contact sports, military service, domestic abuse)
  2. No other neurological disorder (including residual effects from a single TBI or persistent post-concussion syndrome) that could likely account for any clinical features.
  3. Clinical features must be present for a minimum of 12 months. However, if treatment (for example, ‘antidepressant’ medication) results in an improvement in select symptoms, the clinician should use her or his best judgment to decide whether the symptoms would have persisted or progressed if treatment had not been initiated.
  4. At least one of the core clinical features must be present and should be considered a change from baseline functioning:
    • Cognitive (defined as 1.5 standard deviation below normal on standardized cognitive neuropsychological test)
    • Behavioral (described as explosive, short fuse, out of control, physical or verbally violent or intermittent explosive disorder
    • Mood (feeling overly sad, depressed, hopeless or diagnosis of major or persistence depressive disorder)
  5. Two or more supportive features must be present:
    1. Impulsivity:
      • Impaired impulse control, as demonstrated by new behaviours, such as excessive gambling, increased or unusual sexual activity, substance abuse, excessive shopping or unusual purchases, or similar activities.
    2. Anxiety:
      • History of anxious mood
      • agitation
      • excessive fears
      • obsessive or compulsive behaviour (or both)
    3. Apathy:
      • Loss of interest in usual activities
      • loss of motivation and emotions
      • reduction of voluntary, goal-directed behaviours
    4. Paranoia:
      • Delusional beliefs of suspicion
      • persecution
      • unwarranted jealousy
    5. Suicidal thoughts/behaviour:
      • History of suicidal thoughts or attempts
    6. Headache:
      • Significant and chronic headache with at least one episode per month for a minimum of 6 months
    7. Motor signs:
    8. Documented decline:
      • Progressive decline in function and/or a progression in symptoms and/or signs

Assessing severity of MTBI[edit | edit source]

when assessing the gravity of an MTBI, the Center for Disease control and prevention (CDC) suggests the following procedure[7]:

  1. Assess for one or more of the following:
    • Confusion or disorientation
    • loss of consciousness for 30 min or less
    • post-traumatic amnesia for less than 24h
    • and/or other transient neurological abnormalities such as focal signs, seizure, and intracranial lesion not requiring surgery
  2. Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13–15 after 30 min post-injury or later upon presentation for healthcare
  3. These manifestations of MTBI must not be due to drugs, alcohol, medications, caused by other injuries or treatment for other injuries (e.g., psychological trauma, language barrier or coexisting medical conditions) or caused by penetrating craniocerebral injury).

Glasgow Coma Scale assessment


Combination of Assessment Techniques[edit | edit source]

As mentioned previously, the strongest predictor of CTE likelihood is the total amount of brain trauma sustained at the subconcussive and concussive level[3]. It is therefore vital to do frequent and detailed concussion assessments. Each concussion should be assessed for a number of symptoms, severity of symptoms, and duration of symptoms as can first be remembered. While the number of concussions is relevant, the proximity of concussions – especially within weeks or months and severity as determined by the duration of signs and symptoms – is felt to be even more important[3]. Once the quantity and severity of MTBI reaches levels of concern (Montenigro at al. 2014; Criteria 1) the appropriate checks should be made for any additional signs of CTE.

If additional signs do emerge, there are several tests for biomarkers that may help to back up an evaluation. An elevated circulation of total tau protein the spinal fluid can indicate some type of brain injury. Although, the presence of tau isn't specific to CTE it can give an indication that symptoms aren't solely due to other factors (post-concussive syndrome or depression).

Additionally, the use of Structural brain imaging can look for signs of brain atrophy. Again, this isn't specific to CTE, however, it can indicate at what stage of CTE the patient is at. Only quite advanced stages of CTE would show atrophy in the hippocampus and the multiple cortical regions of the brain[3].

Finally, fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and technetium-99 single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans can detect the reduction in metabolic rates in certain parts of the brain that occurs in CTE patients years before atrophy can be detected[3].

Differential Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

  1. Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) - the presence of cerebellar symptoms can help rule out this condition.
  2. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) - core clinical features and diagnostic criteria for FTD differ with respect to CTE.
  3. Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) - additional symptoms of dysautonomy and marked cerebellar atrophy, as occurs in MSA, can be used to differentiate from CTE.[9]
  4. Neurosyphilis - this diagnosis can be ruled out by normal VDRL.
  5. B12 deficiency - this diagnosis was ruled out by normal vitamin B12.
  6. Alzheimer’s Disease - changes that are not usually involved in this pathology, such as parkinsonism, subcortical and cerebellar manifestations can help rule out this condition.[10]

Management[edit | edit source]

The development of CTE is specific to each patient, therefore, a case by case therapeutic intervention should be applied.

Exercise[edit | edit source]

Although the precise mechanisms are not fully understood, exercise (specifically aerobic exercise) can increase neurogenesis and neuroplasticity[11]. As little as 30 minutes of light to moderate intensity exercise five days a week can greatly slow down the onset of neurological disorder[12].

More information regarding the role exercise has in the regulation of neurological conditions can be found here.

Cognitive Rehabilitation[edit | edit source]

Implementing cognitive rehabilitation at the early stages of cognitive impairment has a greater chance of positively effecting the quality of life of the individual as they age[3]. Cognitive rehabilitation can be divided into components: restorative and compensatory[13]. The restorative approach aims at restoring impaired skills by carrying out repeated exercise of standardized cognitive tests. These tests should aim to increase in difficulty and should target specific cognitive domains appropriate to the patients needs. Compensatory approach teaches ways of bypassing or compensating for the impaired function[13]. Assistive technology, such as prospective memory aids (PMAs) and retrospective memory aids (RMAs) are used in compensatory interventions. these are context-aware aids that make use of artificial intelligence to determine if a particular guidance is necessary or not at the moment, thus help to remember future intentions[14].

Mood/Behaviour therapy[edit | edit source]

For patients with prominent mood (depression, hopelessness, and anxiety) and behavioral (explosivity, impulsivity, short fuse) symptoms, psychological therapy/counseling by a clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, or psychiatrist is recommended[3].

References[edit | edit source]

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