
Introduction[edit | edit source]

Lymphedema stages.png
  • Lymphedema is a chronic disease marked by the increased collection of lymphatic fluid in the body, causing swelling, which can lead to skin and tissue changes.
  • The chronic, progressive accumulation of protein-rich fluid within the interstitium and the fibro-adipose tissue exceeds the capacity of the lymphatic system to transport the fluid.
  • Swelling associated with lymphedema can occur anywhere in the body, including the arms, legs, genitals, face, neck, chest wall, and oral cavity.
  • There are many psychological, physical, and social sequelae related to a diagnosis of lymphedema.
  • Lymphedema is classified as either (genetic) primary lymphedema or (acquired) secondary lymphedema[1].

Signs and symptoms of lymphedema include

  • Distal swelling in the extremities including the arms, hands, legs, feet; swelling proximally in the breast, chest, shoulder, pelvis, groin, genitals, face/intraoral tissues
  • Restricted range of motion in the joints because of swelling and tissue changes
  • Skin discoloration
  • Pain and altered sensation
  • Limb heaviness;
  • Difficulty fitting into clothing[1].

Etiology[edit | edit source]

Primary lymphoedema pic.png

Primary lymphedema is an inherited or congenital condition that causes a malformation of the lymphatics system, most often because of genetic mutation. Primary lymphedema: subdivided into 3 categories:

  • Congenital lymphedema, present at birth, or recognized within two years of birth;
  • Lymphedema praecox, occurring at puberty or the beginning of the third decade;
  • Lymphedema tarda, which begins after 35 years of age.
Secondary causes pic.png

Secondary lymphedema results from insult, injury, or obstruction to the lymphatic system.

  • Most common cause of lymphedema worldwide is filariasis caused by infection by Wuchereria bancrofti
  • In developed countries, most secondary lymphedema cases are due to malignancy or related to the treatment of malignancy. This includes surgical excision of lymph nodes, local radiation treatment, or medical therapy.
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer associated with secondary lymphedema in developed countries[1].

Epidemiology[edit | edit source]

Primary lymphedema is rare, affecting 1 in 100,000 individuals.

Secondary lymphedema is the most common cause of the disease and affects approximately 1 in 1000 Americans[1].

The identification of the incidence and prevalence of lymphedema is complex.

  • Lymphedema is remarkably prevalent, but the population implications of lymphatic dysfunction are not well studied. Prevalence estimates for lymphedema are relatively high, yet its prevalence is likely underestimated.

The incidence of lymphedema is most widely studied in the oncologic population.

  • One in 5 women who survive breast cancer will develop lymphedema.
  • In head and neck cancer, lymphatic and soft tissue complications can develop throughout the first 18 months post-treatment, with greater than 90% of patients experiencing some form of internal, external, or combined lymphedema. Over half of those patients developing fibrosis.
  • In one recent study, 37% of women treated for gynecological cancer had measurable evidence of lymphedema within 12 months post-treatment.
  • In the gynecologic oncologic population, more extensive lymph node dissection, receipt of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, increasing body mass index, insufficient levels of physical activity, a diagnosis of vulvar/vaginal cancer, and presence of pre-treatment lymphedema were identified as potential risk factors to lymphedema development[1].
  • Cellulitis is a one of the leading causes in developing lymphoedema. In 2003-2004 there were 45,522 cellulitis admissions reported by the NHS.[2]

Pathophysiology[edit | edit source]

Primary lymphedema

  • Associated with dysplasia of the lymphatic system and can also develop with conditions of other vascular abnormalities, including Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, and Turner syndrome.
  • Primary lymphedema is marked by hyperplasia, hypoplasia, or aplasia of the lymphatic vessels.

Secondary lymphedema

  • Develops due to damage or dysfunction of the normally functioning lymphatic system.
  • Although cancer treatments, including oncologic surgical procedures such as axillary lymph node dissection and excision in breast cancer and radiation treatment, are the most common cause of lymphedema in the United States, filariasis is the most common cause of secondary lymphedema globally.
  • Filariasis is the direct infestation of lymph nodes by the parasite, Wuchereria bancrofti. The spread of the parasite by mosquitos affects millions of people in the tropic and subtropic regions of Asia, Africa, Westen Pacific, and Central and South America.
  • Oncologic surgical procedures such as sentinel lymph node biopsy and radical dissection that require excision of regional lymph nodes or vessels can lead to the development of secondary lymphedema.
  • Other surgical procedures linked to secondary lymphedema development include peripheral vascular surgery, burn scar excision, vein stripping, and lipectomy.

Nonsurgical causes of lymphedema include

  • Recurrent tumors or malignancy that have metastasized to the lymph nodes
  • Obstructive lesions within the lymphatic system
  • Infected and/or traumatized lymphatic vessels
  • Scar tissue obliterating the lumen of the lymphatic vessels.
  • Edema from deep venous thrombosis (DVT) or nonobstructive causes of chronic venous insufficiency at the extremities may lead to secondary lymphedema.

Although there is no definitive cure for lymphedema, with proper diagnosis and management, its progression and potential complications can successfully be managed[1].

Characteristics/Clinical Presentation[edit | edit source]

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There are both physical and psychological effects of the chronic condition[3][4]. Early diagnosis is vital to ensure the correct treatment is chosen.

Physical Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Swelling in an arm or a leg. It may be the entire limb or only parts . Most likely unilateral, but can be bilateral
  • In the early stages pitting oedema occurs where the skin is pressed leaving an indent in the swelling. Elevating the arm creates a draining effect to reduce swelling
  • Can be fibrosis, pitting edema
  • Limbs can feel heavy and achy
  • There is altered sensation, for example, pins and needles, burning
  • Reduced mobility and range of movement of the affected limb/s
  • Pain and joint discomfort
  • Skin changes, for example redness and increased temperature
  • Nail discoloration[5]
  • Hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin) and lymphangiectasia (dilated superficial lymph vessels)[6] 
  • Reoccurring infections in the involved limb
  • Hardening, thickening, or tightness of the skin[7][8]
  • Loss of hair
  • Loss of sleep[9]
  • Symptoms can increase during warm weather, menstruation, and if the limb has been left in its depended position.[10]
  • If primary and affecting the intestine signs and symptom include; abdominal bloating, diarrhea, and intolerance of fatty foods.[8]

When the condition affects the lower extremities, over time the affected person’s gait pattern is altered, leading to a higher risk of disability. The pictures below show how lymphodema can appear in the lower limbs. 

Lymphoedema red leg.png                Lymphoedema leg no. 2.png                  Lymphoedema leg no. 3.png

Figure 2[11]

Figure 3 [12]

Figure 4 [13]

Psychological Effects[edit | edit source]

There are psychological effects associated with the condition as a result of changes to body image.

  • Swelling and weight gain impact physical appearance that can affect one’s perception of how they look, consequently decreasing their self-confidence [14][4]
  • People commonly detach themselves from social events with family and friends leading to social isolation[15]
  • Disturbed sleeping pattern
  • Some people may feel they have a lack of support
  • Financial concerns as a consequence of treatment cost and potential job loss/change[15]
  • Some cancer survivors that have acquired secondary lymphoedema feel that it can be a constant reminder of previously having cancer[16]
  • For those that experience unilateral lymphoedema, commonly different sizes of garmets have to be worn on each side of the body and oversized clothes have to be worn because items such as jeans dont fit the limbs[16]. Psychologically this can largely impact the person because they may not feel comfortable with the way they look and therefore exclude themselves from public situations

Mason et al.[17]conducted a systematic review of literature that looked at the psychosocial aspects related to lymphoedema. It was found that people with the condition experience anger, depression, anxiety and relationship issues. People can feel embarrassed having to wear different clothes due to compression bandaging, swelling and weight gain. Ultimately, there is an overall decrease in quality of life (QoL) from reduced social and leisure activities. The study concluded more research is required that focuses on improving specific psychosocial issues rather targeting QoL to resolve issues such as anger and depression.

Another study[15] looked at the incidence, cost of treatment and complications of lymphoedema following breast cancer treatment. It concluded that 10% of the 1877 participant showed signs of lymphoedema 2 years after breast cancer treatment. A complication of the condition was the high medical costs for treatment. This lead to increased length of stay in hospital and ultimately reduced the patient’s QoL[15].

It is important for health professionals to recognise and fully understand the psychological and psychosocial implications for each individual patient to ensure person-centred care is provided. Communication and appropriate referrals to other health professionals is important in overall management of the condition, for example social workers and psychologists.

Stages of Lymphoedema[edit | edit source]

There are 4 stages which are discussed in the table below[18]. Lymphoedema is a chronic and incurable condition so treatment strategies focus on reducing disease progression through the stages. For example, management may focus of swelling reduction and infection prevention.

Lymphedema has been classified into grades of severity by the International Society of Lymphology:

Stage Description
0 (Latency) Lymph transport capacity is reduced, no clinical edema is present. Patient may have subjective complaints.
1 (Reversible) Pitting edema reduces with elevation; Increasing edema with increase in activity, heat, and humidity.
2 (Spontaneously irreversible) Edema with evidence of fibrosis. Does not resolve overnight; does not regress with elevation, increasingly more difficult to pit. Skin and tissue changes present in severe stage 2.
3 (Lymphostatic elephantiasis) Severe non-pitting fibrotic edema with significant increase in connective and in scar tissue. Trophic changes are evident (hardening/induration of dermal tissues, skin folds, skin papillomas, and hyperkeratosis) [8][19][10]

*patient lacking a hugely edematous extremity but with long-standing chronic edema and secondary tissue changes would still be classified as Stage 3.

The picture below shows how each of the above stages appear in the lower limb. 

Stages picture.png

Associated Co-morbidities[edit | edit source]

Risk factors for lymphedema include:

  • Removal or radiation of the lymph nodes
  • Tumors blocking the flow of lymph fluids
  • Overweight or obesity[9]
  • Diabetes
  • Infection
  • Scar tissues of lymph vessels by radiation
  • Post surgery inflammation
  • Increased Age
  • Poor nutrition
  • Cancer[20]

In addition, Presence of Lymhedema leads to significant morbidity, activity and participation restriction, reduced quality of life and economic hardship.[21]

Diagnostic Test[edit | edit source]

A thorough history must be taken. Palpation of the lymph nodes must be done to see if they are swollen or there are any abnormal changes. Measurements for the swelling limbs should also be taken.[9] In diagnosing the diagnostic tool used is the isotope lymphograph also called lymphoscintigraphy or lymphangioscintigraphy(LAS) is used to determine abnormal lymph nodes and lymphatics. Other imaging tools are MRI, MR Lymphography techniques, computed tomography (CT), Perometry, Bioimpedance analysis, Patient-Reported symptom assessments, ultrasonography(US), and DEXA,etc.[19][21]Progress can be measured by limb circumference and water displacement.[10] Clinicians must be reminded that none of the diagnostic tool is perfect in terms of accuracy.[21]

Systemic Involvement[edit | edit source]

Lymphedema can cause thickening of the dermis and can create ulcerations of the skin. Increased problems healing due to decreased oxygen supply to the tissue. The skin will stretch and cause folds in the skin. It can increase the risk of bacterial or fungal infections underneath the skin folds.
The increased swelling and weight of the limb can create problems in gait, ROM, functions, decreased sensation, balance, strength, increased fatigue and joint contracture due to inactivity.
If primary lymphedema is at birth then it could affect internal organs, including genitals and intestines.
If lymphedema is in the neck, jaw, or shoulders it could involve problems with speech, respiratory function, and swallowing.[8]

Medical Management[edit | edit source]

  • Primary lymphedema can be treated with sclerotherapy to seal a leaky lymph vessels and prevent reflux into the abdomen. Radiation therapy and surgical dissections[8]
  • Removal of abnormal lymph vessels[22]
  • Microsurgeries performed on lymph vessels to amastomose to a vein or another functional lymph vessel. It has an increased mortality and morbidity rate and are unsuccessful. [8]

Medications[edit | edit source]

There is not a specific lymphedema drug available. Different drugs such as benzopyrones ( Coumarin, Venalot, Daflon, natural ingredients such as rutin, horse chestnut, and rapeseed extract) can affect an increase in proteolysis, which can act to decrease protein concentration and decrease lymphedema. There is a chance for drug toxicity with these drugs. Diuretics that are used for sodium retention edema, are also being prescribed, even though they don’t affect lymphedema. Diuretics can cause an increase risk for electrolyte imbalance. Medications that could cause edema in the legs include NSAIDs, Norvasc for hypertension, Avandia for diabetes, and Lyrica[1] for diabetic neuropathy and shingles. Some chemotherapy medicines may cause a disturbance in behavior that could cause a lack of compliance with treatment.[8]

Physical Therapy Management[edit | edit source]

If treatment for cancer is necessary that should be completed first.[8] Practice pattern H in the Guide to Physical Therapy can help guide your interventions with lymphedema and the complications.[23] Physiotherapy can play a major role in the management of Lymphoedema, for a more indepth guide to physical therapy interventions visit here.

Interventions include:

  • Manual lymph drainage (to help improve the flow of lymph from the affected arm or leg from proximal to distal).
  • Short/low stretch Compression garment wear following lymphatic drainage.
  • Skin Hygiene and care (such as cleaning the skin of the arm or leg daily and moisten with lotion).
  • Exercise to improve cardiovascular health and help decrease swelling in some cases.
  • Patient education (instruction in proper diet to decrease fluid retention and how to avoid injury and infection, anatomy, and self bandaging).
  • Compression pumps
  • Psychological and emotional support
  • Garment fitting.[20][8][19]

Complex Decongestive Therapy:

  • Phase 1:
    • Skin care
    • Light manual massage (manual lymph drainage)
    • ROM
    • Compression (multi-layered bandage wrapping, highest level tolerated 20-60 mm Hg)
  • Phase 2:Image:Lymphedema_02_Base_175.jpg vascularweb.orgImage:Lymphdema_legs_pump.jpg
    • Compression by low-stretch elastic stocking or sleeve
    • Skin care
    • Exercise
    • Light massage as needed

Contraindications for compression includes arterial disease, painful postphlebitic syndrome, and occult visceral neoplasia.[19]

Differential Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Evidence[edit | edit source]

Courneya K, Mackey J, Bell G.Randomized Controlled Trial of Exercise Training in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Survivors: Cardiopulmonary and Quality of Life Outcomes. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 21, Issue 9 (May), 2003: 1660-1668. Accessed on 4/5/2011.

Badger C, Peacock J, Mortimer P. A Randomized, Controlled, Parallel-Group Clinical Trial Comparing Multilayer Bandaging Followed by Hosiery versus Hosiery Alone in the Treatment of Patients with Lymphedema of the Limb. Cancer 2000;88:2832–7.© 2000 American Cancer Society.  Accessed on 4/5/2011.
McNeely M, Magee D, Lees A, Bagnall K. The Addition of Manual Lymph Drainage to Compression Therapy For Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Volume 86, Number 2, 95-106. Accessed on 4/5/2011.

Resources[edit | edit source]

National Cancer Institute

Northwest Medical Center

References[edit | edit source]

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