IPTOP Project


Description[edit | edit source]

Following on from the AGILE Project the IPTOP Project is the second phase of a collaborative effort from physiotherapists with an interest in Older People to engage on line alongside people with similar interests. The project is based on work assisted and ratified by AGILE to update their Physiotherapy and Older People: A resource for student and newly qualified physiotherapists booklet (2010) and will subsequently be internationalised by Association of International Physical Therapists working with Older People (IPTOP).

Where possible, sources of evidence have been highlighted for you to research more, plus the project is divided into sections covering topics such as demographics, theories of ageing, policy, physiology and physiotherapy assessment and management.

The idea of the project is that it will permit physiotherapists worldwide to explore global issues together to the benefit of the older adult community as well as the profession.

Project Lead[edit | edit source]

Bhanu Ramaswamy

Project Dates[edit | edit source]

June 2012 - ongoing

Articles[edit | edit source]

Policy[edit | edit source]

Physiology[edit | edit source]

Physiotherapy[edit | edit source]