Female Athlete Triad

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Ballet dancers at risk

The female athlete triad comprises three medical conditions, and is seen commonly in active teen girls:

  • Energy imbalance with or without an eating disorder
  • Menstrual disturbances
  • Decreased bone mineral density with or without osteoporosis[1]

The components of the female athlete triad are interconnected:

  • Disordered eating leads to inadequate nutrition.
  • Inadequate nutrition affects the production of hormones such as estrogen.
  • As estrogen has an important role in bone development, low levels of estrogen leads to weakened bones and increasing the risk of injury.[2]


Epidemiology[edit | edit source]

Studies suggest that between 15-62% of the female athletic population exhibit disordered eating behaviours. Amenorrhea among female athletes range between 3-66%, depending on the definition that is used.[2]

Gymnasts: risk group

Risk Factors

Those at greatest risk are girls involved in sports in which performance is scored subjectively, a low bodyweight is a focus, figure hugging clothing is required for competition, weight categories are used for participation and an immature body is seen as better for performance.[2]

  • Categories of athletes at risk include: runner, dancers, gymnastics, figure skaters.[1]
  • At greater risk are highly competitive athletes.[4]
  • Younger individuals are greatly impacted by the non-reversible, long-term consequences of this syndrome. In fact, a study on animals found that low energy availability can decrease growth and hinder sexual development.[5]

Mechanisms[edit | edit source]

Becoming aware of how each component can develop and present itself will aid healthcare providers and other stakeholders in sport in the early recognition of the female athlete triad.

Low Energy Availability With or Without an Eating Disorder[edit | edit source]

A low energy availability (EA) can be due to decreased dietary energy intake and/or increased energy expended during exercise and, when EA is low, this leads to less energy available for body functions.

  • Some athletes may participate in restrictive diets or use pills or laxatives.[6][7][8][9][10][11]
  • Other athletes may have a diagnosis of an eating disorder (eg Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder)[12] e Eating disorders can cause many problems, including dehydration, muscle fatigue and weakness, an erratic heartbeat, kidney damage, osteoporosis and hormone imbalances.[13]

Menstrual Dysfunction[edit | edit source]

Menstrual Dysfunctions include:

  1. Primary amenorrhea: pre-adolescent who hasn’t had a menstrual period by the age of 16 or has gone two years following the development of secondary sex characteristics without menarche. Eating disorders may be the cause.
  2. Secondary amenorrhea: menstruation ceases for three months or longer in a woman who has previously had normal menstruation. An integral part of anorexia nervosa.
  3. Oligomenorrhea: menstrual cycle occurs at irregular intervals.[2]

Low Bone Mineral Density[edit | edit source]

Bone is a dynamic structure, constantly being remodeled by osteoclasts and osteoblasts. This is controlled by a myriad of factors eg steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, cytokines, and growth factors. Female athletes, functioning at a low estrogen state, have less osteoblastic activity. Athletes require 5% to 15% higher bone mineral density than age-matched nonathlete. Reduced bone mineral density increases bone fragility and increase the risk of fractures. Stress fractures occirence is greater in amenorrheic athletes, and bone density has been shown to negatively correlate with the number of missed menstrual cycles since menarche.

Manifestations (including systemic involvement)[edit | edit source]

  • Weight loss
  • Absent or irregular menstrual cycles (includes primary and secondary amenorrhea, as well as oligomenorrhea)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fractures without significant trauma (low force cause); most common location is the tibia[14][15][16][17]
  • Compulsive exercise
  • Increased infections and illnesses[18]
  • Decreased ability to recovery from injuries (slower tissue repair)[19]
  • Anxiety[20][21]
  • Depression[20][22]
  • Nutrient deficits
  • Esophagitis and oesophageal perforation if self-induced vomiting[23]
  • Constipation[24]
  • Changes in thyroid function, appetite, decrease in insulin, increase in cortisol, and resistance to growth hormones[25][26][27][28][29]
  • Increased cardiovascular risk (including atherosclerosis)[30] due to increase in bad lipids and endothelial dysfunction[31]
  • Decreased resting metabolic rate[32]
  • Slowed growth[33][34][35]
  • Impaired athletic performance
  • Reduced muscle mass[36]
  • Vaginal dryness[37]

Screening and Risk Factor Stratification[edit | edit source]

Screening for female athlete triad should occur for all female high school and college athletes[38] as part of the Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (PPE),[39][40][41] at annual check-ups,[42][43][44] as well as during evaluation for the signs and symptoms related to the triad (e.g., stress fractures, menstrual dysfunction).[18] Physiotherapists are often the first clinical encounter for many athletes. Physiotherapists have the ability to refer their patients onwards to undergo further investigations, which may require some advocating. Furthermore, having knowledge of the triad and the ability to screen for it is compulsory in primary and secondary prevention. Screening questions can be incorporated into the subjective portion of physiotherapy assessments and treatments.[45]

Despite a number of validated tools that detect disordered eating, a tool does not currently exist which detects low energy availability (EA). Considering that evidence supports the role low EA plays in menstrual dysfunction and poor bone health, a screening tool to identify the triad in its earlier stages would help to minimize the risk of long-term consequences. An observational study by Melin and colleagues (2014)[46] tested a questionnaire’s ability to detect athletes at risk of developing the female athlete triad. These researchers created the LEAF-Q; a 25-item, self-report questionnaire with a sensitivity of 78% and a specificity of 90% for detecting low EA, menstrual dysfunction, and poor bone health.[46] Unfortunately, this tool does not seem to be readily accessible online.

The 2014 Female Athlete Triad Coalition Consensus (Triad Coalition) Statement on Treatment and Return to Play of the Female Athlete Triad, by De Souza and colleagues (2014),[38] identified the following 9 questions that adolescent females should be asked as part of the PPE to screen for the Triad:[38]  

  • "Have you ever had a menstrual period?"
  • "How old were you when you had your first menstrual period?"
  • "When was your most recent menstrual period?"
  • "How many periods have you had in the past 12 months?"
  • "Are you presently taking any female hormones (estrogen, progesterone, birth control pills)?"
  • "Do you worry about your weight?"
  • "Are you trying to or has anyone recommended that you gain or lose weight?"
  • "Are you on a special diet or do you avoid certain types of foods or food groups?"
  • "Have you ever had an eating disorder?"
  • "Have you ever had a stress fracture?"
  • "Have you ever been told you have low bone density (Osteopenia or Osteoporosis)?"

The De Souza and colleagues (2014)[38] also created a Cumulative Risk Assessment that classifies athletes into high risk, moderate risk, or low-risk groups, which directly correlate with how much sport activity they should participate in. To find out the Cumulative Risk Score, risk factors are added together. Full clearance for participation requires 0-1 points, provisional/limited clearance requires 2-5 points, and restricted from training and competition requires 6 or more points.[38] Click here to access the article and the Cumulative Risk Assessment.   

Around the same time, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Consensus group[23] created an updated term for the triad, called the Relatively Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). Mountjoy and colleagues (2014)[23] believe RED-S is more suitable because it is not actually a triad, but a syndrome associated with numerous physiological impairments that affect health and performance. The RED-S Clinical Assessment tool can be readily accessed at the following link: RED-S Clinical Assessment Tool for the Evaluation of Athletes. With the tool, athletes can be classified into high risk, moderate risk, or low-risk groups, which also correlate with how much sport activity they should participate in. Additionally, the RED-S risk assessment[23] also has a stepwise approach for determining an athlete’s readiness to return-to-play. 

Koltun and colleagues (2019)[47] compared the Triad Coalition[38] and RED-S[23] tools and how they classified an athlete’s level of risk and recommendation for return-to-play using the same 166 individuals. Using the Triad Coalition tool, 25.3% of subjects were fully cleared, 62.0% were provisionally cleared, and 12.7% were restricted.[47] In comparison, using the RED-S tool, 71.7% were fully cleared, 18.7% were provisionally cleared, and 9.6% were restricted.[47] Furthermore, both of the tools differ quite significantly in that the Triad Coalition tool was more conservative and the RED-S tool was more liberal.[47] Koltun and colleagues (2019)[47] conclude that this should not be concerning since the main differences seem to be in deciding whether an athlete should return-to-play fully or provisionally. 

Holtzman and colleagues (2019)[48] performed another study comparing the 2 tools. The study involved 1000 athletes. The researchers found, using the Triad Coalition tool, 54.7% were moderate and 7.9% were high risk and, using the RED-S tool, 63.2% were moderate and 33% were high.[48] Holtzman and colleagues (2019)[48] conclude that the tools agree upon which athletes are at some level of risk, but not necessarily the exact level. 

De Souza and colleagues (2020)[49] addressed the differences in results found by Koltun and colleagues (2019)[47] and Holtzman and colleagues (2019).[48] De Souza and colleagues (2020)[49] attributed them to the variability between the users, which stemmed from the lack of “explicit, well-defined risk factors and scoring instructions”[49] for the RED-S tool. De Souza and colleagues (2020)[49] recommend that the RED-S team implement revisions. However, they also noted that some limitations exist with the Triad Coalition tool, despite it having a more clearly defined scoring system for risk stratification.[49] For example, The Triad Coalition tool requires access to dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and presents difficulty identifying low energy availability.[49] In a recent article, Koltun and colleagues (2020)[50] proposed ways to address the limitations with the Triad Coalition tool,[38] which included, amongst other things, substituting a delayed menarche for low bone mineral density (BMD) and incorporating self-report questionnaires for low energy availability.  

Investigations[edit | edit source]

If there is suspicion that the athlete may have 1 of the triad components, investigations should be performed by the appropriate members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team.[18][38] A healthcare provider should measure height, weight, and vital signs,[51][52] as well as check for poorly circulated hands and feet, lanugo hair, and enlargement of the parotid gland.[51]

Athletes with disordered eating or low energy availability may undergo the following laboratory tests:[51][53][54][55]

  • Electrolytes
  • Chemistry profile
  • Complete blood count
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Urinalysis

Dietary logs (3-day, 4-day, 7-day, 24-hour dietary recall or food-frequency questionnaires)[56] should also be used by dietitian's to gauge an athlete's dietary energy intake.

Energy expenditure can be measured with heart rate monitors and accelerometers.[57] Self-report can also be used and the 2011 Compendium of Physical Activities can be used to carry out the calculation (exercise expenditure in kcal= metabolic equivalents of task x weight in kilograms x duration of activity in hours).[58]

A diagnosis of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea is made by excluding other causes of amenorrhea (those that are not weight loss-related, stress-related, or exercise-related amenorrhea).[54][59][60][61] This may involve a pregnancy test and other tests to rule out endocrinopathies.

De Souza and colleagues (2014)[38] recommend dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to assess an athlete's BMD if they meet the following criteria:

  • ≥1 high risk factors: 1) history of diagnosed eating disorder, 2) body mass index (BMI) ≤17.5kg/m^2, <85% of estimated weight, or ≥10% weight loss in 1 month, 3) menarche ≥16 years of age, 4) history of <6 menses over 12 months, 5) 2 previous stress fractures or non-traumatic fracture, 6) z-score of <-2.0 measured at least 1 year ago
  • ≥2 moderate risk factors: 1) history of disordered eating for ≥6 months, 2) BMI of 17.5-18.5, <90% of estimated weight, or 5-10% weight loss in 1 month, 3) menarche between 15 and 16 years of age, 4) history of 6-8 menses over 12 months, 5) history of 1 fracture without significant trauma, 6) z-score between -1.0 and -2.0 measured at least 1 year ago
  • Athletes using medications for ≥6 months that may have negative effects on bone health should also be considered for DXA.

Repeat DXA investigations depend on the athlete's status.[38] It is recommend that an athlete undergoes DXA again 1-2 years after the initial one.[38]

Management[edit | edit source]

When approaching the Triad with an affected athlete it is important to recognize this may be a sensitive topic. Treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach.[18][62] The team may be comprised of various healthcare providers including a physician, registered dietitian, mental health practitioner, physiotherapist[18][63][64] (and/or athletic trainer or exercise physiologist), and coach.[45] While interventions can have both pharmacological and non-pharmacological components, non-pharmacological treatment methods are to be the initial course of action.[38] Pharmacological interventions should be considered if there is no improvement after a year of non-pharmacological intervention and/or the athlete has a relevant history of fractures.[38]

Pharmacological interventions[edit | edit source]

Pharmacological interventions may include oral contraceptives, gonadal steroids (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone), other bone restorative medications, recombinant parathyroid hormone, antidepressants. However, as previously mentioned, pharmacological interventions should not be a first-line therapy. There is a lack of evidence to support them.[38]

Non-pharmacological interventions[edit | edit source]

Low energy availability (EA) is generally directly related to menstrual dysfunction and low bone mineral density (BMD) so it is addressed first and foremost.[18][23] Depending on the cause of low EA, the athlete should be referred to a sports dietitian for nutritional education and counselling. If there is suspicion of a clinical eating disorder, the athlete should be referred to a mental health professional for psychological treatment.[18][65] Depending on the severity, inpatient treatment may be needed. Energy expenditure may also need to be altered by reducing or ceasing exercise.[66] It is believed that normalizing body weight will promote the return of menses and improve bone health.[18][42][67][68][69] When it comes to low BMD, addressing low EA, increasing body weight, having a regular menstrual cycle, and ensuring adequate calcium and vitamin D are recommended.[38]

Role for Physical Therapy in Management[edit | edit source]

A study by Pantano (2009)[70] involved 205 physiotherapists and found that 61% self-reported having knowledge of the triad and all 3 of its components. However, when actively assessed, only 21% knew the spectrum.[70] Pantano (2009)[70] concluded that physiotherapists need to play a larger role in the prevention of the triad. Physiotherapists possess the knowledge and skills to help prevent a condition from happening in the first place or increasing in severity. They also help maintain and restore function in those dealing with particular conditions. 

Through presentations and discussions, physiotherapists can educate stakeholders in sport on the importance of adopting healthy behaviours and the role physiotherapy plays in preventing and treating the triad.[70] As mentioned earlier on this page, screening athletes is very important. If there is suspicion of any triad component, the athlete should be referred onwards to a physician, dietitian, and/or mental health professional for further investigations. This may require the physiotherapist to advocate for their patients. 

Physiotherapists can play a role in assessing, modifying and monitoring an athlete’s activity, such that they can help place less focus on cardiovascular training.[70] Case studies have shown improvements in bone health after athletes with amenorrhea gained some weight,[71][72] but it is not likely that this will restore BMD by itself.[38] Resistance exercises,[73][74] including weight-training, should also be incorporated 2-3 days a week.[75] While simple low-impact weight-bearing exercise has been shown to increase BMD during menopause, it is likely not enough for younger athletes.[76] Additionally, high-impact sports, including running, may increase an athlete’s risk of developing stress fractures if they do not have adequate BMD to withstand the repeated forces. Lastly, it is also important to note that physiotherapists have the knowledge and skills to recognize and manage stress fractures and osteoporosis. See American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: Physical Activity and Bone Health. 

As part of a multidisciplinary team, physiotherapists will work closely with others to determine an athlete’s readiness to return-to-play. If the athlete is not ready to fully return-to-play it is recommended athletes receive a written contract from the physician. The physician will work with each multidisciplinary team member to develop treatment goals and a plan that will allow the athlete to progress. Prior to 2014, there were no guidelines on clearing an athlete, but something like the Clearance and Return-to-Play Guidelines by Medical Risk Stratification, or the Decision-Based Return-to-Play model[38] could be incorporated. Click here to access the article and resources for return-to-play.

More Resources[edit | edit source]


Female Athlete Triad Coalition - http://www.femaleathletetriad.org/

APTA - http://www.moveforwardpt.com/symptomsconditionsdetail.aspx?cid=0ca4bf2e-6d14-4b90-b1ec-ed8ebe13069e

NCAA - http://www.ncaa.org/health-and-safety/sport-science-institute/female-athlete-body-project

References[edit | edit source]

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