Tennis Elbow Management

Assessment of Tennis Elbow

Frame work for rehab[edit | edit source]

Management of tennis elbow (Lateral Epicondyle Tendinopathy) is similar in concept and approach to tendon rehabilitation. For the benefit of achieving long term goals, rehabilitation should be a multi-modal perspective and also to meet individual needs. We explored the different causes and associations of Tennis Elbow in the assessment course including, central sensitization, muscle and tendon structural changes and mechanical abnormalities. Hence, there is a need to examine all these aspects in the history taking and objective examination and consider them when designing a rehabilitation programme.

Patient education[edit | edit source]

Load management[edit | edit source]

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Pain management[edit | edit source]

MWM[edit | edit source]

Steroid injection[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]