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Introduction[edit | edit source]

Coaching and Mentoring have been widely used concepts for many years. They are sometimes used as interchangeable terms but they are different concepts. There is no standard definition for coaching or mentoring that is agreed upon on in all circles of literature. What is most important in any coaching or mentoring relationship is that the exact roles of the coach and coachee, or mentor and mentee, is understood and agreed upon between both parties[1]. Coaching is more focused and goal oriented, aimed at optimizing performance, whereas mentoring is often focused more on personal and professional growth.

Coaching[edit | edit source]

Definition[edit | edit source]

Coaching is “a focused and deliberate conversation designed to facilitate learning and improve performance.” [2] Coaching encompasses the belief that the person being coached, or coachee, has the solutions within them and the coach facilitates the discovery of these solutions. [3]

Coaching Effectiveness [3][edit | edit source]

Coaching has been widely researched in the literature. There is, however, a lack of standardised outcome measures to truly assess the efficacy of coaching. It can also be difficult to truly measure outcomes, depending on what the participant's goals were. Personal growth is often difficult to measure. The general consensus is that coaching can be very effective in a variety of situations but a lot depends on the coach themselves and the buy-in from the coachee. [3]

Approaches[1][3][edit | edit source]

There are different approaches and methods when it comes to coaching. A Humanistic Approach is growing in popularity as its focus lies on bringing out the clients best potential. Behavioural coaching is much more structured and involves examining one's values and motivations and then working with goal setting. A cognitive behavioural approach uses the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy to manage problems by changing the way one thinks. Motivational Interviewing approaches to coaching use the core skills of Motivational Interviewing to elicit the change. There are also psychodynamic approaches, Gestalt approaches, Narrative approaches as well as positive psychological approaches. All approaches use different means to achieve the same outcome. The coaches main aim is to facilitate change in the coachee, using the coachee's intrinsic abilities, each approach is unique in the way the change is facilitated.

Mentoring[edit | edit source]

Definition[edit | edit source]

Mentoring is a relationship between a more experienced individual, the mentor, and a less experienced mentee where the aim of the relationship is for growth of the mentee in a personal or professional capacity. The mentor can serve a variety of roles; supporter, guide and teacher, supervisor or even assessor[4].

Types of mentoring relationships[1][edit | edit source]

The traditional mentoring relationship is between someone who is normally older who is more knowledgeable and experienced and someone who is younger who is more inexperienced. There are other types of mentoring relationships that exist. Peer mentoring occurs between individuals and is seen as a mutual relationship where both parties find themselves as mentor and mentee. It is often found in school programmes where learners from the same year would learn from each other. Reverse mentoring is being found in organisations where the junior staff mentor the senior staff in technological advances. In healthcare reverse mentoring is seen where patients mentor healthcare professionals. Reverse mentoring can be an innovative way to introduce new ideas into a stale organisation or to reframe existing beliefs in an individual.

Virtual mentoring is becoming more popular with technological advances and the ability to correspond digitally. There are many advantages to e-mentoring in that there are fewer time constraints and you can mentor someone from anywhere in the world. Not being able to interact face to face does have its disadvantages and the non-verbal cues that a face to face interaction can give may be lost. Multitasking while using technology can also hinder the development of the mentoring relationship and this should be avoided.

Benefits of mentoring [5][edit | edit source]

A review that specifically looked at mentoring new graduates by more experienced physiotherapists looked at the benefits to the mentors and mentees. It found that there were both personal and professional benefits of mentoring to mentors[5]. Professionally the mentors had the opportunity to learn new skills from the mentees (reverse mentoring), their own skills were enhanced through the discussions and they were compensated for their mentoring time. Personally, the physiotherapists reported that they benefited by the satisfaction of helping someone else, they were boosted with a new desire to learn, it made them reflect on their own practice and forced them to keep up to date with current clinical skills.

In the same review, the benefits to the mentees were again both professional and personal. Professionally the mentees developed their clinical reasoning and decision-making ability, felt they were able to better handle complex clinical situations and improved their clinical skills. They felt they were given direction in their career and continued education pathways as well as empowered to foster the growth of their professional identities. Personally, they became aware of any gaps in their education knowledge their self-confidence and self-esteem were increased. The mentees expressed that the mentor relationship improved their self-confidence, self-esteem and independent thinking.

Mentoring and Coaching in Healthcare [4][edit | edit source]

Coaching can be applied to an inexhaustible amount of settings. There is room for coaching in any situation where someone needs to make a change or improve their skills. A coach can help that person bring about change whether it is in sports, life, business, teams etc. In healthcare, the healthcare professional can be seen as a coach to their patients. A healthcare professional is constantly trying to facilitate a change in their individual. This is especially evident when dealing with chronic diseases that require lifestyle changes in order to manage the condition. Things like smoking, nutrition, physical activity etc are all factors that are addressed in an encounter with a patient. Using coaching approaches may be helpful to bring about these changes.

Mentoring in healthcare has been implemented for a number of years. It can be found in formal mentor programmes in larger institutes such as hospitals but also in relationships that form between colleagues. A mentor-mentee relationship often develops between professionals in the same organisation, for example, a junior physiotherapist is mentored by a senior physiotherapist in a hospital. A more experienced person may take a more inexperienced person “under their wing” or the more inexperienced person may seek out a mentor to help them develop their skills and career. The ever-changing and practical nature of healthcare means that mentoring relationships are extremely important.

A recent study evaluated coaching and mentoring programmes in health care systems in five African countries.[6] It concluded that even though all the coaching and mentoring programmes were different in their approaches, all led to improvements in the health-care systems. These improvements could be seen in the quality of clinical care, data-driven

decision making, leadership and accountability, and staff satisfaction

Coaching vs Mentoring[edit | edit source]

The fundamental differences between coaching and mentoring are that coaching is very focused and goal driven often with more short term, performance-based goals. Mentoring is often a more long term relationship between an experienced and inexperienced individual where goals are more development driven and based on enhancing skills and knowledge. Often in a relationship, one can be both coach and mentor to an individual.

These videos highlight the differences between coaching and mentoring

How to develop as a mentor/ coach[edit | edit source]

The following list is from Garvey, Stokes and Megginson’s book on Coaching and Mentoring[1]

  1. Focus on self-awareness using experiential learning processes
  2. Teach theory only when experiential learning has started
  3. Learn interactively by raising learner awareness of development need and quickly have an opportunity to put it into practice
  4. Use intensive feedback in small groups where learners work with each other as peers
  5. Teach basic skills in a way that brings them to life
  6. Do real play – not role play, which uses scenarios of case study issues from the past
  7. Have long periods of practice (which are supervised) that follow on from initial training in which learners establish their own connections between self-awareness, skills, theory and their experience of practice.
  8. Challenge existing patterns of behaviour that may be unhelpful when coaching and mentoring
  9. Have a genuine belief in the learner’s potential and ability to learn and recognise that the learner's ability may exceed that of the teacher

The role of Emotions in Mentoring and coaching[edit | edit source]

Emotions play a significant role in coaching and mentoring. A mentor or coach that possesses a high Emotional Intelligence will be able to understand their protégé's emotions as well as their own and adjust their style of mentoring or coaching to obtain the best outcomes[3].

Negative Outcomes in Mentoring and Coaching Relationships[edit | edit source]

It is important to note that not all coaching and mentoring relationships end in positive outcomes. Negative mentoring experiences have shown to cause lowered job satisfaction and increased intention to leave organisations[3]. Negative outcomes may occur because of a poor mentor-mentee match, lack of interest by either the mentor or mentee, time constraints, poor planning or ethical breaches [2].

Ethical Considerations[edit | edit source]

Coaching and mentoring can often result in ethical dilemmas. Because there are few formal bodies or associations, particularly for mentoring, there are no clear cut ethical guidelines to follow. The American Psychology Association's, code of ethical principles is often the model that is followed, particularly in coaching circles[3]. In the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring,[3] the authors suggest the following general ethical principles

  1. Competence
  2. Do no harm
  3. Integrity
  4. Informed consent
  5. Avoiding or effectively managing multiple relationships (eg coach - friendship - romantic relationship)
  6. Confidentiality
  7. Conflicts of interest
  8. Being multiculturally and internationally competent

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.    Garvey R, Garvey B, Stokes P, Megginson D. Coaching and mentoring: Theory and practice. Sage; 2017 Oct 23.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jason Giesbrecht. Coaching and Mentoring Course Slides. Physioplus 2019
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Passmore J, Peterson D, Freire T. The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the psychology of coaching and mentoring. John Wiley & Sons; 2016 Aug 8.    
  4. 4.0 4.1 1.    Bayley H, Chambers R, Donovan C. The good mentoring toolkit for healthcare. CRC Press; 2018 Apr 17.  
  5. 5.0 5.1 1.    Yap HW, Mattar SA, Krishna R. Mentoring in Occupational therapy and Physiotherapy, its place in a Palliative Medicine multidisciplinary mentoring program. Journal of Pediatrics and Palliative Care. 2017 Mar 16;2(1):46-55.
  6. Manzi A, Hirschhorn LR, Sherr K, Chirwa C, Baynes C, Awoonor-Williams JK. Mentorship and coaching to support strengthening healthcare systems: lessons learned across the five population health implementation and training partnership projects in sub-Saharan Africa. BMC health services research. 2017 Dec;17(3):831.