PP02 - Week One

Introduction[edit | edit source]

This week you are going to explore the entire Physiopedia project, create your own profile page in Physiopedia and share these experiences.


Before you start the week one activities be sure that you have completed the pre-course activities.

Task 1: Familiarise yourself with the Physiopedia Project[edit | edit source]

Lets take a look around Physiopedia:

  1. Physiopedia - this is our open resource which can be viewed by anyone at any time but only edited by physiotherapists and physical therapists.
    • Use the search in the top right to search for articles on your favourite topic.
    • Click around the navigation sidebar on the left hand side - see if you can find the Presentations and the Decision Making Aids?  Also have a look for the User Tutorials, you will be needing these!
    • Take a look at the content creation Projects that we run.
    • Have a look at the other open courses that we run.
    • Take a look at our Partners who help to financially support all that we do.
  2. Physiospot - this is our online magazine.
    • Take a look at the Research section - this is where we highlight recently published research.
    • Take a look at the Voices section - this is where anyone can have their own professional column to share their experiences and opinions with the profession.
    • Take a look at the Interviews section - we love this section, wise words from our professions experts.
  3. Physiopedia Plus - this is where people can pay to access extra resources that we can't give away for free such as books, journal articles, videos etc.

Task 2: Create your Physiopedia profile[edit | edit source]

Your next task is to familiarise yourself with editing Physiopedia by editing your own profile page.  

Go to your user profile. You will notice that it has been populated with your short bio (from your account request) and some additional sub-headings. You should make this page complete by making edits to your page:

  1. Click the Edit tab.
  2. Write your text or make your changes in the editing box.
  3. Use the icons in the tool bar to style and format it appropriately.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

When creating your profile you should add an image, add additional text under each subheading where appropriate and add a link (perhaps to your workplace or some published work or presentation). Also make sure that you have a go at editing the wikitext which is the special wiki code that each page is built with. To view and edit the wikitext click the wikitext button in the editing toolbar (click again to return to the normal editing interface). Read more about wikitext here - Wikitext Help

Your Physiopedia profile is a great place to promote yourself and your work to clients, colleagues and potential employers. Remember this page is publicly accessible so be professional!

See some examples here:

More help here at the Editing Your Profile tutorial

Task 3: Discussion [edit | edit source]

Al the course discussions will take place in Slack.  You will have received an email inviting you to our course Slack team when you signed up for the course, if you haven't received this please let us know.

Go to Slack for all online discussions. Please post your discussions in the relevant discussion thread that will be set up for you. Look under the channels for each specific discussion:

  1. In the#Week 1 discussion one channel - Share a link to your profile page and tell us something about yourself - Say "Hi" to your fellow volunteers! You may have already done this as part of the pre-course activities but if you haven't please post a short summary which tells us where you live, where you work or study, how much experience you have and what you hope to get our of this course.
  2. In the #Week 1 discussion two channel- Following your exploration of the Physiopedia project post some thoughts on what you have learned - what has impressed you the most, what has disappointed you, what should we work more on?

Please feel free ask questions and to start your own discussions in the #general channel.  Use this channel to help each other out, it's all about team work!