Dance Injuries of the Foot and Ankle

Original Editor - Carin Hunter based on the course by Michelle Green-Smerdon
Top Contributors - Carin Hunter, Jess Bell, Kim Jackson, Olajumoke Ogunleye and Nupur Smit Shah

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Approximately 85% of dancers will have some form of musculoskeletal injury during their career and around 50% of these occur in the ankle or foot.[1] Moreover, injuries which are higher up in the chain will have an effect on the ankle and foot. The foot is essential to a dancer; it acts as their base of support, and it is a lever to propel movement and an important shock absorber. As well as this, most of a dancer's artistic expression comes from their foot.[1]

The incidence of injuries in dancers varies from 40% to 84%. Most injures are caused by low cardiovascular conditioning, joint hypermobility, postural deviations, and alterations in the body’s center of balance.[2]

“[F]or each 1000 hours of training, the injuries incidence diagnosed was from 0.62 to 5.6 injuries per dancers. Bearing in mind that the technical demand for a professional dancers is even higher, it is considered that this number increases drastically into the professional contest.”[2]

Acute vs Overuse Injuries[edit | edit source]

  • Acute[1]
    • Often attributed to poor technique and incorrect execution of jumps and landing
    • Dancer usually reports a specific incident
    • Many other contributing factors such as tiredness, fatigue or loss of balance
  • Overuse[1]
    • Excessive use
    • Repeated microtrauma

Risk Factors[edit | edit source]

The following are injury risk factors for dancers:[1]

  • Previous injuries
  • Poor rehabilitation
  • Anatomical posture
  • Poor training resulting in poor muscular strength[3]
  • Poor lumbopelvic control[4]
  • Technical mistakes[3]
  • Execution speed[3]
  • Choreographer
  • Dance style
  • Shoe fit and style
  • Floor type[2][5]

Additional contributing factors can include:[1]

  • Transitioning from part-time to professional dancer[6]
  • The foot can affect the knee, hip, core musculature and spine
  • Lack of turnout
  • Biomechanical requirements of pointe and demi-pointe, which require full plantarflexion with 90 degrees metatarsal phalangeal joint extension[4]
  • Floor type[2][5]
  • The dancer's body and their management
  • Psychology and expectations of dancers
  • Decreased triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) and tibialis posterior strength[7]
  • Decreased plantarflexion active range of motion[7]

Muscle weakness often results in:[1]

  • Rolling in and out of the ankles (increased ankle inversion / eversion)
  • Decreased stability en pointe
  • Decreased plantarflexion range of motion

Anterior Ankle Injuries[edit | edit source]

  • Anterior bone spurs
    • Often found in mature or retired dancers
  • Tibial stress syndrome[8]
  • Tibial stress fracture
  • Anterior ligament and tendon pathology
    • Commonly found in the extensor hallucus longus tendon - often occurs in dancers trying to improve their pointe work, when there are injuries in surrounding ligaments and when there is long-term instability
  • Anterior capsule synovitis
  • Anterior impingement

Anterior Impingement Syndrome[edit | edit source]

Anterior impingement syndrome is the primary anterior ankle injury in dancers:[1]

  • Aggravated by repetitive forced dorsiflexion
  • Symptoms are generally progressive in nature
  • Treatment:[1]
    • Educate the dancer on correct stretching, focus on strengthening the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
    • Address biomechanical faults and look higher up the chain for compensations or weakness
    • Mulligan mobilisation with movement, passive accessory movement, chair ankle rocker
    • Often responsive to conservative treatment.
    • Surgery is effective if condition has progressed far enough[9]
  • Ballet specific considerations
    • Dance movements which contribute to anterior impingement syndrome are: plié, forcing turnout and rolling ankles
    • Compensation: dancer lifts heel up earlier in a plié

Posterior Ankle Injuries[edit | edit source]

  • Posterior ankle impingement syndrome
  • Achilles tendinopathy[10]
    • The prevalence of this injury in dancers is due to movements such as: relevés, jumps, turns, and pointe work
    • Can be caused by tying ribbons incorrectly across the Achilles tendon or from dancing on hard floors
    • Changing choreographers is often a contributing factor, especially if the new choreographer advocates for an intense jumping routine[1]

Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome[edit | edit source]

  • Often referred to as Dancer's heel, can be bony or soft tissue
  • Aggravated by forced plantarflexion and often coincides with flexus hallucis longus tendinopathy
  • Symptoms include:
    • Pain and tenderness over the posterolateral aspect of the ankle
    • Pain with:
      • Active plantarflexion
      • Axial loading
      • Great toe dorsiflexion
  • Treatment
    • Education
    • Late-stage degeneration can be operated on[9][11]
  • Ballet specific considerations:
    • Biomechanics check: plié, grand plié, relevé
    • Stretch: hamstrings, adductors, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius and soleus
    • Strengthen: gluteals, hamstrings, adductors, abductors
    • Specific rehabilitation: mobility crawls, isometric single leg heel raise, eccentric single leg heel lowering
Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome in Ballet[edit | edit source]

As opposed to sports like football / soccer, which have intermittent demands (e.g. kicking the ball), ballet requires a controlled, persistent, extreme, active, and fully weightbearing state.[8]

Lateral Ankle Injuries[edit | edit source]

Lateral Ankle Sprain[edit | edit source]

  • Aggravated by weak triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) and posterior tibialis strength
  • Symptoms include: pain, swelling and instability
  • Treatment:[1]
    • Ice, strapping, electrotherapy modalities, muscle strengthening
  • Ballet specific considerations:[1]
    • Dancer regularly relies on feedback and stability from the lateral ligament[12]
    • Biomechanics check: First position pilé, relevé, passé, alignment in demi-pointe or pointe[10]
    • Stretch: hamstrings, quadriceps, adductors, iliopsoas, gastrocnemius and soleus
    • Strengthen: gluteals, dorsiflexors, everters
    • Specific rehabilitation: aggressive strengthening and proprioception, side plank theraband clamshell, straight leg bridges tap front around to back, resisted plantarflexion with eversion

Toe Injuries[edit | edit source]

Hallux Rigidus[edit | edit source]

  • Associated with the flexor hallucis longus,[14][15] which is the primary dynamic stabiliser of the medial ankle in pointe and demi-pointe positions[1]
  • Can be aggravated when the second toe is longer than the first,[14] or by excessive interphalangeal joint flexion compensation, also referred to as knuckling under
  • Symptoms include: stiff and painful joint[16]
  • Treatment:
    • Late-stage treatment is a surgical debridement[17]
  • Ballet specific considerations:[1]
    • Biomechanics check: first position and passé
    • Stretch: iliopsoas, quadriceps, adductors, calf muscles
    • Strengthen: gluteals, hamstrings, adductors, abductors
    • Specific rehabilitation: toe / ankle rocker with a toe spacer, great toe flexion and extension, isometric theraband toe abduction, flexion with theraband, toe abduction, toe separation

Sesamoiditis[edit | edit source]

Sesamoid bones are embedded within the flexor hallucis brevis (FHB) tendon and articulate with the plantar surface of the first metatarsal head. They help to stabilise the first metatarsal phalangeal joint and improve the power of the FHB tendon.[1]

  • In dance, they are aggravated by:[1]
    • Technical errors, such as rolling in, pronation and forcing turnout
    • Collapsed arches which puts more pressure on the sesamoids
    • Taking off and landing jumps especially without plié
    • Rolling into relevé / demi-pointe (more stressful than en pointe)
    • Walking with toe out gait
  • Symptoms include: pain under the first metatarsal head on the plantar forefoot, tenderness should move distally with dorsiflexion of great toe[1]
  • Treatment:[1]
    • Educate the dancer on the use of stiff soled shoes outside class, which offer more support
    • Encourage padding to off-load area
    • Always assess and correct alignment
    • Unfortunately this condition takes months to resolve
  • Ballet specific considerations:[1]
    • Stretch: hamstrings, gluteal muscles, adductors, and to roll out calf muscles
    • Strengthen: gluteal muscles, hamstrings, adductors, iliopsoas, intrinsic foot muscles
    • Specific rehabilitation: theraband clamshells, foam roll ball squeeze leg lowering, prone hamstring curl to hip extension

5th Metatarsal Fracture[edit | edit source]

  • Often referred to as a Dancer's fracture
  • Aggravated by twisting injuries
  • Remember to differentiate between a Dancer's fracture and a Jones fracture, which occurs further down towards the base of the 5th metatarsal (i.e. at the proximal metadiaphyseal junction[18]) and is caused by repetitive stress[1]
    • Please note, a Jones fracture requires surgery
  • Treatment of a Dancer's fracture is conservative / non-operative
  • Ballet specific considerations:[1]
    • Stretch: hamstrings, gluteal muscles, adductors, and roll out calf muscles
    • Strengthen: gluteal muscles, hamstrings, adductors, iliopsoas
    • Specific rehabilitation: side plank hip adduction, foam roll, quadruped donkey kicks, quadruped car wheel

Plantar Fasciitis[edit | edit source]

  • Plantar fasciitis is often associated with repetitive jumping, which is why it has a high prevalence in dancers[10]
  • Symptoms include:[1]
    • Heel pain with first steps in the morning
    • Heel pain after long periods of non-weight bearing
    • Tenderness to the anterior medial heel
    • Limited dorsiflexion and a tight Achilles tendon
    • A limp may be present or there may be a preference for toe walking
    • Pain is usually worse when barefoot on hard surfaces and with stair climbing
  • Treatment:[1]
  • Ballet specific considerations:[1]
    • Biomechanics check: Plié, developpe and gait
    • Stretch: iliopsoas, quadriceps, adductors, calf muscles
    • Strengthen: gluteal muscles, abductors, deep rotators
    • Specific rehabilitation: chair straight leg bridges, straight leg heel raises on stairs, ankle / toe rockers, strapping

For more specific physiotherapy treatment options please see the Plantar Fasciitis page.

Foot and Ankle Care[edit | edit source]

  • Pointe work should always be progressed slowly and only once the individual has been assessed
  • Foot alignment should always be monitored
  • Balance exercises, intrinsic foot exercises and calf stretching and strengthening should be included in training
  • Dancers should be encouraged to walk with a normal of angle of gait, which allows offloading of the hip rotators (i.e., not in a turnout position)[1]

References[edit | edit source]

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