How to Perform a Simple Literature Search

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

Finding the best evidence requires a systematic and strategic approach. It might be overwhelming at first, but searching literature can be mastered by learning the basic skills.

Developing a search strategy starts with identifying the search topic, formulating a question then determining key words. Each database has a different searching method, however, there are a few basic techniques that should apply on most databases.

You can end up with a great number of results which are time consuming so you need to know how to critically appraise the literature to find the best answer for your preset question.

Formulating the Question[edit | edit source]

There are two methods that you can use to formulate search questions:

PICO methods:

  • P - Population / Problem
  • I - Intervention / Indicator
  • C - Comparator
  • O - Outcome

6Ws method:

  • What?
  • Who?
  • Which?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • Why?
  • How?

You can get quite technical when formulating a question when it comes to search terms.  For a quick search we don't need to know all of that. We need to pick 2 or 3 key words that will help us narrow down our search. 

For example: I want to know; How effective are eccentric exercises in treating achilles tendinopathy?

If we put the whole question into the search engine this gives us 35 results - A manageable number of papers to look through but of which 14 potentially are not completely relevant to our question. 

So so we pick the key words:

Achilles Tendinopathy and Eccentric Exercise

If we put this term into PubMed this gives us 140 results (at time of writing this page). A little too many to look through for a quick search.

Developing a search plan[edit | edit source]

When searching among thousands of available literature, you should be as specific as possible to narrow your search results. It starts with identifying your search topic then and making this more specific by asking yourself a set of questions.

Where to Start[edit | edit source]

There are many places to start looking for up to date literature, including hundreds of databases and online journals (some of which can incur a charge for articles and subscriptions; but we want to keep it simple and take a quick inital look to check what evidence is out there. A few great places to start are Chochrane LibraryPubMed and Google Scholar


So we can perform some very simple terms to our search to help us narrow down the number of papers but also keep the results relevant to our question. One of the most commonly used effective terms is know as Boolean Operators.

Boolean Searches[edit | edit source]

When you rely on specific modifiers to do a search.  This will help you find the closest results to the key words/ phrases you are looking for.   You can include the following modifiers in your search: quotes, parenthesis, AND, OR and NOT

Quotation marks ("speech marks")[edit | edit source]

If you are searching for an exact phrase, like "Achilles Tendinopathy" you can put the phrase in quotation marks to group the words together. This will allow a search to be performed with the words in the exact order you typed them.  You can use the quotation marks in addition to other modifiers.

If we enter Achilles Tendinopathy (without quotation marks) into the search engine, PubMed will automatically link the words using AND, which isn't what we want (Achilles AND Tendinopathy). We want to use the term as a phrase to allow PubMed to search for the words linked together, so we use "Achilles Tendinopathy".  The same again for Eccentric Exercise, we want to search for this together as a phrase "Eccentric Exercise".

AND, OR & NOT[edit | edit source]

You can use these terms in between your key words to make your search more specific.  They must be in CAPITAL LETTERS!

 AND  "Achilles Tendinopathy" AND "Eccentric Exercise"  

Will bring up everything in the search with both Achilles Tendinopathy and Eccentric Exercise.  

If you do not put the AND, the search engine will automatically assume that there is an AND between the words. 

 OR "Achilles Tendinopathy" OR "Eccentric Exercise"

This search gives us 691 results on PubMed. These papers include just Eccentric Exercise or just Achilles Tendinopathy .  

This is also useful if we want to search for something which has more than 1 name like Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy.  The search will bring up all articles with either "Physiotherapy" OR "Physical Therapy"

 NOT "Achilles Tendinopathy"

NOT "Achilles rupture"  

If you want to exclude a certain term from your search you can use the word NOT just before the term.  This means that your search results will exclude any article containing that term.  

When you apply this together "Achilles Tendinopathy" AND "Eccentric Exercise"  PubMED will give you 44 results of which are all relevant.
Now go and have a go. Remember each database or search engine can be a little bit different so be sure to check out the help page.

Parentheses/ Nesting ( )[edit | edit source]

If you want to do a complex search you can combine terms and modifiers.  The parentheses enables the search engine to search for certain phrases/terms first, thus the term 'nesting' is used.    

  • You will use parentheses to group phrases joined by OR, when another Boolean operator is used in the same search.  
    "Achilles Tendinopathy" AND "eccentric exercise" AND (physiotherapy OR "physical therapy")
    Thus the results will have the first two phrases somewhere in the article, and either physiotherapy or physical therapy. 


Identifying key research in your results and summarising[edit | edit source]

So now you should have been able to find a manageable amount of relevant articles from your search. Now you need to have a look through and see which articles might be worth reading. 

A good place to start with this is in the abstract of the article, which is normally free to access and gives a brieff overview of the subject, their methods and their findings. Sometime we are unable to access the full journal without a subscription, but this is ok, we can still draw some conclusions from the abstract. 

There are different levels of evidence available which is also a useful thing to look at in the abstract. The video below describes this in more detail:


So you have found a great article that is relevant and is a good level of evidence, what now? You should share this with colleagues or in the discussion forum of the course you might be taking in physiopedia. What people need to know is a short summary of 1 or 2 sentences with the main points from the article, with a reference to the article so we can go and find it. Click here on how to reference a piece of work.

Taking it Further[edit | edit source]

Now go and have a go.
Remember each database or search engine can be a little bit different so be sure to check out the help pages.  

You can do more advanced searches by looking at the filters and applying date ranges, population parameters and many more, so be sure to check out this video which may be helpful. 


Resources[edit | edit source]

Use this template to help you through this simple literature searching:

Template: Simple_Literature_Search

Other Physiopedia pages which may be of use:


Anders ME, Evans DP. Comparison of PubMed and Google Scholar literature searches. Respiratory care. 2010 May 1;55(5):578-83.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. LinkedIn. Tip Sheet – Boolean Search Tips. (Accessed 18 Feb 2016)
  2. Barker J. Teaching library Berkeley. Basic Search Tips and Advanced Boolean Explained. Accessed (18 Feb 2016)
  3. Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia. Understanding 'Levels of Evidence' - What are Levels of Evidence? Available from:
  4. PubMed Literature Search - Basic Search Strategy. Available From: