Vastus Intermedius

Vast intermedius.jpg

Description[edit | edit source]

Vastus Intermedius  is located in the middle, underneath the Rectus femoris at the anterior compartment of the thigh and  on each side of it, is situated the Vastus medialis and Vastus Lateralis respectively. It is one of the muscles that made up the quadriceps Femoris muscle.

Origin[edit | edit source]

It originates from the upper two-thirds of anterior and lateral surfaces of the femur and the intermuscular septum.

Insertion[edit | edit source]

It joins the Quadriceps femoris tendon to form the deep part of the tendon and then insert into the lateral margins of the patella.

Function[edit | edit source]

Together with other muscles that are part of the Quadriceps femoris, it facilitates knee extension.

Blood supply[edit | edit source]

The descending branch of the lateral circumference femoral artery supplies this muscle.

Innervation[edit | edit source]

The Vastus Intermedius muscle is innervated by the Femoral nerve, originating from lumbar nerve 2, 3, and 4 nerve roots.

Assessment[edit | edit source]

Power[edit | edit source]

Other test

Resources[edit | edit source]

Recent Related Research (from Pubmed)[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]