Psychological Basis of Pain

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Tips for writing this page:

  • Describe and explain current theories of the psychological basis of pain for example: fear avoidance, pain-related anxiety, pain catastrophising, stress and learned helplessness
  • How might these impact upon a pain experince?
  • If you feel some of these points shoudl be an article of thier own, which you woudl like to write, please get in touch!

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The IASP definition of pain highlights the multidimensional complexity of the painful experience. The unpleasant feelings of pain and the negative emotions it evoke are part of the painful sensation [1]. The painful experience is interpreted by the individual based on its meaning and the threat it poses[2][3] . Each individual’s belief system and knowledge about the pain (i.e. pain signals damage and activity causes more harm) and emotions (anxiety, depression, catastrophizing) may influence its interpretation and affect subsequent behaviour (i.e. avoidance)[4]. To be able to understand and treat pain, one therefore must be able to understand how and why psychological factors impact on the experience of pain. Fear avoidance, catastrophizing, pain-related anxiety, stress and learned helplessness are some of the psychological factors implicated in the perception of pain. 

Fear avoidance


Fear-avoidance refers to the” avoidance of movements or activities based on pain-related fear”[4]. Fear is the emotional response to experiences that are threatening, like a dangerous injury or painful experience [5][6].  Avoidance is the behavioural response of patients with pain to fears of pain, work-related activities, movement, and re-injury [6]. Fear avoidance has been theorised as a factor that can maintain the painful experience despite the absence of physiological damage [7].


Fear avoidance in an acute injury, a normal response?

In acute injury or acute painful experience, intrinsic levels of fear may elevate as fear is a natural consequence of pain [3]. The individual may rest and protect the painful area as an adaptive behaviour which may be helpful during this acute stage when healing of injured tissues needs to happen [3] As the acute level of pain reduces, it has been suggested that individuals who confront their fears are able to resume normal activities and extinguish their fears [5]. For those whose fear avoidance response persists, it has been proposed that a cycle of continued avoidance of activities, aggravation of fear avoidance behaviors and disability ensues[4].

How does fear avoidance persist? ' 
The following models proposed to explain how fear avoidance persists for some people, and how it impacts on pain, behaviour and disability. .

In the fear-avoidance model of pain [4], the individuals who catastrophically interpret the painful experience will be:

• more fearful of pain
• more attentive to possible signals of threat (hypervigilance)
• likely to misinterpret normal somatic sensations as pathological (somatisation).

• have associated negative affectivity (the general tendency to experience subjective distress and dissatisfaction)

In this model, catastrophizing is a prerequisite to the development of fear avoidance behaviour [8].  With negative appraisals of the pain, fear avoidance behaviors are elicited [9].  Due to hypervigilance, the avoidance behaviour begins to occur in anticipation rather than in response to pain [4][6] As there are fewer and fewer opportunities to correct the wrongful association of pain with the avoided activity, the behaviour perpetuates itself and fear avoidance persists [4].

Fear avoidance and disability

The pathway to disability can be through the following means:
• Increased anticipation of pain leads to poorer performance of activities, which can be the pathway to disuse [6] and disability.
• Increased attention to pain has been reported to cause difficulty to focus on ongoing, non-painful tasks [9]

If this model is to be followed, it would be helpful to screen for high levels of fear avoidance and catastrophizing in the early stages of pain to determine those at risk for the fear avoidance behaviour to persist.

Fear avoidance model and chronic pain
This model has also been proposed primarily as mechanism for how pain is maintained in chronic low back pain. Where fear avoidance may serve a protective function in the acute phase of injury, persistent reliance on fear avoidance to cope with persistent pain could be considered maladaptive, and a potential barrier to recovery [3] .

The following mechanisms have been cited [3][4][6][9] by which fear avoidance can maintain the pain experience in patients with chronic pain
• increased physiological arousal/heightened muscle reactivity
• associated anxiety and hypervigilance leads to increased attention to expected painful stimulus which in itself can intensify the pain
• Persistent avoidance becomes self-perpetuating due to lack of opportunities to correct the wrongful association of pain with movement; promoting disability and disuse;disuse can further worsen the pain problem
• Reduced participation in valued activities like work, leisure and social contacts can lead to mood changes like irritability, frustration and depression. These mood changes could further affect perception of pain
• Disuse or disability from persistent avoidance behavior can reduce threshold for experiencing future pain

Research has shown an association of fear avoidance and pain related fears [10][11][12][13][14][15] even when pain intensity and other variables were controlled in patients with chronic pain.  There is ongoing research aiming to prove the application of fear avoidance model on the acute stage of low back pain. Some researches showed that high levels of fear avoidance in this stage can be a predictor for future episodes of pain [16][17][18][19][20]. There are researches that has contrary results which can suggest that fear avoidance in the early stages of injury may not be may a path for future disability and pain[21][8].

In the learning pathway model, fear avoidance becomes a conditioned response through association of pain with movement [4][5][8]. The behaviour of avoiding expected pain-provoking movement or activities to prevent new episodes of pain is learned through experience [22]. The individual may anticipate similar experiences and associate non-painful or nonharmful experiences with pain [5] resulting in persistent fear avoidance behavior.

Learning Pathway Model

In this model, factors like existing beliefs about pain, prior learning experiences, observations of painful experiences,  expectations and current emotional states (which include catastrophizing, anxiety, depression) can affect the strength of association of pain with movement and the conditioned fear avoidance response [8]. This model can support classification of fear-avoiders[5]  to
• misinformed avoiders who have misinformed beliefs about movement and risk for damage or re-injury; may benefit from right information about pain and movement
• learned avoiders who learned the behaviour without being aware nor overly distressed about it; may benefit from gradual exposure to activity depending on pain tolerance
• affective avoiders who are distressed and have strong negative cognitions about the pain; may need more cognition-based management and challenge beliefs

Anxiety and Depression


<span style="line-height: 1.5em;"Anxiety </span>

  • Anxiety is described as a general term for several disorders that include; uneasiness, apprehension, nervousness, fear and worrying.

  • There is high prevalence of anxiety reported throughout the literature in patients with chronic pain syndromes of varying nature including; non-specified/widespread chronic pain [23][24][25][26][27][28], low back pain [24][29], traumatic musculoskeletal injury (TMsI)[30][31], rotator cuff tear [32] and also in non-musculoskeletal(MSK) conditions such as; phantom limb pain [33], prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome[34] and diabetic neuropathy[35].

  • The prevalence of patients in each study purely with anxiety varied throughout, from 18%[26] to 72% [25] of those recruited. Unfortunately much of this literature does not solely focus on anxiety alone.
  •  The following have been commonly reported anxiety symptoms reported in patients with chronic pain[29]; “not being able to stop worrying”, “worrying about too many different things” and “feeling as though something awful might happen”.

A study[27] which aimed to evaluate the prediction of chronic pain looked at anxiety, depression and social stressors as risk factors and the severity of pain at 3, 6 and 12 months in 250 patients. They found a strong correlation between baseline anxiety which predicted pain severity at 12 months. Interestingly no correlation was found for social stressors or depression.

TMsI has been shown to correlate strongly with persistence of pain and incidence of psychiatric disorders. A systematic review of 12 studies[30] noted anxiety as one of several predictive factors of persistence of pain of up to 84 months post injury.

In another TMsI study[31] anxiety was found to predict pain intensity at different timeframes post injury whereas depression, social support, length of hospital stay and self-efficacy had no substantial effect. They summarised that pain predicted anxiety and depression in the first year, but anxiety only predicted pain intensity from 12-24 months. Anxiety symptoms were therefore hypothesised as the primary causative factor of persistent pain in this cohort study.

In the literature several materials have been used in screening for and assessing anxiety; Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Stait-trait Anxiety Inventory, Distress Risk Association Questionnaire, Brief Symptom Inventory and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item Scale.

One study examined the validity of a single question to screen for depression and anxiety[36].
• Single question screening tools were compared with validated questionnaires such as mini-international neuropsychiatric interview, HAD scale and Hopkins symptom checklist.
• It was found that the single questions demonstrated fair ability to detecting anxiety with a sensitivity of 68% and a good ability to exclude anxiety with a specificity of 85%.
• Therefore single question screening tools are fairly effective in identifying anxiety and could be utilised into early assessments with chronic pain patients.


 Depression is described as a general term for mental disorders which include; sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of low self-worth and low mood.

  •  The prevalence of depression is also significant in varying chronic pain syndromes.
  •  It is also suggested that gender role and sex differences may act as a mediator, with higher prevalence of female sufferers compared to males[23].  Furthermore women tend to report greater levels of catastrophising behaviour compared to men[23].
  •  Unfortunately, some of the literature fails to differentiate between anxiety, stress, depression and distress meaning much of the analysis is focused on assessing or treating these symptoms together.
  •  Some frequently reported depressive symptoms among chronic pain patients are; “thinking of suicide/self harm” and “feeling down, depressed or hopeless”[29].
  •  In the literature obtained for this review, depression alone is associated with; chronic MSK[16] and widespread pain [25][26], knee pain[37], low back pain [24][29] and chronic pelvic pain/prostatitis[34][38].
  • In a study examining the impact of anxiety and depression in phantom limb pain (PLP) patients[33] mean depression scores were higher, although non-significant, in patients with non-PLP chronic pain syndromes.

In TMsI subjects[31] depression scores did not predict pain severity at any stage over 0-24 months post injury.

Contrastingly, in a systematic review of TMsI[29] depression was a predictive factor of persistent pain along with other cognitive and behavioural factors.

A study of low back pain[29] observed higher prevalence of depression symptoms (13.7%) compared to anxiety symptoms (9.5%).

Similarly, a cohort of 400 patients with chronic myofascial or neuropathic pain demonstrated higher prevalence of depression (93%) than anxiety (72%)[4], however this was contradicted by opposing findings in 400 chronic pain patients (pathology not given) with higher observed levels of anxiety (70%) compared to depression (60%)[5] although depression was reported at a ‘non-significant level’.

Pain, Anxiety and Depression

 Anxiety and depression appear to be overlapping conditions. Much of the literature has acknowledged their joint effect in chronic pain patients[26][28][32][34][39].

o A study which looked into risk factors for chronic widespread pain[39]  reported higher levels (87%) of persistent pain in patients with both anxiety and depression compared to in isolation (35% & 66% respectively).
o Furthermore a study in Brazil[26]  which included 400 chronic pain patients observed 54% with both of the psychiatric disorders compared to anxiety (18%) or depression (7%) alone.

  •  It presents an even more catastrophic problem when these two psychiatric disorders present together with pain as various studies have noted that function and quality of life is more severely impaired by pain than in the conditions in isolation.

o Castro et al,[26] observed a significant difference in QoL reflected in all aspects of the short-form 36 questionnaire; indicating more severe impairments in vitality, mental health & physical, emotional and social functioning when the two conditions presented together with pain.

o In patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain[28], those with both anxiety and depression experienced the greatest pain severity, a highly significant finding. Furthermore combined psychiatric co-morbidity was strongly associated with disability days with; 18.1 days in pain only patients, 32.2 in those with pain and anxiety, 38.0 days in those with pain and depression and 42.6 days in those with all three conditions. This study also found a significant correlation with reduced QoL when all three conditions presented together.

o In 85 patients with rotator cuff tears of the shoulder[32]  distressed patients showed a significant association with higher Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scores, lower simple shoulder test and shoulder and elbow scores indicating higher perceived pain and disability. Interestingly other variables such as tear size and classification, age, sex, BMI and smoking status were non-significant. Unfortunately the ‘Distress Risk Assessment Method Questionnaire’ used in this study did not distinguish between anxiety and depression symptoms as the questionnaire includes symptoms of both conditions together, making it difficult to identify the effect of either condition simultaneously.

  • The findings of mixed psychiatric co-morbidity appear to extend to non-MSK pathologies such as chronic prostatitis/pelvic pain syndrome;

• In this study[34] significantly higher HAD scores were found in the 55 patient intervention group compared to the 58 patient control group.
• There was a significant relationship in the patient group between QoL, pain with the GARS (stress item) scale which assessed the work, personal, financial roles of the individuals as well a sickness perception.
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References[edit | edit source]

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