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<h2> Search strategy </h2>
<p><br />Information concerning ‘thoracic disc syndrome’ was collected by using article databases, such as Pubmed, Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, and books from the medical library at the VUB. <br />The key words used are&nbsp;: ‘thoracic disc syndrome/ disease/ lesion/ injury/ herniation’, ‘syndrome of the prolapsed thoracic intervertebral disc’, ‘thoracic discogenic pain syndrome’ and ‘thoracic degenerative disc disease’. These terms are all synonyms for ‘thoracic disc syndrome’. <br />The most successful keywords were Thoracic Disc Disease and Thoracic Disc Herniation.<br /><br />  
== Search strategy ==
<h2> Definition/Description  </h2>
<p>The term ‘thoracic syndrome’ refers to all pathological clinical manifestations due to functional (physiopathological) disturbances and degenerative changes of the thoracic motion segments. [1]<br />This can produce a loss of motion, back pain, radiating pain,numbness, tingling, muscle spasms or any combinations. <br />Common symptoms are a bulging discus, a herniated discus or a prolapsed discus but also degenerative discs, annular tears, a calcified discus, a ruptured disc and a slipped disc. (25)<br />Thoracic disc disease accounts for only 2% of all cases of disc disease and tends to be less serious than disc disease elsewhere in the spine, therefore surgery in herniated thoracic discs is rare and exists out only 0.15% and 4% of all disc operations. [1] + 22 <br />When occupying &gt;40% of the spinal canal, a thoracic disc hernia is defined as giant. (46)<br /><br />  
<br>Information concerning ‘thoracic disc syndrome’ was collected by using article databases, such as Pubmed, Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, and books from the medical library at the VUB. <br>The key words used are&nbsp;: ‘thoracic disc syndrome/ disease/ lesion/ injury/ herniation’, ‘syndrome of the prolapsed thoracic intervertebral disc’, ‘thoracic discogenic pain syndrome’ and ‘thoracic degenerative disc disease’. These terms are all synonyms for ‘thoracic disc syndrome’. <br>The most successful keywords were Thoracic Disc Disease and Thoracic Disc Herniation.<br><br>
<h2> Clinically Relevant Anatomy<br />  </h2>
== Definition/Description  ==
<p>Clinically relevant anatomy for this condition is the thoracic spine (T1-T12) which is pretty inelastic and the most important function can thus be described as weight bearing and maintaining a straight posture during ADL. <br />The corpus vertebrae are longer on the posterior side than the anterior one, resulting in an anterior concavity and thus the physiological kyphosis. <br />Each thoracic vertebrae has intervertebral discs between the vertebrae. These discs act like shock absorbers for the spine when it moves. <br />Each disc has 3 basic components; the nucleus pulposus (the core) existing mostly out of water and proteoglycans; the annulus fibrosus,consisting out of layers of collagen surrounding the core -you can see them as ligaments, with their own sensoric nerve endings(pain!!!)-&nbsp;; and the vertebral endplates, laying superior and inferior of the disc and also between each thoracic vertebrae. Their function is helping nutrients pass to the disc by diffusion. (23+24)
</p><p>Together, the vertebrae and the discs provide the spinal canal to house the spinal cord and spinal nerves. [4]. <br />The diameter of the spinal cord presents a cervical and lumbar enlargement, while at thoracic level the spinal cord is smaller in diameter (35).<br />  
The term ‘thoracic syndrome’ refers to all pathological clinical manifestations due to functional (physiopathological) disturbances and degenerative changes of the thoracic motion segments. <ref name="1">Juergen Kraemer, 2009, Intervertebral Disk Diseases: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis , Thieme , Stuttgart, 375p. (level D)</ref><br>Thoracic disc disease accounts for only 2% of all cases of disc disease and tends to be less serious than disc disease elsewhere in the spine.&nbsp;<ref name="1" /><br>Symptomatic degenerative disc disease is much less common in the thoracic spine than in the cervical and lumbar regions because very little motion is associated with the thoracic spine compared to the neck and low back. <ref name="1" />,<ref name="2">Jed S. Vanichkachorn, MD and Alexander R. Vaccaro, MD. Thoracic Disk Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2000. 8:159-169. (level B)</ref><br>It most often affects the lower thoracic spine, between T9 and T12, because of the greater mobility of these vertebrae.&nbsp;<ref name="3"> (level D)</ref><br>Thoracic disc syndrome is most seen in the third to fifth decades, and is equally seen in men and women. <br>
</p><p><br />  
</p><p><img src="/images/9/91/Intervertebral-disk.jpg" _fck_mw_filename="Intervertebral-disk.jpg" _fck_mw_location="center" alt="" class="fck_mw_center" />
== Clinically Relevant Anatomy<br>  ==
<div><br /></div>
Clinically relevant for this condition are the [[Thoracic_spine|thoracic spine]] (T1-T12) and the intervertebral discs between the vertebrae. These discs act like shock absorbers for the spine as it moves. Each disc is made up of an annulus fibrosus and a gel-like inner substance, the nucleus pulposus. Together, the vertebrae and the discs provide the spinal canal to house the spinal cord and spinal nerves.&nbsp;<ref name="4"> (level D)</ref>  
<p>thoracic spine and thoracic vertebrae&nbsp;
</p><p>(Video link: explanation thoracic herniation disc&nbsp;:
</p><p>For a more complete overview click ‘here” (LINK:<br />
<h2> Epidemiology/Etiology<br />  </h2>
<p>Symptomatic degenerative disc disease is much less common in the thoracic spine than in the cervical and lumbar regions because very little motion is associated with the thoracic spine compared to the neck and low back. [1],[2] <br />It most often affects the lower thoracic spine, between T9 and T12, because of the greater mobility of these vertebrae. [3]<br />The prevalence of symptomatic disc related spinal cord compression has been estimated around 1:1.000.000 23<br />80% of thoracic disc syndrome is seen more in between the third and the fifth decades of life and is seen in both men and women. 21
thoracic spine and thoracic vertebrae&nbsp;
</p><p><br />
</p><p>However asymptomatic degenerative disc disease is reported more frequently. Wood KB et al. concluded that 15-37% of their healthy asymptomatic cases showed thoracic disc herniations on MR imaging. 26<br />The development of thoracic disc degeneration is not well defined. As in the cervical and lumbar spines, thoracic disc degeneration is part of normal aging. A history of trauma may be present in younger individuals who develop thoracic pain. Those with chronic spinal cord or nerve root compression frequently have prolonged symptoms, although MRI studies on asymptomatic people note that asymptomatic disc herniations are seen in up to one-third of these asymptomatic people. [3]<br />Symptomatic thoracic disc degeneration may develop if affected discs have herniated or become displaced. In disc herniation, symptoms may occur when the annulus fibrosus of the degenerated disc slips from its normal position between the vertebrae, or the nucleus pulposus of the disc protrudes through the annulus. Individuals with congenital or developmental deformities of the spine such as scoliosis or kyphosis may be more likely to develop thoracic disc degeneration. [3]<br />In some cases, a large TDH can cause myelopathy due to compression of the spinal cord (36). This is mostly seen in low thoracic levels, where there is a higher susceptibility for TDH considering the higher mobility at these levels (3,36). <br /><br />  
== Epidemiology/Etiology<br> ==
<h2> Characteristics/Clinical Presentation<br />  </h2>
The development of thoracic disc degeneration is not well defined. As in the cervical and lumbar spines, thoracic disc degeneration is part of normal aging. A history of trauma may be present in younger individuals who develop thoracic pain. Those with chronic spinal cord or nerve root compression frequently have prolonged symptoms, although MRI studies on asymptomatic people note that asymptomatic [[Disc Herniaton|disc herniations]] are seen in up to one-third of these asymptomatic people.&nbsp;<ref name="3" />  
<p>Disc degenerations and minor disc herniations themselves are often (not always) painless because the disc is almost completely without nociceptive structures. Clinical syndromes (only 15% is specific, 85% is non-specific low back pain) originate only when a subluxated fragment of disc tissue pressures on the dura mater or on the dural nerve root sleeve. In this case you observe neurologic symptoms. [5]<br />Disc displacements are either annular or nuclear and may have posterocentral or posterolateral localization.
</p><p><br />
Symptomatic thoracic disc degeneration may develop if affected discs have herniated or become displaced. In [[Disc Herniaton|disc herniation]], symptoms may occur when the annulus fibrosus of the degenerated disc slips from its normal position between the vertebrae, or the nucleus pulposus of the disc protrudes through the annulus. Individuals with congenital or developmental deformities of the spine such as scoliosis or [[Thoracic Hyperkyphosis|kyphosis]] may be more likely to develop thoracic disc degeneration.&nbsp;<ref name="3" /><br><br>
</p><p>Posterocentral: Compression of the dura mater leading to multisegmental pain, mainly referred into the posterior thorax, but may also spread in the anterior chest, abdomen and lumbar area. [5]<br />Posterolateral: Interfering with the dural sleeve around the nerve root results in pain that is segmentally referred into the corresponding dermatome. [5]<br />A larger protrusion may compress the ganglion of the nerve root fibers, resulting in motor and/or sensory disturbances in the innervation area of the root. [6],[5]<br />Thoracic disc syndrome may give rise to 4 different clinical presentations: <br />(1) chronic thoracic backache <br />(2) acute thoracic lumbago <br />(3) Thoracic root pain <br />(4) spinal cord compression [7,**]<br />The result may be <br />(in 1) pain in the thoracic region of the upper back; <br />(in 2) pain that follows a rib; <br />(in 3) lower extremity weakness, <br />(in 4) spasticity and lack of coordination and bowel or bladder control impairment. [3], [8]
</p><p>In case of spinal cord compression (often with visualisable myelomalacia), variable neurological symptoms can become apparent below the segmental level of the lesion, including motor deficits (paraparesis/paraplegia) and sensory deficits (paresthesia/anesthesia) in lower extremities and pelvic floor(36). Additionally, clinical signs of UMNS like spasticity and hyperactive tendon reflexes can be present(37). The evolution of this pathophysiological mechanism seems similar to cervical (and lumbar) discopathy, as before mentioned neurological symptoms are often preceded by thoracic pain. Signs of myelopathy are mostly delayed by several hours to 1 year (36). Giant TDH generate worse neurological symptoms and less favorable functional recovery.(46)<br />
== Characteristics/Clinical Presentation<br> ==
<h2> Differential Diagnosis  </h2>
Disc degenerations and minor [[Disc Herniaton|disc herniations]] themselves are often (not always) painless because the disc is almost completely without nociceptive structures. Clinical syndromes (only 15% is specific, 85% is non-specific low back pain) originate only when a subluxated fragment of disc tissue pressures on the dura mater or on the dural nerve root sleeve. In this case you observe neurologic symptoms.&nbsp;<ref name="6" /><br>Disc displacements are either annular or nuclear and may have posterocentral or posterolateral localization. <br>Posterocentral: Compression of the dura mater leading to multisegmental pain, mainly referred into the posterior thorax, but may also spread in the anterior chest, abdomen and lumbar area.&nbsp;<ref name="6">L. Ombregt, P. Bisschop, H.J. Ter Veer. 2002.  A System of Orthopaedic Medicine, second edition. Churchill Livingstone. 1360p. (level D)</ref><br>Posterolateral: Interfering with the dural sleeve around the nerve root results in pain that is segmentally referred into the corresponding dermatome.&nbsp;<ref name="6" /><br>A larger protrusion may compress the ganglion of the nerve root fibers, resulting in motor and/or sensory disturbances in the innervation’s area of the root. <ref name="5">Lyu RK, Chang HS, Tang LM, Chen ST. Thoracic disc herniation mimicking acute lumbar disc disease. Spine. 1999; 24 (4): 416-418 (level C)</ref>,<ref name="6" />
<p>• Tumors: nocturnal or early morning pain that generally improves with activity during the day,extreme weight loss, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, MR or CT myelography (31)(32)<br />• Vertebral fractures: magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography (34)<br />• Radiculopathy: needle EMG of the thoracic paraspinal muscles (27)<br />• Spondylosis: CT myelography (30)<br />• Spinal stenosis: myelography (29)<br />• Facet syndrome: controlled local anesthetic blocks of the facet joint or its nerve supply (33)<br />• Osteoporosis: radiography, the Dual photon absorptiometry (28) <br />• Disc problems: as stated below; the use of MRI and CT gives accurate information about the spine<br />
Thoracic disc syndrome may give rise to 4 different clinical presentations: <br>(1) [[chronic thoracic backache|chronic thoracic backache ]]<br>(2) acute [[thoracic lumbago|thoracic lumbago ]]<br>(3) Thoracic root pain <br>(4) spinal cord compression&nbsp;<ref name="7">Cyriax J. textbook of orthopaedic medicine, vol 1, diagnosis of soft tissue lesions, 8th edn. Ballière Tindall, London, 1982. (level D)</ref><br>The result may be <br>(in 1) pain in the thoracic region of the upper back; <br>(in 2) pain that follows a rib; <br>(in 3) lower extremity weakness, <br>(in 4) spasticity and lack of coordination and bowel or bladder control impairment. <ref name="3" />,&nbsp;<ref name="8">J. MCInerney, P. A. Ball. The pathophysiology of thoracic disc disease. Neurosurg. Focus  Volume 9 , 2000 (level A2)</ref><br>
<h2> Diagnostic Procedures  </h2>
<p>The use of <a href="CT Scans">CT</a> in combination with myelography and <a href="MRI Scans">MRI</a> greatly increased the ability to accurately visualize thoracic spine disorders.&nbsp;<span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="2" /><br />A myelogram usually indicates the level of the lesion with certainty, although, special projections may be needed.&nbsp;<span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="9">Ransohoff J, Spencer E, Siew F, Gage L. Case reports and technical notes. Trans-thoracic removal of thoracic disc. J Neurosurg 1969; 31:459-461 (level C)</span><br />Today, MRI is the imaging method of choice in the investigation of the thoracic spinal canal.&nbsp;<span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="10">Wallace JC, Fong TC, Macrae ME. Calcified herniatopns of the thoracic disdk: role of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in surgical planning. Can Assoc Radiol J. 1992; 43(1):52-54 (level C)</span><br /><br />  
== Differential Diagnosis  ==
<h2> Outcome Measures  </h2>
<br>add text here relating to the differential diagnosis of this condition
<p>• The Back Pain Functional Scale is a self-report outcome measure that evaluates the functional ability of people with back pain. It consists of 12 questions that have to be answered on the basis of a 5-point Likert scale.(15) <br />• Instability of the thoracic spine (LINK HERE due to degeneration and disc diseases)<br />• The Functional Rating Index is a self-reporting instrument that measures pain and function of the whole spinal musculoskeletal system. Using a 5-point Likert scale the patient has to answer 8 items about the ability to perform activities of daily living and 2 items about the quantity of pain. (17)<br />• Neurological outcomes: <br />o Frankel grading scale (37, 38 ). <br />A - Complete neurological injury. No motor or sensory function detected below level of lesion.
</p><p>B - Preserved sensation only. No motor function detected below level of lesion, some sensory function below level of lesion preserved.
== Diagnostic Procedures  ==
</p><p>C - Preserved motor, nonfunctional. Some voluntary motor function preserved below level of lesion but too weak to serve any useful purpose, sensation may or may not be preserved.
</p><p>D - Preserved motor, functional. Functionally useful voluntary motor function below level of injury is preserved.
The use of [[CT_Scans|CT]] in combination with myelography and [[MRI_Scans|MRI]] greatly increased the ability to accurately visualize thoracic spine disorders.&nbsp;<ref name="2" /><br>A myelogram usually indicates the level of the lesion with certainty, although, special projections may be needed.&nbsp;<ref name="9">Ransohoff J, Spencer E, Siew F, Gage L. Case reports and technical notes. Trans-thoracic removal of thoracic disc. J Neurosurg 1969; 31:459-461 (level C)</ref><br>Today, MRI is the imaging method of choice in the investigation of the thoracic spinal canal.&nbsp;<ref name="10">Wallace JC, Fong TC, Macrae ME. Calcified herniatopns of the thoracic disdk: role of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in surgical planning. Can Assoc Radiol J. 1992; 43(1):52-54 (level C)</ref><br><br>
</p><p>E - Normal motor function. Normal motor and sensory function below level of lesion, abnormal reflexes may persist.
</p><p>o Motor function: Manual Muscle Testing <br /> Grade 5: Muscle contracts normally against full resistance.<br />Grade 4: Muscle strength is reduced but muscle contraction can still move joint against resistance.<br />Grade 3: Muscle strength is further reduced such that the joint can be moved only against gravity with the examiner's resistance completely removed.<br />Grade 2: Muscle can move only if the resistance of gravity is removed. <br />Grade 1: Only a trace or flicker of movement is seen or felt in the muscle or fasciculations are observed in the muscle.<br />Grade 0: No movement is observed.
== Outcome Measures  ==
</p><p>o Pelvic floor testing: (45) Modified Oxford Grading <br />Grade 0: No discernible contraction <br />Grade 1: Very weak contraction, a”flicker”. Slight change in tension only. <br />Grade 2: Weak contraction. <br />Grade 3: Moderate contraction with some squeeze and lift ability. Clinically this is the aim. At this level continence and support start to return. <br />Grade 4: Good contraction; squeeze and lift against resistance. <br />Grade 5: Strong contraction, squeeze and lift against strong resistance.
</p><p>o Sensation: Erasmus modifications to Nottingham Sensory Assessment (EmNSA) (touch, sharp/blunt discrimination and proprioception) (41)
Thoracic intervertebral disc degeneration on[[MRI_Scans|MRI]] is shown by a decrease in signal intensity with or without loss of disc height. A normal, healthy disc displays a high intensity signal. Disc degeneration can be detected by a reduced signal intensity due to loss of water from the nucleus pulposus.&nbsp;<ref name="11">F E Bruckner 'Benign thoracic pain' syndrome: role of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection and localization of thoracic disc disease. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine; 1989 Volume 82, 81-83. (level B)</ref>
</p><p>o Spasticity: Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) (42)<br />0 No increase in muscle tone <br />1 Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch and release or by minimal resistance at the end of the range of motion when the affected part(s) is moved in flexion or extension<br />1+ Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout the remainder (less than half) of the ROM <br />2 More marked increase in muscle tone through most of the ROM, but affected part(s) easily moved <br />3 Considerable increase in muscle tone, passive movement difficult <br />4 Affected part(s) rigid in flexion or extension
</p><p>o Babinski: (43) stroking the sole of the foot from the lateral border towards the first toe with a sharp object.<br />Positive result: extension of the hallux + eventual fanning of the other toes, indicating lesion of UMN.
== Examination  ==
</p><p>o Tendon reflexes: reflex-hammer (44)<br /> 0 = no response; always abnormal<br />1+ = a slight but definitely present response; may or may not be normal<br />2+ = a brisk response; normal<br />3+ = a very brisk response; may or may not be normal<br />4+ = a tap elicits a repeating reflex (clonus); always abnormal<br />
add text here relating to examination approaches to the condition
<h2> Examination  </h2>
<p>Thoracic intervertebral disc degeneration on MRI is shown by a decrease in signal intensity with or without loss of disc height. A normal, healthy disc displays a high intensity signal on T2-weighted MRI. Disc degeneration can be detected by a reduced signal intensity due to loss of water from the nucleus pulposus. [11]
== Medical Management<br> ==
</p><p><br />
</p><p>A completer overview of a manual examination performed by a physiotherapist can be viewed ‘here” (LINK<br />
Most patients with symptomatic thoracic disc disease will respond favourably to non-operative management. Surgery is indicated for the rare patient with an acute thoracic disc herniation with progressive neurologic deficit (i.e., signs or symptoms of thoracic spinal cord myelopathy).&nbsp;<ref name="2" /><br>
<h2> Medical Management<br />  </h2>
== Physical Therapy Management  ==
<p>Most patients with symptomatic thoracic disc disease will respond favourably to non-operative management. Surgery is indicated for the rare patient with an acute thoracic disc herniation with progressive neurologic deficit (i.e., signs or symptoms of thoracic spinal cord myelopathy). [2] Remarkable recovery of neurological functions is observed after surgical decompression of the spinal cord.(36) (level of evidence 4)
</p><p>Surgical Approaches for Thoracic Disc Herniation (TDH)(46)(13)<br />Anterior<br />• Transthoracic<br /> Trans-sternal<br /> Transpleural (thoracotomy)<br /> Retropleural<br /> With rib resection<br /> Between ribs (using tubular retractor)<br />• Thoracoscopy<br />Posterolateral<br />• Lateral extracavitary<br />• Costotransversectomy<br />• Transpedicular<br />• Transforaminal<br />• Transfacet pedicle sparing<br />• Facetectomy<br /> Unilateral<br /> Bilateral
Manual therapists and osteopaths claim that almost all thoracic disc protrusions can be reduced by manipulation in 3 to 5 sessions.&nbsp;<ref name="6" /><br>If [[Spinal_Manipulation|manipulation]] does not succeed after 3 sessions, the diagnosis should be reconsidered and, if a disc lesion is confirmed, traction can be tried. Traction can also be used for [[thoracic postural pain syndrome|thoracic postural pain syndrome]] and for lateral recess [[Spinal_Stenosis|stenosis]] in the thorax. Other treatments are sinuvertebral blocks for persistent root pain or for root pain with neurological deficit: surgery, bed rest and prevention of recurrence.&nbsp;<ref name="6" />  
</p><p>The anterolateral approach is more suited in case of central herniated discs, while the posterolateral approach is best for paracentral or lateral herniated discs. Minimally invasive thoracoscopic techniques were introduced to reduce morbidities related to thoracotomy, like persisting pain 4 to 5 years post-thoracotomy, with satisfactory long-term outcomes. For midline giant TDH however, open thoracotomy is recommended rather than thoracoscopy. To prevent instability, intervertebral fusion is indicated in patients undergoing wide resection of structures during discectomy. (46) (level of evidence 2A)<br /><br />
'''<u>[[Manual Therapy|Manipulations]]&nbsp;<ref name="6" /><br></u><br>'''<u>Indications</u>'''<u>:</u> '''
<h2> Physical Therapy Management  </h2>
<p>Click “here” for a complete “Evidence-Informed Back Education Program”&nbsp;: (
All actual and symptomatic thoracic disc protrusions in the absence of contraindications should be manipulated. <br><u></u>  
</p><p><br />
</p><p>A Case-study shows us that the therapy of a thoracic disc herniation has to contain hyperextension strengthening exercises, postural training and body-mechanic education. The therapy of thoracic disc herniation is very similar to the therapy of the neck and the low back.(16)(level of evidence 4)
<u>Contra-indications: </u><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;-Relative: Absence of actual symptomatic disc displacement<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Self-reducing disc lesion<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Monoradicular neurological deficit<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;-Absolute: Sings and/or symptoms of cord compression<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Patients with bleeding disorders<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Patients on anticoagulant treatment<br><u>Techniques:</u>  
</p><p>Parts of the therapy are: <br />Postural training and body-mechanic education: <br />The purpose of the training is to correct and to educate the patient in order to maintain a straight back.(16)(18) An exercise to achieve this is to have the patient straighten his back by standing against a wall or by looking into a mirror and correcting himself.(19)(20) An example for postural training exercise are core exercises (seated barbell twist, the barbell side bench, etc.)(47)
</p><p>Back strengthening exercise:<br />The meaning of this exercise is to strengthen the weakened back muscles (thoracic area). An example of exercise are wall push-ups, back extension<br />(20) (48) (levels of evidence 1A, 5)<br />If the patient does strengthening exercises of the back extensors, he also needs to train the antagonists of the trained muscles otherwise there will be a great loss of postural control. (Agonist = back extensors, antagonist = abdominis muscles) (49)
Thoracic manipulations are always performed under strong traction.
</p><p>Manual therapists and osteopaths claim that almost all thoracic disc protrusions can be reduced by manipulation in 3 to 5 sessions. [5]<br />If manipulation does not succeed after 3 sessions, the diagnosis should be reconsidered and, if a disc lesion is confirmed, traction can be tried. Traction can also be used for thoracic postural pain syndrome and for lateral recess stenosis in the thorax. Other treatments are sinuvertebral blocks for persistent root pain or for root pain with neurological deficit: surgery, bed rest and prevention of recurrence. [5]
</p><p>Manipulations [5]
3 main types of procedure are considered: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;1: Extension techniques, in which extension is always present, sometimes combined with rotation.<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;2: Rotation techniques, in which rotation is the only component.<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;3: High thoracic technique, used only in upper thoracic disc lesions<br>All extension manipulations of the thoracic spine are specific; they are performed only at 2 vertebrae where the disc protrusion lies in between.  
</p><p>Indications:<br />All actual and symptomatic thoracic disc protrusions in the absence of contraindications should be manipulated. <br />Contra-indications: <br /> -Relative: Absence of actual symptomatic disc displacement<br /> Self-reducing disc lesion<br /> Monoradicular neurological deficit<br /> -Absolute: Signs and/or symptoms of cord compression<br /> Patients with bleeding disorders<br /> Patients on anticoagulant treatment<br />Techniques:<br />Thoracic manipulations are always performed under strong traction.<br />3 main types of procedure are considered: <br /> 1: Extension techniques, in which extension is always present, sometimes combined with rotation.
</p><p>2: Rotation techniques, in which rotation is the only component.<br /> 3: High thoracic technique, used only in upper thoracic disc lesions<br />All extension manipulations of the thoracic spine are specific; they are performed only at 2 vertebrae where the disc protrusion lies in between.
<br><u>When manipulations are unsuccessful: </u><br>It should be accepted that either the diagnosis is wrong or the disc lesion is not suitable for manipulation. <br>When the diagnosis is wrong, one must consider possibilities, like: Facet joint, tumour, muscular lesion, osseous Lesion, ligamentous lesion, visceral disorder.&nbsp;<ref name="6" />  
</p><p>When manipulations are unsuccessful: <br />It should be accepted that either the diagnosis is wrong or the disc lesion is not suitable for manipulation. <br />When the diagnosis is wrong, one must consider possibilities, like: Facet joint, tumour, muscular lesion, osseous Lesion, ligamentous lesion, visceral disorder. [5]<br />Some cases respond better to oscillations. These consist of gentle high-frequency mobilizations at 2 or 3 vibrations per second. Oscillations should be given for 10-15 minutes daily and are performed as central or as unilateral pressure to the thoracic spine. [12]
</p><p>Indications: <br />Three groups of indications: <br /> - Patients who present with much discomfort but with very minor articular signs on clinical examination. <br /> - Patients with acute thoracic lumbago who are in such pain that they cannot put up with normal manipulations. Oscillatory techniques can be used until the pain is reduced to a level at which normal manipulations can be started.<br /> - Patients who cannot tolerate the extension or rotation techniques. [11] (level of evidence 3B)
Some cases respond better to oscillations. These consist of gentle high-frequency mobilizations at 2 or 3 vibrations per second. Oscillations should be given for 10-15 minutes daily and are performed as central or as unilateral pressure to the thoracic spine.&nbsp;<ref name="12">Maitland G, Brewerton D. Vertebral manipulation. Butterworth, London, 1977:7. (level D)</ref>  
</p><p><br />
</p><p><br /><br />
<br><u>Indications: </u><br>Three groups of indications: <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- Patients who present with much discomfort but with very minor articular signs on clinical examination. <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- Patients witch acute thoracic lumbago who are in such pain that they cannot put up with normal manipulations. &nbsp; &nbsp; Oscillatory techniques can be used until the pain is reduced to a level at which normal manipulations can be started.<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- Patients who cannot tolerate the extension or rotation techniques.&nbsp;<ref name="11" /><br><br>
<h2> Key Evidence  </h2>
== Key Evidence  ==
<p>• H. Yoshihara, Surgical Treatment for Thoracic Disc Herniation, An Update. Spine 2014;39:E406–E412.<br />• E.M.J. Cornips et al., Thoracic disc herniation and acute myelopathy: clinical presentation, neuroimaging findings, surgical considerations, and outcome. J Neurosurg Spine 14:520–528, 2011<br />• George A Koumantakis et al; Trunk Muscle Stabilization Training Plus General Exercise Versus General Exercise Only: Randomized Controlled Trial of Patients With Recurrent Low Back Pain; PHYS THER. 2005; 85:209-225.<br /><br />
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<h2> Resources <br />  </h2>
<p>1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Juergen Kraemer, 2009, Intervertebral Disk Diseases: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis , Thieme , Stuttgart, 375p. <br />2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Jed S. Vanichkachorn, MD and Alexander R. Vaccaro, MD. Thoracic Disk Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2000. 8:159-169. <br />3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 <br />4. ↑ (level of evidence 5)<br />5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 L. Ombregt, P. Bisschop, H.J. Ter Veer. 2002. A System of Orthopaedic Medicine, second edition. Churchill Livingstone. 1360p. <br />6. ↑ Lyu RK, Chang HS, Tang LM, Chen ST. Thoracic disc herniation mimicking acute lumbar disc disease. Spine. 1999; 24 (4): 416-418 <br />7. ↑ Cyriax J. textbook of orthopaedic medicine, vol 1, diagnosis of soft tissue lesions, 8th edn. Ballière Tindall, London, 1982. (level of evidence 5)<br />8. ↑ J. MCInerney, P. A. Ball. The pathophysiology of thoracic disc disease. Neurosurg. Focus Volume 9 , 2000 (level of evidence 3A)<br />9. ↑ Ransohoff J, Spencer E, Siew F, Gage L. Case reports and technical notes. Trans-thoracic removal of thoracic disc. J Neurosurg 1969; 31:459-461 (level of evidence 4)<br />10. ↑ Wallace JC, Fong TC, Macrae ME. Calcified herniatopns of the thoracic disk: role of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in surgical planning. Can Assoc Radiol J. 1992; 43(1):52-54 (level of evidence 4)<br />11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 F E Bruckner 'Benign thoracic pain' syndrome: role of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection and localization of thoracic disc disease. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine; 1989 Volume 82, 81-83. (level of evidence 3B)<br />12. ↑ Maitland G, Brewerton D. Vertebral manipulation. Butterworth, London, 1977:7. <br />13. Kiyoshi Otani, Sadaaki Nakai, Yoshikazu Fujimura, Shunichi Manzoku, Keiichi Shibasaki, Surgical treatment of thoracic disc herniation using the anterior using the anterior approach. the journal of bone and joint surgery, 1982<br />14. DS McNally et al, Intervertebral disc structure: observation by a novel use of ultrasound imaging, Ultrasound in Medicine &amp; Biology, Volume 26, Issue 5, June 2000, Pages 751–758 (level of evidence 3A)<br />15. PW Stratford et al, Development and Initial Validation of the Back Pain Functional Scale, The Journal of rheumatology, 2000 (level of evidence 2B)<br />16. Courtney W. Brown et al; The natural history of thoracic disc herniation, Spine Volume 17 - number 6 supplement; 1992 ( 4)<br />17. Feise RJ et al, Functional Rating Index: A New Valid and Reliable Instrument to Measure the Magnitude of Clinical Change in Spinal Conditions, Spine 2001 Mar 1;26(5):596 (level of evidence 2B)<br />18. Deborah Falla et al; Recruitment of the deep cervical flexor muscles during a postural-correction exercise performed in sitting; Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 139–143 ( 2B)<br />19. George A Koumantakis et al; Trunk Muscle Stabilization Training Plus General Exercise Versus General Exercise Only: Randomized Controlled Trial of Patients With Recurrent Low Back Pain; PHYS THER. 2005; 85:209-225. (1B)<br />20. Joshua A. Cleland et al&nbsp;;Examination of a Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Patients With Neck Pain Likely to Benefit From Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation and a General Cervical Range of Motion Exercise: Multi-Center Randomized Clinical Trial; PHYS THER. 2010; 90:1239-1250 (Level of evidence 1A)<br />21. Takuji Matsumoto, Muneharu Ando, Hiromi Hamazaki; Intradural herniation of a thoracic disc presenting as left radicular pain and left drop foot;Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery,Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 129–132 <br />LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 4 <br />22. Charles B. Stillerman, M.D., Thomas C. Chen, M.D., Ph.D., William T. Couldwell, M.D., Ph.D., Wei Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., and Martin H. Weiss, M.D.;Experience in the surgical management of 82 symptomatic herniated thoracic discs and review of the literature; J Nerosurg, 88 (1998), pp. 623–633 <br />LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 1A <br />23. DENNIS G. VOLLMER, M.D., AND NATHAN E. SIMMONS, M.D.; Transthoracic approaches to thoracic disc herniations; Neurosurg Focus 9 (4):E8, 2000<br />LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 5<br />24. Schellhas KP, Pollei SR, Dorwart RH. Thoracic discography. A safe and reliable technique. Spine. 1994 Sep 15. 19(18):2103-9.<br />LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 2b<br />25. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 5 <br />26. Wood KB, Garvey TA, Gundry C, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of the thoracic spine. Evaluation of asymptomatic individuals. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 77:1631–1638, 1995<br />LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 2b<br />27. RC O’Connor et al, Thoracic radiculopathy, Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 13 (2002) 623–644 (level of evidence 2A)<br />28. HZ Wahner et al, Noninvasive bone mineral measurements, Radionuclide Studies in the Evaluation of Trauma—Part II, July 1983, Pages 282–289 (level of evidence 3A)<br />29. NE Epstein et al, Thoracic Spinal Stenosis: Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges, Journal of Spinal Disorders, June 1994 (level of evidence 4)<br />30. MG Karnaze et al, Comparison of MR and CT myelography in imaging the cervical and thoracic spine, American Journal of Roentgenology. 1988 (level of evidence 3B)<br />31. MH Bilsky et al, The Diagnosis and Treatment of Metastatic Spinal Tumor, The Oncologist December 1999 vol. 4 no. 6 459-469 (level of evidence 3A)<br />32. MW Fidler, Surgical treatment of giant cell tumours of the thoracic and lumbar spine: report of nine patients, Eur Spine J, 2001 (level of evidence 4)<br />33. N Sehgal et al, Diagnostic Utility of Facet (Zygapophysial) Joint Injections in Chronic Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review of Evidence, Pain Physician. 2005 (level of evidence 2A)<br />34. Giuseppe Guglielmi, Osteoporosis and Bone Densitometry Measurements, Springer, 2013 pages 51-52 (level of evidence 3A)<br />35. (level of evidence 5)<br />36. E.M.J. Cornips et al., Thoracic disc herniation and acute myelopathy: clinical presentation, neuroimaging findings, surgical considerations, and outcome. J Neurosurg Spine 14:520–528, 2011. (level of evidence 4)<br />37. G. Sheean, The pathophysiology of spasticity. European Journal of Neurology 2002, 9 (Suppl. 1): 3–9. (level of evidence 5)<br />38. H.L. Frankel et al., The value of postural reduction in the initial management of closed injuries of the spine with paraplegia and tetraplegia. Paraplegia. 1969 Nov;7(3):179-92.(level of evidence 4)<br />39. of evidence 5)<br />40. of evidence 5)<br />41. of evidence 5)<br />42. (level of evidence 5)<br />43. of evidence 5)<br />44. of evidence 5)<br />45. of evidence 5)<br />46. H. Yoshihara, Surgical Treatment for Thoracic Disc Herniation, An Update. Spine 2014;39:E406–E412.(level of evidence 2A)<br />47. (level of evidence 5)<br />48. (level of evidence 5)<br />49. Kollmitzer J, Ebenbichler GR, Sabo A, Kerschan K, Bochdansky T. Effects of back extensor strength training versus balance training on postural control. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000 Oct;32(10):1770-6..(level of evidence1B )<br />
== Resources <br> ==
</p><p>• (foto disc deseases)<br />• (disc anatomy Adam)<br />• Video link: explanation thoracic herniation disc&nbsp;:;<br />
</p><p><br />
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<h2> Case Studies  </h2>
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== Case Studies  ==
<h2> Clinical Bottom Line  </h2>
<p>Thoracic pain can have different causes, including red flags (vertebral fractures, tumoral processes, visceral problems), making a differential diagnosis crucial. TDH is mostly asymptomatic and when symptomatic, possible clinical signs of myelopathy are mostly delayed and preceded by thoracic back pain, similarly to the pathophysiological process in lumbar and cervical radiculopathy. T2-weighted MRI is the diagnostic imaging technique of choice. Neurological examination of the patient should be carried out to detect clinical signs of cord compression, as motor deficit is an urgent indication for surgical decompression. Some thoracic manipulations seem to reposition protruded discs, but myelopathy is an absolute contraindication to manual therapy. Postural and stability training seems indicated in cases of disc degeneration.
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== Clinical Bottom Line ==
<h2> Recent Related Research </h2>
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Search strategy

Information concerning ‘thoracic disc syndrome’ was collected by using article databases, such as Pubmed, Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, and books from the medical library at the VUB.
The key words used are : ‘thoracic disc syndrome/ disease/ lesion/ injury/ herniation’, ‘syndrome of the prolapsed thoracic intervertebral disc’, ‘thoracic discogenic pain syndrome’ and ‘thoracic degenerative disc disease’. These terms are all synonyms for ‘thoracic disc syndrome’.
The most successful keywords were Thoracic Disc Disease and Thoracic Disc Herniation.


The term ‘thoracic syndrome’ refers to all pathological clinical manifestations due to functional (physiopathological) disturbances and degenerative changes of the thoracic motion segments. [1]
This can produce a loss of motion, back pain, radiating pain,numbness, tingling, muscle spasms or any combinations.
Common symptoms are a bulging discus, a herniated discus or a prolapsed discus but also degenerative discs, annular tears, a calcified discus, a ruptured disc and a slipped disc. (25)
Thoracic disc disease accounts for only 2% of all cases of disc disease and tends to be less serious than disc disease elsewhere in the spine, therefore surgery in herniated thoracic discs is rare and exists out only 0.15% and 4% of all disc operations. [1] + 22
When occupying >40% of the spinal canal, a thoracic disc hernia is defined as giant. (46)

Clinically Relevant Anatomy

Clinically relevant anatomy for this condition is the thoracic spine (T1-T12) which is pretty inelastic and the most important function can thus be described as weight bearing and maintaining a straight posture during ADL.
The corpus vertebrae are longer on the posterior side than the anterior one, resulting in an anterior concavity and thus the physiological kyphosis.
Each thoracic vertebrae has intervertebral discs between the vertebrae. These discs act like shock absorbers for the spine when it moves.
Each disc has 3 basic components; the nucleus pulposus (the core) existing mostly out of water and proteoglycans; the annulus fibrosus,consisting out of layers of collagen surrounding the core -you can see them as ligaments, with their own sensoric nerve endings(pain!!!)- ; and the vertebral endplates, laying superior and inferior of the disc and also between each thoracic vertebrae. Their function is helping nutrients pass to the disc by diffusion. (23+24)

Together, the vertebrae and the discs provide the spinal canal to house the spinal cord and spinal nerves. [4].
The diameter of the spinal cord presents a cervical and lumbar enlargement, while at thoracic level the spinal cord is smaller in diameter (35).

<img src="/images/9/91/Intervertebral-disk.jpg" _fck_mw_filename="Intervertebral-disk.jpg" _fck_mw_location="center" alt="" class="fck_mw_center" />

thoracic spine and thoracic vertebrae 

(Video link: explanation thoracic herniation disc :

For a more complete overview click ‘here” (LINK:


Symptomatic degenerative disc disease is much less common in the thoracic spine than in the cervical and lumbar regions because very little motion is associated with the thoracic spine compared to the neck and low back. [1],[2]
It most often affects the lower thoracic spine, between T9 and T12, because of the greater mobility of these vertebrae. [3]
The prevalence of symptomatic disc related spinal cord compression has been estimated around 1:1.000.000 23
80% of thoracic disc syndrome is seen more in between the third and the fifth decades of life and is seen in both men and women. 21

However asymptomatic degenerative disc disease is reported more frequently. Wood KB et al. concluded that 15-37% of their healthy asymptomatic cases showed thoracic disc herniations on MR imaging. 26
The development of thoracic disc degeneration is not well defined. As in the cervical and lumbar spines, thoracic disc degeneration is part of normal aging. A history of trauma may be present in younger individuals who develop thoracic pain. Those with chronic spinal cord or nerve root compression frequently have prolonged symptoms, although MRI studies on asymptomatic people note that asymptomatic disc herniations are seen in up to one-third of these asymptomatic people. [3]
Symptomatic thoracic disc degeneration may develop if affected discs have herniated or become displaced. In disc herniation, symptoms may occur when the annulus fibrosus of the degenerated disc slips from its normal position between the vertebrae, or the nucleus pulposus of the disc protrudes through the annulus. Individuals with congenital or developmental deformities of the spine such as scoliosis or kyphosis may be more likely to develop thoracic disc degeneration. [3]
In some cases, a large TDH can cause myelopathy due to compression of the spinal cord (36). This is mostly seen in low thoracic levels, where there is a higher susceptibility for TDH considering the higher mobility at these levels (3,36).

Characteristics/Clinical Presentation

Disc degenerations and minor disc herniations themselves are often (not always) painless because the disc is almost completely without nociceptive structures. Clinical syndromes (only 15% is specific, 85% is non-specific low back pain) originate only when a subluxated fragment of disc tissue pressures on the dura mater or on the dural nerve root sleeve. In this case you observe neurologic symptoms. [5]
Disc displacements are either annular or nuclear and may have posterocentral or posterolateral localization.

Posterocentral: Compression of the dura mater leading to multisegmental pain, mainly referred into the posterior thorax, but may also spread in the anterior chest, abdomen and lumbar area. [5]
Posterolateral: Interfering with the dural sleeve around the nerve root results in pain that is segmentally referred into the corresponding dermatome. [5]
A larger protrusion may compress the ganglion of the nerve root fibers, resulting in motor and/or sensory disturbances in the innervation area of the root. [6],[5]
Thoracic disc syndrome may give rise to 4 different clinical presentations:
(1) chronic thoracic backache
(2) acute thoracic lumbago
(3) Thoracic root pain
(4) spinal cord compression [7,**]
The result may be
(in 1) pain in the thoracic region of the upper back;
(in 2) pain that follows a rib;
(in 3) lower extremity weakness,
(in 4) spasticity and lack of coordination and bowel or bladder control impairment. [3], [8]

In case of spinal cord compression (often with visualisable myelomalacia), variable neurological symptoms can become apparent below the segmental level of the lesion, including motor deficits (paraparesis/paraplegia) and sensory deficits (paresthesia/anesthesia) in lower extremities and pelvic floor(36). Additionally, clinical signs of UMNS like spasticity and hyperactive tendon reflexes can be present(37). The evolution of this pathophysiological mechanism seems similar to cervical (and lumbar) discopathy, as before mentioned neurological symptoms are often preceded by thoracic pain. Signs of myelopathy are mostly delayed by several hours to 1 year (36). Giant TDH generate worse neurological symptoms and less favorable functional recovery.(46)

Differential Diagnosis

• Tumors: nocturnal or early morning pain that generally improves with activity during the day,extreme weight loss, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, MR or CT myelography (31)(32)
• Vertebral fractures: magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography (34)
• Radiculopathy: needle EMG of the thoracic paraspinal muscles (27)
• Spondylosis: CT myelography (30)
• Spinal stenosis: myelography (29)
• Facet syndrome: controlled local anesthetic blocks of the facet joint or its nerve supply (33)
• Osteoporosis: radiography, the Dual photon absorptiometry (28)
• Disc problems: as stated below; the use of MRI and CT gives accurate information about the spine

Diagnostic Procedures

The use of <a href="CT Scans">CT</a> in combination with myelography and <a href="MRI Scans">MRI</a> greatly increased the ability to accurately visualize thoracic spine disorders. 
A myelogram usually indicates the level of the lesion with certainty, although, special projections may be needed. Ransohoff J, Spencer E, Siew F, Gage L. Case reports and technical notes. Trans-thoracic removal of thoracic disc. J Neurosurg 1969; 31:459-461 (level C)
Today, MRI is the imaging method of choice in the investigation of the thoracic spinal canal. Wallace JC, Fong TC, Macrae ME. Calcified herniatopns of the thoracic disdk: role of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in surgical planning. Can Assoc Radiol J. 1992; 43(1):52-54 (level C)

Outcome Measures

• The Back Pain Functional Scale is a self-report outcome measure that evaluates the functional ability of people with back pain. It consists of 12 questions that have to be answered on the basis of a 5-point Likert scale.(15)
• Instability of the thoracic spine (LINK HERE due to degeneration and disc diseases)
• The Functional Rating Index is a self-reporting instrument that measures pain and function of the whole spinal musculoskeletal system. Using a 5-point Likert scale the patient has to answer 8 items about the ability to perform activities of daily living and 2 items about the quantity of pain. (17)
• Neurological outcomes:
o Frankel grading scale (37, 38 ).
A - Complete neurological injury. No motor or sensory function detected below level of lesion.

B - Preserved sensation only. No motor function detected below level of lesion, some sensory function below level of lesion preserved.

C - Preserved motor, nonfunctional. Some voluntary motor function preserved below level of lesion but too weak to serve any useful purpose, sensation may or may not be preserved.

D - Preserved motor, functional. Functionally useful voluntary motor function below level of injury is preserved.

E - Normal motor function. Normal motor and sensory function below level of lesion, abnormal reflexes may persist.

o Motor function: Manual Muscle Testing
Grade 5: Muscle contracts normally against full resistance.
Grade 4: Muscle strength is reduced but muscle contraction can still move joint against resistance.
Grade 3: Muscle strength is further reduced such that the joint can be moved only against gravity with the examiner's resistance completely removed.
Grade 2: Muscle can move only if the resistance of gravity is removed.
Grade 1: Only a trace or flicker of movement is seen or felt in the muscle or fasciculations are observed in the muscle.
Grade 0: No movement is observed.

o Pelvic floor testing: (45) Modified Oxford Grading
Grade 0: No discernible contraction
Grade 1: Very weak contraction, a”flicker”. Slight change in tension only.
Grade 2: Weak contraction.
Grade 3: Moderate contraction with some squeeze and lift ability. Clinically this is the aim. At this level continence and support start to return.
Grade 4: Good contraction; squeeze and lift against resistance.
Grade 5: Strong contraction, squeeze and lift against strong resistance.

o Sensation: Erasmus modifications to Nottingham Sensory Assessment (EmNSA) (touch, sharp/blunt discrimination and proprioception) (41)

o Spasticity: Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) (42)
0 No increase in muscle tone
1 Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch and release or by minimal resistance at the end of the range of motion when the affected part(s) is moved in flexion or extension
1+ Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout the remainder (less than half) of the ROM
2 More marked increase in muscle tone through most of the ROM, but affected part(s) easily moved
3 Considerable increase in muscle tone, passive movement difficult
4 Affected part(s) rigid in flexion or extension

o Babinski: (43) stroking the sole of the foot from the lateral border towards the first toe with a sharp object.
Positive result: extension of the hallux + eventual fanning of the other toes, indicating lesion of UMN.

o Tendon reflexes: reflex-hammer (44)
0 = no response; always abnormal
1+ = a slight but definitely present response; may or may not be normal
2+ = a brisk response; normal
3+ = a very brisk response; may or may not be normal
4+ = a tap elicits a repeating reflex (clonus); always abnormal


Thoracic intervertebral disc degeneration on MRI is shown by a decrease in signal intensity with or without loss of disc height. A normal, healthy disc displays a high intensity signal on T2-weighted MRI. Disc degeneration can be detected by a reduced signal intensity due to loss of water from the nucleus pulposus. [11]

A completer overview of a manual examination performed by a physiotherapist can be viewed ‘here” (LINK

Medical Management

Most patients with symptomatic thoracic disc disease will respond favourably to non-operative management. Surgery is indicated for the rare patient with an acute thoracic disc herniation with progressive neurologic deficit (i.e., signs or symptoms of thoracic spinal cord myelopathy). [2] Remarkable recovery of neurological functions is observed after surgical decompression of the spinal cord.(36) (level of evidence 4)

Surgical Approaches for Thoracic Disc Herniation (TDH)(46)(13)
• Transthoracic
Transpleural (thoracotomy)
With rib resection
Between ribs (using tubular retractor)
• Thoracoscopy
• Lateral extracavitary
• Costotransversectomy
• Transpedicular
• Transforaminal
• Transfacet pedicle sparing
• Facetectomy

The anterolateral approach is more suited in case of central herniated discs, while the posterolateral approach is best for paracentral or lateral herniated discs. Minimally invasive thoracoscopic techniques were introduced to reduce morbidities related to thoracotomy, like persisting pain 4 to 5 years post-thoracotomy, with satisfactory long-term outcomes. For midline giant TDH however, open thoracotomy is recommended rather than thoracoscopy. To prevent instability, intervertebral fusion is indicated in patients undergoing wide resection of structures during discectomy. (46) (level of evidence 2A)

Physical Therapy Management

Click “here” for a complete “Evidence-Informed Back Education Program” : (

A Case-study shows us that the therapy of a thoracic disc herniation has to contain hyperextension strengthening exercises, postural training and body-mechanic education. The therapy of thoracic disc herniation is very similar to the therapy of the neck and the low back.(16)(level of evidence 4)

Parts of the therapy are:
Postural training and body-mechanic education:
The purpose of the training is to correct and to educate the patient in order to maintain a straight back.(16)(18) An exercise to achieve this is to have the patient straighten his back by standing against a wall or by looking into a mirror and correcting himself.(19)(20) An example for postural training exercise are core exercises (seated barbell twist, the barbell side bench, etc.)(47)

Back strengthening exercise:
The meaning of this exercise is to strengthen the weakened back muscles (thoracic area). An example of exercise are wall push-ups, back extension
(20) (48) (levels of evidence 1A, 5)
If the patient does strengthening exercises of the back extensors, he also needs to train the antagonists of the trained muscles otherwise there will be a great loss of postural control. (Agonist = back extensors, antagonist = abdominis muscles) (49)

Manual therapists and osteopaths claim that almost all thoracic disc protrusions can be reduced by manipulation in 3 to 5 sessions. [5]
If manipulation does not succeed after 3 sessions, the diagnosis should be reconsidered and, if a disc lesion is confirmed, traction can be tried. Traction can also be used for thoracic postural pain syndrome and for lateral recess stenosis in the thorax. Other treatments are sinuvertebral blocks for persistent root pain or for root pain with neurological deficit: surgery, bed rest and prevention of recurrence. [5]

Manipulations [5]

All actual and symptomatic thoracic disc protrusions in the absence of contraindications should be manipulated.
-Relative: Absence of actual symptomatic disc displacement
Self-reducing disc lesion
Monoradicular neurological deficit
-Absolute: Signs and/or symptoms of cord compression
Patients with bleeding disorders
Patients on anticoagulant treatment
Thoracic manipulations are always performed under strong traction.
3 main types of procedure are considered:
1: Extension techniques, in which extension is always present, sometimes combined with rotation.

2: Rotation techniques, in which rotation is the only component.
3: High thoracic technique, used only in upper thoracic disc lesions
All extension manipulations of the thoracic spine are specific; they are performed only at 2 vertebrae where the disc protrusion lies in between.

When manipulations are unsuccessful:
It should be accepted that either the diagnosis is wrong or the disc lesion is not suitable for manipulation.
When the diagnosis is wrong, one must consider possibilities, like: Facet joint, tumour, muscular lesion, osseous Lesion, ligamentous lesion, visceral disorder. [5]
Some cases respond better to oscillations. These consist of gentle high-frequency mobilizations at 2 or 3 vibrations per second. Oscillations should be given for 10-15 minutes daily and are performed as central or as unilateral pressure to the thoracic spine. [12]

Three groups of indications:
- Patients who present with much discomfort but with very minor articular signs on clinical examination.
- Patients with acute thoracic lumbago who are in such pain that they cannot put up with normal manipulations. Oscillatory techniques can be used until the pain is reduced to a level at which normal manipulations can be started.
- Patients who cannot tolerate the extension or rotation techniques. [11] (level of evidence 3B)

Key Evidence

• H. Yoshihara, Surgical Treatment for Thoracic Disc Herniation, An Update. Spine 2014;39:E406–E412.
• E.M.J. Cornips et al., Thoracic disc herniation and acute myelopathy: clinical presentation, neuroimaging findings, surgical considerations, and outcome. J Neurosurg Spine 14:520–528, 2011
• George A Koumantakis et al; Trunk Muscle Stabilization Training Plus General Exercise Versus General Exercise Only: Randomized Controlled Trial of Patients With Recurrent Low Back Pain; PHYS THER. 2005; 85:209-225.


1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Juergen Kraemer, 2009, Intervertebral Disk Diseases: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis , Thieme , Stuttgart, 375p.
2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Jed S. Vanichkachorn, MD and Alexander R. Vaccaro, MD. Thoracic Disk Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2000. 8:159-169.
3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3
4. ↑ (level of evidence 5)
5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 L. Ombregt, P. Bisschop, H.J. Ter Veer. 2002. A System of Orthopaedic Medicine, second edition. Churchill Livingstone. 1360p.
6. ↑ Lyu RK, Chang HS, Tang LM, Chen ST. Thoracic disc herniation mimicking acute lumbar disc disease. Spine. 1999; 24 (4): 416-418
7. ↑ Cyriax J. textbook of orthopaedic medicine, vol 1, diagnosis of soft tissue lesions, 8th edn. Ballière Tindall, London, 1982. (level of evidence 5)
8. ↑ J. MCInerney, P. A. Ball. The pathophysiology of thoracic disc disease. Neurosurg. Focus Volume 9 , 2000 (level of evidence 3A)
9. ↑ Ransohoff J, Spencer E, Siew F, Gage L. Case reports and technical notes. Trans-thoracic removal of thoracic disc. J Neurosurg 1969; 31:459-461 (level of evidence 4)
10. ↑ Wallace JC, Fong TC, Macrae ME. Calcified herniatopns of the thoracic disk: role of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in surgical planning. Can Assoc Radiol J. 1992; 43(1):52-54 (level of evidence 4)
11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 F E Bruckner 'Benign thoracic pain' syndrome: role of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection and localization of thoracic disc disease. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine; 1989 Volume 82, 81-83. (level of evidence 3B)
12. ↑ Maitland G, Brewerton D. Vertebral manipulation. Butterworth, London, 1977:7.
13. Kiyoshi Otani, Sadaaki Nakai, Yoshikazu Fujimura, Shunichi Manzoku, Keiichi Shibasaki, Surgical treatment of thoracic disc herniation using the anterior using the anterior approach. the journal of bone and joint surgery, 1982
14. DS McNally et al, Intervertebral disc structure: observation by a novel use of ultrasound imaging, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Volume 26, Issue 5, June 2000, Pages 751–758 (level of evidence 3A)
15. PW Stratford et al, Development and Initial Validation of the Back Pain Functional Scale, The Journal of rheumatology, 2000 (level of evidence 2B)
16. Courtney W. Brown et al; The natural history of thoracic disc herniation, Spine Volume 17 - number 6 supplement; 1992 ( 4)
17. Feise RJ et al, Functional Rating Index: A New Valid and Reliable Instrument to Measure the Magnitude of Clinical Change in Spinal Conditions, Spine 2001 Mar 1;26(5):596 (level of evidence 2B)
18. Deborah Falla et al; Recruitment of the deep cervical flexor muscles during a postural-correction exercise performed in sitting; Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 139–143 ( 2B)
19. George A Koumantakis et al; Trunk Muscle Stabilization Training Plus General Exercise Versus General Exercise Only: Randomized Controlled Trial of Patients With Recurrent Low Back Pain; PHYS THER. 2005; 85:209-225. (1B)
20. Joshua A. Cleland et al ;Examination of a Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Patients With Neck Pain Likely to Benefit From Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation and a General Cervical Range of Motion Exercise: Multi-Center Randomized Clinical Trial; PHYS THER. 2010; 90:1239-1250 (Level of evidence 1A)
21. Takuji Matsumoto, Muneharu Ando, Hiromi Hamazaki; Intradural herniation of a thoracic disc presenting as left radicular pain and left drop foot;Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery,Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 129–132
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39. of evidence 5)
40. of evidence 5)
41. of evidence 5)
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43. of evidence 5)
44. of evidence 5)
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46. H. Yoshihara, Surgical Treatment for Thoracic Disc Herniation, An Update. Spine 2014;39:E406–E412.(level of evidence 2A)
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• Video link: explanation thoracic herniation disc : 

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Clinical Bottom Line

Thoracic pain can have different causes, including red flags (vertebral fractures, tumoral processes, visceral problems), making a differential diagnosis crucial. TDH is mostly asymptomatic and when symptomatic, possible clinical signs of myelopathy are mostly delayed and preceded by thoracic back pain, similarly to the pathophysiological process in lumbar and cervical radiculopathy. T2-weighted MRI is the diagnostic imaging technique of choice. Neurological examination of the patient should be carried out to detect clinical signs of cord compression, as motor deficit is an urgent indication for surgical decompression. Some thoracic manipulations seem to reposition protruded discs, but myelopathy is an absolute contraindication to manual therapy. Postural and stability training seems indicated in cases of disc degeneration.

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