Introduction to Gunshot Injury Rehabilitation

Original Editor - Zafer Altunbezel

Top Contributors - Ewa Jaraczewska and Jess Bell  

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Gunshot injuries are one of the most common injury patterns in conflict settings, with civilians becoming more vulnerable in 21st-century armed conflicts. Gunshot injuries are high-energy injuries which can cause significant tissue damage, paralysis or death. The extent of the injury depends on a number of factors. Rehabilitation professionals should have an understanding of the potential consequences and appropriate management strategies throughout each phase of rehabilitation to enhance patient outcomes.

Definition of Gunshot Injury[edit | edit source]

A gunshot injury is "the penetrating injury and its related consequences caused by a projectile from a firearm."[1]

Epidemiology[edit | edit source]

The epidemiology of gunshot injuries is difficult to assess, and it varies based on the population, conflict set, country, characteristics of the conflict, and time it occurred:[1]

  • Wild et al. aimed to describe "conflict-related injuries sustained by civilians and local combatants in twenty-first century conflict".[2] They found that:[2]
    • gunshot injuries caused 22% of injuries in civilians and local combatants
    • gunshot injuries are the second most common mechanism of injury among US military personnel during armed conflict, causing 19.9% of injuries
  • Wild et al.[2] also found that urban and semi-urban settings have higher rates of gunshot injuries
    • gunshot injuries accounted for 42.2% of injuries in urban settings
    • gunshot injuries accounted for 26.7% of injuries in semi-urban settings
    • gunshot injuries accounted for 7.5% of injuries in rural settings
  • in the USA in 2020, over 45,000 deaths were attributed to gun-related injuries[3] (i.e. 13.6 per 100,000 people[4])

Types of Firearms and Severity of Gunshot Injury[edit | edit source]

The wounding potential of a firearm depends on various factors, including:

  • the type of the firearm (muzzle velocity)
  • the type of bullet
  • the distance to the target
  • the size of the pellets

Based on the muzzle velocity, firearms can be divided into low-velocity, medium-velocity, or high-velocity firearms.[1]

Classification[edit | edit source]

Gunshot injuries can be classified based on the type of firearm and the Gustilo-Anderson open fracture classification. You can find out more about this classification system here: Gustilo Classification.

Low-Velocity Firearms[edit | edit source]

Low-velocity firearms, including small handguns and pistols, have a muzzle velocity of less than 1200 feet.[1] They tend to cause injuries that are similar to Gustilo-Anderson Type I and Type II injuries.[5]

  • Type I[5][6]
    • low energy
    • wound size is less than one centimetre
    • minimal soft tissue damage and fracture comminution
    • wound is clean
    • no neuromuscular injury
  • Type II[5][6]
    • moderate energy
    • wound size is between 1 and 10 centimetres
    • moderate soft tissue damage and fracture comminution
    • moderate wound contamination
    • no neuromuscular injury

Medium-Velocity Firearms[edit | edit source]

Medium-velocity firearms, including high-calibre handguns and shotguns, have a muzzle velocity between 1200-2000 feet per second.[1] However, wound severity depends on various factors, including the distance and projectile.[1][7]

Example: shotguns are medium-velocity firearms, but because of the "large total mass of their lead pellets can increase their kinetic energy dramatically. [...] Depending on the distance to the target and the size of pellets, shotguns can reflect the wounding potential of high-velocity firearms or multiple low-velocity weapons. [...] Very close proximity of shotgun to the target (< 2 m) results in not only the pellet projection, but also shell fragments and wadding."[8]

High-Velocity Firearms[edit | edit source]

High-velocity firearms, including military and hunting rifles, have a muzzle velocity greater than 2000 feet per second,[1] and they are associated with more substantial tissue damage.[7] They tend to cause Gustilo-Anderson Type III wounds.[5]

  • Type III (A, B, or C)[5][6]
    • high energy
    • wound size is usually greater than 10 centimetres
    • extensive soft tissue damage
    • severe fracture comminution
    • extensive wound contamination
    • periosteal stripping present
    • may require flap coverage (III B and III C)
    • exposed fracture with arterial damage that requires repair may be present (III C)
Figure 1. Mechanism of gunshot injury.

Mechanism of Gunshot Injuries[edit | edit source]

  • The projectile hits the body and transfers its kinetic energy and heat to the tissues
  • This creates a permanent cavity approximately the size of the projectile's cross-sectional area
  • The momentarily extreme pressure around the projectile's trajectory can create a vortex effect[1]
  • This vortex effect causes the tissue around the projectile's trajectory to momentarily stretch out, forming a temporary cavity, before contracting back[1]
  • The projectile may exit the body, usually creating a bigger exit point, remain in the body or change direction
  • Sometimes the projectile fragments or explodes inside the body, causing further damage[1]

Effects of Gunshot Injuries[edit | edit source]

"While the tissues in the primary cavity sustain direct injury due to energy transfer, surrounding tissues within the temporary cavity sustain secondary injuries due to burns and extreme stretching."[1]

Figure 2. Cross-section of a gunshot injury.

Gunshot wounds can have a range of effects, including diffuse soft tissue damage, muscle damage, nerve injury, vascular injury / haemorrhage, bone injury and severe pain.[9] These injuries are discussed in more detail below.

Soft-tissue Injury[edit | edit source]

The permanent cavity or temporary cavitation causes soft tissue damage:[9]

  • tissues in the primary (permanent) cavity are injured by the projectile and extreme kinetic energy transfer[1]
  • tissues in the temporary cavity are "destroyed by projectile compression and shearing that leaves a projectile trail"[9]

There may be partial or complete damage to the soft tissues, including ruptures, lacerations, internal burns and scarring in the later stages.[1]

Muscle Injury[edit | edit source]

"Skeletal muscle is suggested to be more sensitive to permanent cavitation, with temporary cavitation thought to induce less damage (unless the vasculature is disrupted) due to skeletal muscle’s inherent elasticity."[9]

Skeletal muscles can be affected by laceration, contusion or crush injury, denervation, haemorrhage, ischaemia, burns, and volumetric muscle loss. Primary trauma can be complicated by secondary trauma, including:[9]

  • infection and sepsis as a result of contamination from the bullet or debris accumulated on clothing or the skin
  • surgical debridement of damaged tissue
  • excessive physical movement

Immobilisation and nutrient deficiency can lead to volumetric muscle loss after a gunshot injury.

Nerve Injury[edit | edit source]

Gunshot injuries can cause:[10]

  • direct transection of the nerve
  • indirect injury from thermal damage, shock waves, and laceration from fracture fragment displacement
  • compression due to swelling or subacute scar formation

Therefore, gunshot-related injuries can cause axonotmesis, neuropraxia and neurotmesis.[11] Axonotmesis "describes the range of peripheral nerve injuries that are more severe than a minor insult, such as those resulting in neurapraxia, yet less severe than the transection of the nerve, as observed in neurotmesis."[12] Neuropraxia is the "focal segmental demyelination at the site of injury without disruption of axon continuity and its surrounding connective tissues."[13] Neurotmesis is a "complete transection of a peripheral nerve."[14]

The most frequently affected nerves in the upper extremities are the ulnar nerve and the brachial plexus.[10] Sheilds et al. also note that, in gunshot injuries, "vascular injury and fractures increase the risk of nerve injury".[10]

Vascular Injury / Haemorrhage[edit | edit source]

Blood vessels can be directly injured or affected by secondary circulatory compromise.[1] Vascular injury can lead to blood loss or haemorrhage (internal or external). A haemorrhagic area can form around irreversibly damaged tissue following gunshot injury. This extra vacation zone "is characterized by interstitial bleeding but the absence of macroscopically evident tissue destruction."[15]

Figure 3. Highly comminuted fracture-gunshot injury. Image courtesy of Dr. Matt Skalski,; rID:46134

Bone Injury[edit | edit source]

Gunshot injuries usually result in comminuted, displaced fractures:[1]

  • caused by high-energy ballistic penetration
  • a secondary effect of cavitation associated with the fluid properties of bone marrow
  • associated with a high incidence of secondary complications, including infection and nonunion[16]
    • the rate of infection is higher in patients with a skin flap[16]
    • the rate of nonunion is higher in patients who have vascular injuries[16]

A drill-hole effect is often caused by low-energy injuries to porous, low-density / cancellous bone[8]:

  • more common in the pelvis, distal femur, proximal humerus and spine[8]
  • low-energy ballistic penetration
  • affects the metaphyseal region of long bones

Unicortical fractures:

  • can be due to "low-energy missile impact that creates only a tangential bone defect"[8]

Transverse or spiral fractures:

  • can be caused by lower-energy gunshots to dense and highly-mineralised diaphyseal cortical bone

Gunshot injuries can result in secondary injuries (e.g. a fall), which can also result in fracture.[8][17]

Pain[edit | edit source]

  • Patients with gunshot wounds in a combat setting have a high risk of chronic pain, "45% higher than the general population in civilian trauma patients"[18]
  • 70% of individuals with gunshot injuries develop chronic pain[19]
  • Kuchyn and Horoshko[18] found that individuals who were injured by gunshots in three or more areas had a higher percentage of chronic pain than those with injuries to one or two areas
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) can occur after traumatic events, including gunshot injuries[20]

Determinants of Injury Severity[edit | edit source]

  • Projectile: velocity, mass, shape, calibre, material, yawing and impact distance:[9][1]
    • mass / shape: as projectile diameter / length increase, more damage is likely
    • velocity: as the velocity increases, the amount of kinetic energy dramatically increases, causing more harm
    • impact distance: as projectiles travel longer distances, they lose more of their kinetic energy and cause less harm, whereas even smaller projectiles from close distances can cause extensive damage
    • yaw is "the angle between the long axis of the bullet and its direction of flight."[21] As the distance increases, the projectile loses its stability and starts to yaw off. While this decreases the amount of kinetic energy transfer, it can increase the cross-sectional area, causing more damage[1]
  • Type of tissue: density, elasticity, and thickness[9]
    • high elasticity and low density equal less damage[21]
    • skin has a high degree of elasticity and relatively low density
    • lungs have a much lower density and absorb less energy
    • bones are dense and absorb more energy
  • The entry and exit points and trajectory within the body[1]
    • if they are close to the nervous plexus, more severe damage can occur
    • if they are close to main arteries or veins, the clinical presentation can be more complicated
  • Projectile fragmentation
    • more fragments = more than one trajectory within the body, which results in more severe internal issues to manage in the following days and months[1]

Potential Challenges and Secondary Complications of Gunshot Injuries[edit | edit source]

The management of the secondary complications related to the gunshot injury is complex. Early intervention and in-depth knowledge are required to maximise rehabilitation outcomes.

Some secondary complications of gunshot injuries are listed below:[1]

  • joint contractures can develop as a result of periods of immobilisation after comminuted and complex open fractures that require external / internal fixation
  • myofascial, chronic, or neuropathic pain can develop due to internal scarring, internal burns, wound or bone infection
  • peripheral nerve injuries that are initially undetected due to heterogeneity and the conditions on the field may require referral to a specialist
  • deep vein thrombosis or different types of embolism
  • complex regional pain syndrome (causalgia) known as military pain syndrome - "tends to affect combat soldiers after they sustain wartime injuries from blasts and gunshots"[22]
  • central sensitisation
  • mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety or depression, which tend to worsen over time with long-term declines in mental health status[23]

Skills and Knowledge Required to Treat Gunshot Injuries[edit | edit source]

It is recommended that rehabilitation professionals treating gunshot injuries have a solid understanding of the following topics:[1]

  • neuroanatomy
    • to perform a neurological examination
    • to plan treatment
    • to recognise signs and symptoms that warrant referral to speciality services
  • pain neuroscience
    • to provide pain education to help manage chronic / persistent pain
  • clinical reasoning
    • to manage complex cases
    • to participate in / lead a multidisciplinary team
  • manual skills
    • to help manage joint contractures, internal scarring, and neurogenic compromise

Resources[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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