
Description[edit | edit source]

The push-up exercise is a very popular exercise used in upper extremity training. It is a closed kinetic chain exercise that requires no tools and uses the body weight for resistance. It has many variations, so it can be adjusted according to the fitness level. The muscles it primary targets are the pectoralis major, tricpes brachii and scapula stabilizers.[1]

Execution of conventional push-up[edit | edit source]

From a prone position, the hands are placed under the shoulders with the elbows extended. Keeping the back and legs straight with the toes touching the ground.

The body is lowered until the upper arm is parallel to the ground.

Then reverse the movement and raise the body until arm is extended.[1] 

File:Classic-push-up push-up-variations.jpg

Muscles activation[edit | edit source]

The main activated muscles:

Pectoralis major, triceps brachii, scapular stabilizing muscles

Other involved muscles:

Core muscles, anterior shoulder[1]

Significance[edit | edit source]

Push-up exercise is a close chain kinetic exercise which improves the joint proprioception, joint stability and muscle co activation around the shoulder joint.[2]

The push-up exercise can be used in shoulder rehabilitation as it strengths the muscles around the shoulder, performing the push-up exercise with a push up bar increases the activation of shoulder stabilization muscles more than doing it on a flat surface.[3]

Variations[edit | edit source]

There are many variations of the push-up exercise, each targeting different muscles groups, including:

Narrow palmer width increased muscles activity of the pectoralis major and minor, triceps brachii and infraspinatus while wide palmer width increased the muscles activity of the serratus anterior which is an important in scapular stability.[4]

Performing the push-up exercise with a push-up bar, increased the activation of shoulder stabilization muscles more than doing it on a flat surface.[3]

Push-up with feet elevated requires more shoulder muscles activity than conventional push up.[2]

In the posterior variant, the pectoralis major muscle activation increases.[1]

The push-up plus exercise is a modification of the conventional push-up exercise, where maximal scapular protraction is performed at the end of elbow extension. It can correct the scapular kinematics as it produces high muscular activity of the serratus anterior and low muscular activity of the upper trapezius, on the other hand scapular protraction decreases the subacromial space which can increase the risk for impingement of the rotator cuff tendons.[5]

The serratus muscle activity increases in the push up plus exercise as the leg angle increases (by raising the foot platform).[6]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Chulvi‐Medrano I, Martínez‐Ballester E, Masiá‐Tortosa L. COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTS OF AN EIGHT‐WEEK PUSH‐UP PROGRAM USING STABLE VERSUS UNSTABLE SURFACES. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2012 Dec;7(6):586.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Uhl TL, Carver TJ, Mattacola CG, Mair SD, Nitz AJ. Shoulder musculature activation during upper extremity weight-bearing exercise. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 2003 Mar;33(3):109-17.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Jung J, Cho W. Effects of push-up exercise on shoulder stabilizer muscle activation according to the grip thickness of the push-up bar. Journal of physical therapy science. 2015;27(9):2995-7.
  4. Kim YS, Kim DY, Ha MS. Effect of the push-up exercise at different palmar width on muscle activities. Journal of physical therapy science. 2016;28(2):446-9.
  5. Lunden JB, Braman JP, LaPrade RF, Ludewig PM. Shoulder kinematics during the wall push-up plus exercise. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 2010 Mar 1;19(2):216-23.
  6. Lee S, Kim J. The effect of leg angle during push-up plus exercise on shoulder stabilization muscle activity. Journal of physical therapy science. 2019;31(1):33-5.