Introduction to Animal Physiotherapy

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

Physiotherapy is defined as the therapeutic use of physical agents/means (i.e., massage or exercises) to treat disease/injury. This has been shown to be an extremely useful adjunct to medicine, human and veterinary.[1] The primary purpose is to restore mobility/function and quality of life to patients. Oftentimes, this is done by stimulating the healing process to restore injured tissues, to improve the balance/strength of the injured tissues and stabilising the cardiorespiratory, neurological and musculoskeletal systems. Physiotherapy also has an important role in optimising performance and injury prevention in sporting and working animals. It can be performed on any animal, but the vast majority of cases seen in small animal practice are dogs.[2]

PA dog walking.jpg

Dogs and Horses as Model of Human Physiotherapy[edit | edit source]

Human physiotherapy is based in some instances on research performed on animals. So to say "human" physiotherapy is not translatable to animals is flawed when the evidence was translated to human practice from animals.

Human-Animal Dyad[edit | edit source]

The Role of Physiotherapists and The Scope of Physiotherapy to Animals[edit | edit source]

Physiotherapy is often used to correct complication that maybe occurred as a result of surgery; however, if introduced early and appropriately, these complications can be avoided in most instances. The rehabilitation must be of the highest standard to fulfil the expectation of the animal owners and veterinarian alike.[3]

Physiotherapy can be beneficial for animals in a wide range of conditions. Conventionally, physiotherapy is divided into a wide variety of specialities. In veterinary medicine, the divisions are as followed: Musculoskeletal, respiratory, orthopaedics, neurological, sports medicine, elderly care/geriatrics.[3]

Musculoskeletal[edit | edit source]

Most people consider this as 'traditional physiotherapy'. The conditions seen can be split into soft-tissue injuries, such as sprains/strains or ruptures of ligament, tendon or muscle; bursitis and bone or joint disease, such as OCD. The injuries may be a result of either a traumatic event or overuse, where the owner cannot recall the specific onset of symptoms.[4]

Respiratory[edit | edit source]

This is the acute care of animals in a hospital; it could be post-anaesthetic recovery or ventilated animals. Physiotherapy is aimed to manage secretion, prevent pressure sores, prevent atelectasis, reduce the work of breathing and optimise the ventilation/perfusion ratio to ensure high oxygen saturation levels.[5]

These aims are achieved using positioning (for pressure relief, postural drainage or to influence ventilation/perfusion ration within the lungs), manual techniques such a percussion or vibrations to remove secretions, neuromuscular techniques such as rib springing to increase lung capacity and manual hyperinflation or bagging to improve ventilation and aid secretion removal.

Orthopaedics[edit | edit source]

Physiotherapy following surgery is used to maximise the success of the surgery. By working with the surgeon, the recovery can be optimised. Orthopaedic surgeons may have their own protocols for rehabilitation following surgery and knowledge of these protocols is needed by the owner and therapist before embarking on a rehabilitation programme. These protocols guide the therapist on how much weight can be put through the leg and when different exercises can be introduced.[6]

Neurological[edit | edit source]

Neurological physiotherapy is the rehabilitation of the animal following a neurological injury, which can involve a single limb or whole body. Neurological damage can be managed conservatively or surgically and may completely resolve or can leave lasting damage.[7]

The amount of initial damage usually has a significant impact on the amount of recovery that can be achieved. Long-term solutions permanent damage sometimes have to be sought, such as wheels, harnesses/splints, to support the animal's everyday activities.

Sports medicine[edit | edit source]

The preparation of an animal for athletic activity is extremely important requiring physical training, skill training and cardiovascular training. Physiotherapy can help guide owners on appropriate conditioning programmes for certain sports and specific to the animal being trained. Different sports will place very different demands on animals. For instance, the endurance capability of a sled dog opposed to the speed of a racing greyhound. The rehabilitation of sports injuries is also extremely important as often these animals are not lame but subtle changes in muscle tightness can affect their performance.

Elderly care/geriatrics[edit | edit source]

As pets (and owners) are living longer now, there is a high population of arthritic animals seen in clinics, they can often have other co-morbidities such as diabetes that can complicate the rehabilitation process. The provision of a holistic approach to managing these animals, will mean that they can stay comfortable and functional for longer.

Developmental problems[edit | edit source]

A large number of young animals are seen with genetic/developmental problems, and they benefit greatly from physiotherapy to support their joints. Conditions such as hips and elbow dysplasia are often seen. Physiotherapy can improve their quality of life and prevent further problems or surgeries such as total hip replacements.

The Benefits of Physiotherapy to Animals[edit | edit source]

Physiotherapy can be beneficial to all animals, however, the choice of treatment can be limited by any concurrent disease or illness. The behaviour of an animal, the level of understanding of the owner and their emotions can all influence the success of the physiotherapy treatment.

For instance, a nervous owner will unsettle the animal causing it to become tense which can adversely affect the examination and subsequent treatment session. The objective of physiotherapy is for the animal and the owner to be part of the treatment and it therefore must be at least stressful experience for both of them as possible. The objectives of a rehabilitation programme are to reduce pain, restore movement, improve gait, increase muscle strength and improve function. From these broad objectives, the formation of a rehabilitation programme will be tailored to suit an individual's situation and take into account the many factors that influence rehabilitation.

The knowledge of the health process can help maximise the strength of healing tissues following injury and prevent complications arising from the healing process. The is achieved by giving appropriate physiotherapeutic interventions at an appropriate time. The examination of an animal will help identify not only the injury act it has been referred to physiotherapy for but also any compensations that have occurred as a result for hat injury. The physiotherapist will also assess the animal's conformation and posture as this is the cornerstone for good movement. A poor conformation can tighten muscles and chronically tight muscles can alter bone alignment, which in turn can complicate rehabilitation.

Understanding movement, posture and confirmation mean the animal will be treated holistically and this can improve the long-term prognosis for an animal. When treating animals, it is very important to educate the owners on how they can help the rehabilitation process, through a home exercise programme and self-management strategies. It is important to understand the clients' expectations of physiotherapy and their goals/aims for the animal. Physiotherapy treatment at the appropriate time will often promote the safe return to function or activity at the earliest time.

In elderly patients or this those with a chronic problem, an ongoing physiotherapy programme will maintain the function of an animal for as long as possible. It is particularly useful in these cases to educate the owner on adaptations that can be made in the home environment to support their animal, such as the provision of rugs on slippery floors and placing the animal's bed out of drafts to ensure they do not get cold and stiffen up overnight.

Physiotherapists are trained to conduct specific and progressive rehabilitation programmes based on evidence-based treatments. By setting goals throughout the treatment process, the owner and therapist can monitor the progress of the animal towards the completion of treatment. Physiotherapy is used to maintain soundness in competition animals by training owners to be able to recognise signs of reduced performance and educating them on warm-ups or stretches for their animals. The provision of competition-specific conditioning programmes for athletic animals will help to prevent injury.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. McGowan CM, Stubbs NC, Jull GA. Equine physiotherapy: a comparative view of the science underlying the profession. Equine veterinary journal. 2007 Jan;39(1):90-4.
  2. Hayes-Davies D. Physiotherapy for the sporting dog. Companion Animal. 2014 Aug 2;19(8):415-22.
  3. Price H. Introduction to veterinary physiotherapy. Companion Animal. 2014 Mar;19(3):130-3.
  4. Goff L, Crook T. Physiotherapy assessment for animals. Animal physiotherapy, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of animals. UK: Blackwell Publishing. 2007 Jan 1:136-63.
  5. Rivière S. Physiotherapy for cats and dogs applied to locomotor disorders of arthritic origin. Veterinary Focus. 2007;17(3):32-6.
  6. Colveiro AC, Rauber JS, Ripplinger A, Wrzesinski M, Schwab ML, Pigatto A, Ferrarin DA, Mazzanti A. Neurological and Orthopedic Diseases in Dogs and Cats Submitted to Physiotherapy. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 2020 Oct 13;48.
  7. Colveiro AC, Rauber JS, Ripplinger A, Wrzesinski M, Schwab ML, Pigatto A, Ferrarin DA, Mazzanti A. Neurological and Orthopedic Diseases in Dogs and Cats Submitted to Physiotherapy. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 2020 Oct 13;48.