Gross Motor Milestones in Infants 0-14 Months

Original Editor - Robin Tacchetti based on the course by Krista Eskay
Top Contributors - Robin Tacchetti and Jess Bell

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Specific gross motor milestones have general timeframes for skill acquisition, however, each child will follow their own schedule. Skill acquisition is acquired through the interplay of the individual, the task and the environment.[1] Gross motor development will vary based on a host of factors including:

  • culture
  • child-rearing
  • household-income
  • parental involvement
  • infant handling
  • opportunities to practice
  • maternal education
  • number of family members
  • space for physical activity
  • sleep and play positions
  • equipment used[2][3]

Research shows there is a direct relationship between daily practices and motor development. Children that spend more time in active positions such as prone and standing have more positive motor development[4] outcomes than children who are in less active positions such as supine and sitting.[3] More specifically, decreased tummy time prone posture during awake time limits the infants' opportunity to practice postural control and antigravity movements.[2]

Acquisition of each motor skill facilitates new opportunities for learning and exploration. Learning entails the child adapting their behaviour to the current status of their body.[5] The following tables detail what one would gross motor wise during the first 14 months of life.

0-3 months[edit | edit source]

SUPINE physiologic flexion hip and knee;

unable to hold head in midline

sporadic head to midline;

sporadic cervical rotation;

increased extensor activity;

asymmetry of limbs

hands to midline;

symmetrical movement patterns;

PRONE increased physiologic flexion hip and knee;

elbows posterior to shoulders;

head to side

slight head lift to 45 degrees;

unable to hold head in midline;

flexion contractures decreased

able to push through hands;

start to lift head and shoulders;

head lift to 45 degrees

SITTING weight of head pulls them anterior;

shoulders anterior to hips;

unable to hold head in midline wide base of support (ring sitting)

need a lot of support at proximal trunk

pull to sit- head lag;

not able to hold head in midline

pull to sit-able to tuck chin and hold in midline;

vertical righting;

weight bear through hands (propped sitting)

STANDING supported standing;

reflexive moment in response to stimuli on plantar aspect

begin to accept weight;


4-6 MONTHS[edit | edit source]

ALL POSITIONS better head control;

symmetrical movements;

less physiologic flexion;

developmental spiralling;

better trunk activation;

co-activation of flexors and extensors;

rolling with rotation (roll as a unit/log roll) weight shifting;

protective reactions

SUPINE elevating hands to knees;

chink tuck;

using abdominals;

supine to sidelying

grabbing feet hands away from body to reach for objects;

transfer objects from one hand to the other

PRONE cervical and thoracic extension;

elbow extension when pushing up;

elbows more in line with shoulders;

good head and upper trunk control

shoulders off floor when pushing up

swimming motion;

equilibrium reactions;

scooting backwards;

prone to quadraped;

prone pivot

SITTING narrower base of support;

no head lag pull to sit;

more extensor activity

unsupported sitting sitting without support;

pelvis in neutral;'


reaching for toys

STANDING early weight-bearing and more upright posture hips and knees less flexed;

appear bow-legged

ankles not in neutral position

upper and lower trunk control;

bouncing in this supported position

7-9 MONTHS[edit | edit source]

ALL POSITIONS roll with rotation;

lateral trunk control;

prone pivoting

side prop position with weight through shoulder girdle;crawling emerging

quadruped to half-kneeling;

reciprocal creeping

PRONE prone pivoting
SITTING weight shifting;

vertical righting;

protective reactions;

unsupported sitting;

narrower base of support;

sitting to prone position;

sitting to quadruped;

weight-shift to reach for toys

STANDING pull to stand;

supported standing on toes

10-14 MONTHS[edit | edit source]

ALL POSITIONS more dynamic control;

good core and pelvic control;

reciprocal extremity movement;

reciprocal creeping faster and more efficient

stand from ground with support;


SITTING ring sitting to side sitting;

weight-shifting and moving in and out of various positions;

v and w sit positioning

righting reactions
1/2 KNEELING more upright trunk;

more stable;

hand support on higher surface

STANDING static standing;

standing with rotation;

co-activation of trunk muscles;

stand with unilateral upper extremity support;


modified squat

standing without upper extremity support
WALKING walking with hands held stepping;

hands up high inititally

Resources[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Goodway JD, Ozmun JC, Gallahue DL. Understanding motor development: Infants, children, adolescents, adults. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2019 Oct 15.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Tupsila R, Bennett S, Mato L, Keeratisiroj O, Siritaratiwat W. Gross motor development of Thai healthy full-term infants aged from birth to 14 months using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale: Inter individual variability. Early Human Development. 2020 Dec 1;151:105169.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Oudgenoeg-Paz O, Atun-Einy O, Van Schaik SD. Two cultural models on infant motor development: Middle class parents in Israel and the Netherlands. Frontiers in psychology. 2020 Feb 5;11:119.
  4. Carson V, Zhang Z, Predy M, Pritchard L, Hesketh KD. Longitudinal associations between infant movement behaviours and development. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2022 Dec;19(1):1-5.
  5. Adolph KE, Hoch JE. Motor development: Embodied, embedded, enculturated, and enabling. Annual review of psychology. 2019 Jan 4;70:141-64.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Eskay, K. Gross Motor Milestones. Plus. 2022