Lateral Epicondyle Tendinopathy Toolkit: Section E - Exercise Prescription

Original Editor - Rishika Babburu for BC Physical Therapy Tendinopathy Task Force:

Dr. Joseph Anthony, Paul Blazey, Dr. Allison Ezzat, Dr. Angela Fearon, Diana Hughes, Carol Kennedy, Dr. Alex Scott, Michael Yates and Alison Hoens

Top Contributors - Evan Thomas, Rishika Babburu, Kim Jackson, Wanda van Niekerk, Admin, Vidya Acharya and Rucha Gadgil  

This article is currently under review and may not be up to date. Please come back soon to see the finished work! (11/11/2022)

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Exercises for lateral epicondyle tendinopathy (LET) should be chosen according to patient preference, and the clinical evaluation.

There is a large volume of clinical evidence that consistently supports the use of exercise for management of chronic LET. Studies evaluating strength-based exercise have demonstrated improvement in symptoms regardless of the muscle contraction-type (e.g. concentric, eccentric or isometric). Some evidence suggests that eccentric exercises may provide superior pain relief, but providing an exercise that the patient can tolerate (isometric, concentric or eccentric) is the most important consideration.

The summary of interventions suggests (see section D) that clinicians strongly consider using local and upper limb kinetic chain exercises to support patients suffering from chronic LET. The following are examples of exercises to consider based upon the available literature

Concentric/Eccentric Home Exercise Program[1][edit | edit source]


Daily, for 3-months


  • Resistance will be dictated by patient’s current capacity (e.g. 1 Repetition Maximum - RM)


  • Aim is to complete 3 sets of 15 reps (approx. 65% of 1RM) once per day.
  • Water can be used as resistance if you do not have weights available. 1 litre of water = approx’ 1kg.
  • An option is to increase resistance by 0.1 kg (100ml water) weekly or as tolerated by the patient.

Supervised Eccentric Exercise and Stretching Program[edit | edit source]

Frequency: Once daily for 8-weeks

Intensity: Start at 20% Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC) progressively adding 5% every two weeks


30 seconds for 4 repetitions per day (30 secs rest between reps)

In the protocol the reps reduced to 3 but the contraction time increased to 45 seconds on alternating weeks. This was to generate a slow progression in the time-under-tension placed upon the lateral epicondyle tendon

Fig 2a of LET App C
    Figure 2A

Fig 2b of LET App C
    Figure 2B

The “Tyler Twist” Eccentric Wrist Extensor Exercise[edit | edit source]

[Needs a description of eccentric wrist externsor exercises]. The exercises below are based on a study (Tyler et al 2010[2])


  • Daily, approximately 6 weeks.
  • Forearm pronated, elbow and wrist extended.
  • Allow wrist to flex slowly for approximately 4 seconds.
  • 3 sets of 15 once daily. 30 second rest between sets.
  • Increase resistance by using a thicker bar when the exercise is pain-free.

Fig 3a of LET App C
Figure 3A
Fig 3b of LET App C
Figure 3B
Fig 3c of LET App C
Figure 3C
Fig 3d of LET App C
Figure 3D
Fig 3e of LET App C
Figure 3E


  • Hold the bar in the affected hand (3A).
  • Place the unaffected hand as shown (3B).
  • With affected wrist in full extension, twist the bar with the unaffected hand (3C).
  • Stretch both arms out, elbows straight (3D).
  • Slowly allow the affected wrist to bend, i.e. allow an eccentric contraction of wrist extensors (3E).

Resources[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Peterson M, Butler S, Eriksson M, Svardsudd K. A randomized controlled trial of exercise versus wait-list in chronic tennis elbow (lateral epicondylosis). Uppsala Journal of Medical Science. 2011; 116: 269-279.
  2. Tyler T, Thomas G, Nicholas S, McHugh M. Addition of isolated wrist extensor eccentric exercise to standard treatment for chronic lateral epicondylosis: a prospective randomized trial. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery. Sep 2010; 19(6): 917-922.