Physical Activity and Perspiration

Original Editor - Kapil Narale

Top Contributors - Kapil Narale, Rishika Babburu, Uchechukwu Chukwuemeka and Kim Jackson  

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

Sweat evaporation from the skin surface is important in human temperature regulation. Despite this, there are many body-balancing functions of sweat. Similar to the kidneys, sweat glands have an important excretory function, as they eliminate excess micronutrients, metabolic waste, and toxic material from the body. Excretion of certain materials in sweat may lead to health imbalances, specifically micronutrient imbalances. [1]       

Purpose of Sweating[edit | edit source]

Thermoregulation/Heat Control[edit | edit source]

It can be said that the main purpose of sweating is to release heat from the body for temperature regulation [1], as they increase evaporative heat loss from the body [2]. During exercise, an excess amount of heat is produced by the working muscles as a byproduct of metabolism. Also during exercise in the outdoors, heat is transferred to from the air to the body, especially when the air temperature is greater than skin temperature. [1]

With sweating, body heat is transferred to water, which is on the surface of the skin [1], and mainly secreted as eccrine sweat which is produced by sympathetic cholinergic receptors. [2]

The energy of sweat vaporization is 580kcal of heat per kg of evaporated sweat. [1]

As mentioned by the Heat Balance Theory, the relationship between the evaporative needs for heat balance and the maximum evaporative capacity of the environment, can determine the amount of sweat produced. [1]

The main forms that the body gains heat is through exercise intensity, which can be described as metabolism, and from heat in the environment. These are the main facilitators of ANS activity. Though, it should be noted that not all sweat is evaporated, and some or much of it may drip off the individual. In humid environments, with condition of low sweat efficiency, a greater sweat rate may be required for a given amount of evaporation. [1]

Skin Health[edit | edit source]

Eccrine sweat is important in maintaining an epidermal barrier, from release of water, natural moisturizing factors, and antimicrobial peptides onto the skin surface. These natural moisturizing factors include amino acids, lactate, urea, Na+, and K+, which act as moisturizers for the outer layer of the stratum corneum (outer layer of skin) to stay hydrated. Most of these moisturizers are derived from eccrine sweat, and the amino acids on the skin are derived in the stratum corneum themselves. [1]

Perspiration is shown to increase stratum corneum hydration, which may occur as a result of the moisture transfer from the eccrine gland coil directly into the skin before surface sweating begins. [1]

An important therapeutic remedy for reversing dermatitis or dry skin conditions may be to maintain sweating on the surface of the skin. [1]

On a more sensory note, moisturizing/wetting the hands with eccrine sweat on the palmar surfaces may improve tactile sense, and strengthen grip as a fight or flight mechanism. [1]

As mentioned above, the eccrine seat glands produce and excrete antimicrobial peptides such as dermcidin, cathelicidin, and lactoferrin, which all act as a protective mechanism against skin infection. [1]

Physiology of sweat[edit | edit source]

Types of Sweat Glands[edit | edit source]

  • Eccrine – these are the most distributed throughout the body, and are distributed throughout the entire surface area. They produce the most sweat. There are about 2-4 million glands throughout the body. They are found on both glabrous (palms, soles) and non-glabrous parts of the body. Density of these glands is not uniform throughout the body, as they are the most dens in palms and soles (~250-550 glands/cm2). These are activated by emotional and thermal stimuli. [1]

The density of these glands on non-glabrous skin, like the face, trunk, and limbs, are ~2-5x less than on glabrous skin. These are more variably distributed, and mainly function with temperature regulation. [1]

It is seen that the number of eccrine glands are fixed throughout life, and start developing in infancy. This explains why the density of these glands decrease as a person develops and grows, and their skin expands. This is known to be inversely proportional to body surface area. Therefore children have a greater density of sweat glands than adults, and obese people of any age are seen to have a lower density of eccrine glands. [1]

Despite this, having a greater density of sweat glands does not indicate that the person would sweat more. The differences between sweating rate throughout the body, or different areas of the body, would be due to the sweat secretion rate per gland, compared to the total number of active sweat glands. The contents of eccrine sweat are mainly water and NaCl. It also contains chemicals from interstitial fluid and the eccrine gland. [1]       

Eccrine sweat glands can also be thought of as an excretory organ, since they excrete waste products as well. [1]

  • Apocrine – These are in the axilla, breasts, face, scalp, and perineum. These are larger than eccrine glands, and open into hair follicles instead of on the skin. Similar to the eccrine glands, they are present from birth, but unlike the eccrine glands they do not start secreting until puberty. Apocrine glands produce viscous, lipid-rich sweat, which consists of proteins, and ammonia. This gland can be known as the scent gland, which is involved in producing pheromones, having an important social and sexual function in humans. [1] 


  • Apoeccrine – These develop from eccrine sweat glands between the ages of ~8-14 years. They share properties of both eccrine and apocrine glands and are medium in size. These are only found in the axillary region. [1]

They are similar to eccrine glands, as the distal duct connects to and empties sweat onto the surface of the skin, and they produce a large amount of salt water secretions. [1] 

Composition of Sweat[edit | edit source]

Although sweat is mainly water and NaCl, there are many other minerals and constituents as a part of its composition. These include: [1]

There are trace amounts of calcium (0.2-2.0 mmol/L), magnesium (0.02-0.4 mmol/L), iron (0.0001-0.03 mmol/L), zinc (0.0001-0.02 mmol/L), and copper (0.0005-0.02 mmol/L). Regional measures of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, all overestimate the concentration produced throughout the body. [1]Interstitial fluid is the initial constituent for sweat development, thus many of the components released are derived from interstitial fluid itself. Some, not from interstitial fluid, are biproducts of sweat gland metabolism. Some are products of sweat gland metabolism and play a role in skin health. Other non-mineral components (some harmful, some not harmful) of sweat include: [1]
  • Lactate – there is about 5-40mmol/L secreted. It is produced by eccrine sweat gland metabolism Interestingly, there is an inverse relationship between sweat rate and the concentration of seat lactate, however there is a direct relationship between sweat rate and lactate excretion rate It plays a role as a natural skin moisturizer, in eccrine sweat, and functions to excrete metabolic waste.
  • Urea – there is about 4-12mmol/L secreted. This comes from blood plasma, therefore has a similar concentration. Urea also plays a role as a natural skin moisturizer, in eccrine sweat, and functions to excrete metabolic waste.
  • Ethanol – there is about 2-30mmol/L secreted. This also mainly comes from blood plasma. Ethanol has a role of detoxification in eccrine sweat.
  • Ammonia – there is about 1-8mmol/L secreted. The concentration of ammonia is about 20-50x greater than plasma, and the concentration is inversely related sweating rate and pH. It mainly comes from plasma NH3. The function of ammonia in eccrine sweat is the excretion of metabolic waste.
  • Bicarbonate – there is about 0.5-5.0mmol/L secreted. There is less concentration than blood plasma. With HCO3 being reabsorbed in the sweat duct, there is acidification of the sweat output. HCO3 is inversely proportional to sweat rate. Therefore, sweat pH is lower at lower sweat rates. HCO3 is responsible for controlling the pH of eccrine sweat.
  • Glucose – there is about 0.01-0.2mmol/L secreted. This is the main energy source for eccrine sweat gland secretions.
  • Heavy metals (lead) – there is about 0.0002-0.0006mmol/L secreted. Concentrations are generally higher than plasma, but its secretion is very minute. Its main function is detoxification.
Other minor constituents include: [1]
  • Antibodies (e.g. IgG, IgA) and Antimicrobial peptides (e.g. dermcidin, cathelicidin, lactoferrin)
  • Other Proteins (e.g. albumin, α-globulin, γ-globulin)
  • Cytokines (e.g. Interleukin-1α, 1β, 6, 8, 31, TNFα)
  • Amino acids (e.g. pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, urocanic acid, serine, histadine, ornithine, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid, lysine)
  • Proteolytic enzymes
  • Persistent Organic Pollutants (e.g. organochlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, perfluorinated compounds)
  • Other Toxicants (e.g. BPA, phthalate, polybrominated diphenyl ethers), and also Cortisol, neuropeptides, bradykinins, cyclic AMP, angiotensins, and histamines. For more information on sweat contents, refer to metabolomic analysis of sweat (136-138 from sweat article - tag there references?)
Micronutrient Concentration Parts of the Body Sweat Gland Mechanism
Sodium 10-90 mmol/L Found in many different sites such as forehead, chest, back upper arm, but to all individual sites, such as the foot, calf, thigh, overestimates whole body concentrations. Initial sweat is isotonic with blood plasma – hypotonic sweat is the end result.
Chloride 10-90 mmol/L Found in many different sites such as forehead, chest, back upper arm, but to all individual sites, such as the foot, calf, thigh, overestimates whole body concentrations. Initially a little hypertonic when compared to blood plasma - resulting sweat is hypotonic.
Potassium 2-8 mmol/L Sweat is closely isotonic with blood plasma.

Sweat Rate vs. Sweat Content[edit | edit source]

There is a direct correlation between sweat rate, and total sweat output from the body, and contributors to sweat composition. Whole body sweating rate can be described as the product of the density of active sweat glands and the secretion rate per gland (own words). When someone starts sweating, the primary response is a rapid increase of sweat gland recruitment, and then a progressive increase of sweat secretion per gland. [1]

Some important aspects of thermoregulatory sweating include: [1]

  • Onset (body core temperature threshold), and
  • Sensitivity (slope of the relation between sweating rate and the change in body core temperature),

Of the sweat response to hyperthermia. (own words)

Shifts in sweating temperature onset are central (hypothalamic), and changes in sensitivity are peripheral, at the level of the sweat gland. [1]

The Na+ and Cl- concentrations of the sweat output are determined by the rate of Na+ reabsorption in relation to Na+ secretion in the clear cells. [1]

Plasma aldosterone concentration, and/or sweat gland sensitivity to aldosterone, which effect the Na-K-ATPase activity, which effects Na+ reabsorption. Resting plasma aldosterone is controlled by an individual’s long term physiological condition, which factors in heat acclimation, fitness, and diet. This also changes according to exercise and dehydration. [1] 

A study found that as forearm sweating rate increased, the rate of Na+ secretion increased greater than the rate of Na+ reabsorption along the sweat duct.  This kind of sweating, stimulated from exercise activity, the concentration of Na+ sweat significantly increased. It seen that the rate of Na+ reabsorption increases with an increase in sweating rate. Despite this, the percentage of secreted Na+ reabsorbed into the duct decreased with a rise in sweat rate. The quicker the primary sweat levels along the duct, there is a smaller percentage of Na+ that can be reabsorbed. [1]

During exercise or heat stress, there could be a minimum threshold of sweating rate which is needed before the Na+ concentration of sweat increases, with an increase in sweating rate. It is seen that factors, such as air temperature or exercise intensity, that respond to an increase in sweating rate, will produce a higher sweat concentration of Na+ and Cl-. This may be appliable to various sites, or to the entire body. It was found that sites with a higher sweating rate of Na+ and Cl- result in a higher concentration of Na+ and Cl-. [1]

Contrarily, there are two parameters, central threshold temperature, and sensitivity, which have a great effect on determining sweat rate. These parameters help outline the effect of nonthermal factors on sweating. [3]

Bicarbonate and Lactate[edit | edit source]

The reabsorption of bicarbonate, by the sweat gland, for the acid-base balance of blood, is also an important factor. Before the sweat is released onto the skin surface, the fluid in the ductal lumen gains acidity, due to possible secretion of hydrogen ions into the sweat duct. [1]     

The initial pH of sweat is about 7.1-7.4.      

Bicarbonate reabsorption is inversely related to sweat rate. Thus, at low sweat rates, the luminal fluid is exposed to the duct for a long time, and is further acidified, which results in a pH of about 4-5. However, at quicker flow rates, pH can remain as high as 6.9. [1]

Since lactate is produce by eccrine sweat gland metabolism, there is a direct relationship between sweat rate, and the rate of lactate excretion. The higher the sweat rate, the higher the concentration of lactate is excreted. However, due to the increased release of water content, there is an inverse relationship between sweat rate and lactate concentration. Thus, it makes sense that sweat lactate concentration decreases with an increased exercise intensity. [1]     

Mechanism of Perspiration[edit | edit source]

The control centre for temperature is located in the brain, and thermal receptors are located all over the body. When body temperature increases above normal resting body temperature, the temperature receptors send a message to the control centre in the brain. The control center responds to this by signaling a response towards heat loss, skin blood vessels dilating, and thus sweating starts to occur, as sweat glands are activated. The control center is inactivated, and sweating stops once the body returns to a normal temperature. As the sweat evaporates, heat is exchanged with the environment and is lost from the body, thus decreases skin temperature. [2]

Sweat Gland Size[edit | edit source]

The structure of sweat gland can play a role in the likelihood and amount of sweating. When the sweat glands are frequently activated, with regular exercise, there is acclimation of the sweat glands in their size and neural/hormonal response. Sweat glands, between individuals, can be of varying sizes, up to five time bigger in some individuals, than others. It is seen that the size of individual sweat glands, their response to methacholine, and secretory rate, are all directly related. Aerobic training and heat acclimation are contributors to an increase in sweat gland size and cholinergic responsiveness. [1]     

Secretion[edit | edit source]

The secretion of sweat follows a Na-K-2Cl cotransport model: [1]

  • Release of intracellular Ca stores and an influx of extracellular Ca into the cytoplasm is triggered by binding of acetylcholine to muscarinic receptors on the basolateral membrane of the clear cell.
  • There is an efflux of KCl through Cl channels in the apical membrane and K channels in the basolateral membrane.
  • This results in cell shrinkage, triggering an influx of Na, K, and Cl, from Na-K-2Cl transporters on the basolateral membrane.
  • This then causes efflux of Na and K from the Na-K-ATPase and K channels on the basolateral membrane, and Cl efflux via Cl channels on the apical membrane.    

The rate of Na, Cl, and bicarbonate reabsorption is flow-dependent, where higher sweat rates are directly associated with lower reabsorption rates, thus producing a higher sweat electrolyte concentration. [1]

In a study, it was proposed that the rate of secretion can be dependent on environmental factors such as humidity, wind speed, or air pressure. These environmental factors which can lead to evaporation of sweat from the skin can also facilitate sweat secretion at a given mean body temperature. [3]

Control of Eccrine Sweating & Modifiers of Eccrine Sweating[edit | edit source]

As mentioned, eccrine sweat glands primarily respond to thermal stimuli, specifically increases in core body temperature. However, skin temperature and increases in skin blood flow are also involved. [1]

Central and skin thermoreceptors sense an increase in body temperature. This information is registered by the preoptic area of the hypothalamus, to trigger the sudomotor response. Thermoreceptor sin the abdominal region and surrounding muscles are also involved with controlling sweating. Thermal sweating is controlled by sympathetic cholinergic receptors. [1]

Sweat production is facilitated through the release of acetylcholine from non-myelinated sympathetic class C postganglionic fibers, which bind onto the muscarinic receptors on the sweat gland. [1] (reword)

Secretion of sweat can also occur due to adrenergic receptors, but this is not as dominant as cholinergic receptors. [1]

Eccrine sweat glands can also respond to exercise stimuli of a non-thermal nature which may be controlled by a feed-forward mechanism. [1]

The following chart helps outline modifiers of the control of eccrine sweating: [1]

External and Internal Factors, and Timeframe Timeframe Effect on Sweating Rate and/or Composition
Dietary NaCl Acute/Chronic No effect on sweat rate with regular intake of NaCl in a short duration, within a timespan of 3 days.
Dietary intake of other minerals (Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu) and vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamine) Acute/Chronic No effect on sweat mineral or vitamin concentrations.
Fluid Intake Acute Water ingestion results in a reflex transient increase in RSR, especially when in an hypohydrated state. There is no effect on sweat Na, K, Cl and lactate concentrations. (own words)
Dehydration Acute Reduced WBSR and RSR, due to the hyperosmolarity-induced increase in threshold for the onset of sweat, and a hypovolemia-induced decrease in sweat sensitivity, with a minor effect. Similar effects are seen with sweat Na and Cl concentrations, with no effects seen on K concentrations.
Alcohol Acute There is no effect on sweating rate. However, sweat ethanol concentration increases with consumption, and increases linearly with an increase in blood alcohol concentrations.
Exercise Intensity Acute There is an increase in WBSR and RSR with an increase in exercise intensity, since metabolism is directly related to energy expenditure. Na and Cl concentrations increase as exercise intensity increases, since the rate of Na and Cl reabsorption is flow dependent, minimal, or has no effect on sweat K concentration. There is an inverse relationship between sweat rate and sweat lactate, and ammonia concentrations.
Environment Acute Increase in WSBR and RSR with increased environmental heat stress (increased air temperature, increased solar radiation, and decreased air velocity), at a given workload. Suppression of sweating with a reduction in sweating due to a long-term exposure of humid air. There is an increase in sweat Na and Cl concentrations with an increase in ambient temperatures.
Altitude/Hypoxia Acute With an increase in altitude, there is an increase in sweating. There is a reduced sweat sensitivity for RSR.
Clothing/Protective Equipment Acute Increase in WBSR and RSR due to reduced evaporative, and radiant heat loss from covering the skin. The protective gear can also increase metabolic heat production.
Body Mass Chronic Increased WBSR in individual with a larger body mass due to an increased metabolic heat production at a given workload during weight-bearing exercise. Also likely to have lower sweat efficiency.
Heat Acclimation Chronic Increase in WBSR. The periphery (the limbs/forearm) tend to increase more than the core and center sites. This shows that there is preference towards the periphery. resulting in a more distributed sweating throughout the body. There are reduced Na and Cl concentrations, and no changes in other minerals. There are ANS changes due to gland hypertrophy, increased cholinergic and aldosterone sensitivity, and a lower sweat onset threshold.
Aerobic Training Chronic Increase in WBSR and RSR due to increased cholinergic sensitivity and lower sweat onset threshold.
Sex/Gender Chronic Higher WBSR and RSR in men due to greater cholinergic sensitivity and maximal sweating rate. This can occur only at high evaporative requirements for heat balance. Higher WBSR in men can be related to a higher body mass and metabolic heat production, rather than sex/gender. There are minimal differences in sweat Na, Cl, and lactate concentrations between sex/gender.
Menstrual Cycle Cyclical There is no effect on WBSR, but there is a lower RSR at a given body core temperature during luteal phase of menstruation. There is no effect on sweat Na, Cl, K concentrations.
Circadian Rhythm Cyclical There is an increased sweat threshold in the afternoon, between 12pm and 4pm, as opposed to early morning, between 4 am and 5:30am.
Race/Ethnicity Chronic There aren't any race or ethnicity differences in WBSR, RSR, or sweat composition. Heat habituation, characterized by lower (ASGD and SGO) and more efficient sweating (less dripping), are found in people acclimated to

hot or tropical environments.

Maturity Progressive Change Lower WBSR and sweat Na concentrations are found in pre-pubertal boys compared to post-pubertal boys.
Ageing Progressive Change Reduced WBSR and RSR related to decreased SGO associated with reduction in aerobic fitness and heat acclimation rather than aging. During exercise, heat stress differences are more relevant for peak sweating rate (e.g. exercise in hot dry climates). There is no impact of ageing on sweat Na concentration.

Methods of Sweating[edit | edit source]

In addition to the methods to secrete sweat from the eccrine glands, there may be further constituents/contaminants in the sweat and/or on the skin. This can include remaining contents of the sweat duct, secretion of sebum, epidermal cells, and/or skin surface contaminants. It is seen that there can be NaCl content on the skin with or without sweating, however content on the skin with sweating may be unnoticeable. [1]   

It is seen that autonomic responses can differ between sweating from: [1]

  • Pharmacological methods,
  • Passive heating methods, or
  • Exercise induced methods.

Evaporation of Sweat[edit | edit source]

There are three factors that control the evaporation of sweat from the skin: [2]

  1. Ambient conditions - air temperature and relative humidity
  2. The convective currents around the body
  3. Skins surface that is exposed to the environment

Relative humidity contributes the most to the ate of evaporative heat loss, at high environmental temperatures. Higher humidity reduces the rate of evaporation. Therefore, to have sweat evaporate in an efficient manner, it is better to be, or go towards, less humid conditions. [2]

The high relative humidity reduces the relative pressure gradient between someone's skin and the environment. With extreme high humidity the vapour pressure in the air is similar to the vapour pressure on moist skin, thus the rate of evaporation is decreased. Sweating in a hot and humid environment results in unnecessary water loss, increased body heat, and higher sweat rate. Sweating itself doesn't cool the skin, but it is the evaporation that cools the skin. [2]

Hidromeiosis[edit | edit source]

When it comes to hidromeiosis, minimization of sweat secretion rate when the skin is already wet, it was noted that when there is water on the skin, either from sweating or immersion in water, sweat secretion is prevented. In any activity or thermal sweating, it is noted that a threshold rate of sweating must be reached for hidromeiosis to begin. Hidromeiosis does not seem to be an adaptive process, since as sweating begins to cease, the temperature in certain areas of the body may begin to rise. It is seen too that dehydration may increase hidromeiosis. In addition, the exposure to thermal heat stress may be more of a factor for hidromeiosis, compared to the stress from physical activity. Hidromeiosis usually commences after 1-2 hours of intense physical activity, and as such there is a threshold sweat rate, at which hidromeiosis ceases. [3]

Hidromeiosis is seen to only affect sweat rate after the skin becomes fully wet. Also, the rate at which sweat rate decreases is directly related to the sweat rate when hidromeisos begins. It is important to note that heat adaptation (in the summer) or adaptation to the cold (in the winter) affects the threshold of when hidromeiosis starts. In general, it is possible that hidromeiosis may be the cause of the cessation of sweating in humid environments, as opposed to dry environments. [3]

Disorders of Sweat Gland Function[edit | edit source]

There are certain diseases or disorders that can alter the amount that a person sweats. Some of these are explained below:

A chronic condition of Cystic Fibrosis would experience more sweating of Na+ and Cl- content due to a genetic deficiency or absence of functioning CFTR, which would lead to a lower reabsorption rates of Na+ and Cl- in the sweat ducts. [1]

A chronic condition of Addison’s Disease would experience more sweating than normal of Na+ and Cl- due to an impaired adrenal cortex function, which would lead to a lower reabsorption rates of Na+ and Cl- in the sweat ducts. [1]

A chronic condition of Diabetes Mellitus would cause decreased sweating with Type I and Type II diabetes mellitus. Possible mechanisms could be related to autonomic neuropathy and a decreased heat sensitivity, decreased maximal sweat rate, and/or a reduced number of active sweat glands. There is also an inhibited ability to control the heat, especially in higher temperatures and in less fit individuals. [1]

A chronic condition of Multiple Sclerosis would cause decreased sweating due to lesions within the central nervous system, which would lead to a decreased sweat output per gland. [1]

A chronic Spinal Cord Injury would cause decreased or absence of sweating in the on-sensory skin, which can be due to disruption in neural pathways involved in central and peripheral control of sweating. Contrarily, there is an increase in sweating in the sensory skin superior to the spinal lesion. [1]                 

A chronic condition of severe Burns and Skin grafting would cause decreased or absence of sweating in the burned area, due to the removal of dermal and epidermal layers, including the sweat glands. Even as skin grafts heal, there is still a disruption in the ability to sweat. [1]

An acute condition of sunburn would cause decreased sweating in artificially induced mildly sunburned skin. [1]

An acute condition of Miliaria rubra (heat rash or prickly heat) would cause decreased sweating due to pore occlusion via keratin plugs, which would cause mechanical blockage of sweat smoothy flowing onto the skin surface. This can be caused by increased humidity, which would cause excess sweat, on the skin surface for longer periods. [1]

An episodic condition of Atopic dermatitis (eczema) would cause decreased sweating on the surface of the skin due to blockage of sweat pores by keratin plugs, sweat leaking into dermal tissue around the glands, and/or histamine-induced sweat prevention. Sweat glucose concentration can be higher than expected with acute atopic dermatitis. [1]

A chronic condition of Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia would cause decreased or absence of sweating due to a small genetic disturbance, or eliminated sweat glands throughout the body. These patients can especially experience heat intolerance. [1]

A chronic or episodic condition of Primary hyperhidrosis will produce a greater amount of sweat, primarily affecting one or both axilla, palms, soles, and the head and face (craniofacial areas). This would be induced by neurogenic overactivity of sweat glands, which would otherwise be normal. This occurrence would be from genetic factors. [1]

A chronic or episodic condition of Secondary hyperhidrosis will produce a greater amount of sweat on one or both sides, due to an underlying physiological condition (fever, pregnancy, menopause), pathology (malignancy, infection, cardiovascular disease, endocrine/metabolic, neurologic or psychiatric disorders), or medication. [1]

A long-term tattoo usage can cause decreased sweating rate and higher sweat content of Na+ from  pharmacologically-induced local sweating compared to non-tattooed skin. [1]

With acute or chronic use of medications, chemicals such as Antimuscarinic anticholinergic agents, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants can cause generalized hypohidrosis. As seen above hyperhidrosis is a factor in altered sweating and can be caused by cholinesterase inhibitors, SSRI, opioids, and TCA. [1] 

It can be noted that patients with Diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia can have a severe impairment of thermoregulation. [1]

Salt conservation by the sweat gland becomes relevant in patients with reduced ion resorptive capacities due to a genetic deficiency or malfunctioning CFTRs, in cystic fibrosis, or impaired adrenal cortex functioning, in Addison’s disease. These patients may be more prone to electrolyte imbalances. [1]

Sweating Induced Deficiencies[edit | edit source]

Hyponatremia - a condition where the plasma Na+ concentration is less than 135mmol/L. This can be life-threatening based on the plasma Na+ dilution, <125-130mmol/L, and how quickly it decreases. Similar to osmotic activity, the decreased solute concentration in plasma enhances the movement of water from the extracellular to the intracellular space, causing inflammation int he form of swelling in the brain and/or congestion in the lungs. [1]

This can occur in healthy athletes or even in the clinical population. [1]

Plasma Na+ concentration is responsive to changes in body water. Therefore, the main cause of hyponatremia is an increase in body mass due to hydration from water or hypotonic fluid, relative to body water loss. [1]

Plasma Na+ concentration is also somewhat responsive to changes in mass balance of Na+ and K+, mainly from loss of electrolytes through sweat. Overhydration during an event greater than a 4 hour period can cause increased sweat Na+ losses, which can worsen losses in plasma Na+ concentrations. [1]

Hyponatremia is also associated with dehydration, in which a higher sweat Na+ loss was the main cause of a drop in plasma Na+ concentration. [1]

Someone's Na+ sweat concentration has an effect on their risk for resulting with hyponatremia, when long term thermoregulatory sweating is involved. [1]

Cases of 'salty sweat', increased sweat Na+ and Cl- concentrations, also need to be considered. Salty sweat can be seen in heathy individuals and individuals with cystic fibrosis. Despite the causes, it is seen that excessive electrolyte losses from sweating can facilitate Na and Cl imbalances. [1]

Minerals[edit | edit source]

Two more critical minerals lost in sweat are calcium (Ca2+) and iron (Fe3+). It was mentioned by the International Olympics Committee that an increased loss of sweat may lead to suboptimal Fe3+ levels, and therefore would require an external source. Sweat or dermal Ca2+ losses in athletes may lead to a decreased bone mineral density through the activation of the parathyroid hormone during training. despite this, sweat loss has a minimal effect on trace mineral and vitamin deficiencies. [1]

In a bout of 1-2 hours of exercise, the serum concentration of ionized calcium decreases, which leads to an elevation of parathyroid hormone, and facilitation of bone reabsorption. This would have consequences on athletes' bone mineral density throughout their season of training. A reason for this may be that an exercise induced increase in parathyroid hormone is stimulated by sweat Ca2+ loss. [1]

Ca2+ supplementation can slow down increases in parathyroid hormone and stimulation of bone resorption during exercise, though the mechanism through which supplementation is facilitated is unrelated to the replacement of sweat Ca2+ loss. Contrarily, it is not probable that there is a large enough Ca2+ loss during exercise to have an effect on homeostasis, since the decrease in serum ionized calcium concentration occurs in the first 15 minutes of exercise. [1]

Overall, there isn't a need for supplementation if an athlete or individual has a normal healthy diet. [1]

Physical Activity, Environment, and the Effect on Sweating[edit | edit source]

Noting that the purpose of sweating is for thermoregulation, exercise/workout, training, competition, or any activity in the heat, will increase sweat rates. [2]

Although this is the case, sweat rates may vary between individuals. [2]It is seen that the threshold temperature for sweating can generally decrease during exercise. [3]

Athletes and workers who sweat profusely benefit from rehydrating themselves. There are two noted benefits because of this: it improves cardiovascular function, and reduces any impairments of sweating.

It is seen that individuals who are heat acclimated will start to sweat earlier, and will have a higher sweat rate, while exercising. It is also noted that individuals with larger body mass and BMI will sweat more easily compared to individuals with a smaller body mass. However, two individuals with the same body mass and same amount of heat acclimation may have differing sweat rates due to genetic variations. [2]Physical training and heat acclimation both increase sweating at a given mean skin temperature, as physical training has a positive relationship with sweating

An interesting fact is that American football players, in their full uniform and practicing or playing in a hot and humid environment, experience one of the highest sweat rates in athletes. This can be attributed to the fact that football players have large body masses, and their uniforms retain a lot of heat. In a hot and humid environment. The average sweat loss in a football player, from 180lbs - 240lbs, can range from 4-5L/hour during a practice session. When the football players are practicing twice a day, in preseason, their daily sweat amount can range form 9-12L. They must replace this lost water, otherwise may face dehydration or be at a risk for a heat injury. [2]

It can be noted that in a hot and humid environment, the performance of prolonged aerobic exercise, such as a half-marathon, full marathon, or long triathlon, is adversely effected. the hot environment can also decrease athletic performance in high-intensity anaerobic events, such as rugby, soccer, track and field, or sprinting. [2]

There are three main contributors to impaired exercise performance in the heat: [2]

  1. Faster muscle fatigue,
  2. Cardiovascular impairments, and/or
  3. Central Nervous System impairment.

These factors can act independently, or interact with each other, to produce a decreased exercise performance. In many cases, These may depend on exercise intensity and duration. [2]

It is possible to conclude that sweating occurs when core temperature reaches a fixed amount, which would surpass a threshold temperature, which would be around 0.2oC for fit individuals compared to unfit individuals. [3]

In addition, concerning passive heating, it was concluded that the threshold temperature for sweating during exercise is 0.7oC lower than the threshold temperature for sweating during passive heating. As mentioned above, the exposure to thermal heat stress may be more of a factor for hidromeiosis, compared to the stress from physical activity. [3]

Sweating in Male and Female Runners[edit | edit source]

Gender/Sex and Sweating[edit | edit source]

It is important to note that, although there are known differences, it is unclear whether the differences in sweating between Men and Women are due to Physical characteristics or physiological characteristics. [3]

It is interesting to note that Men have higher sweating rates than Women. They have a higher cholinergic response, and maximal sweating rates, than Women. However, when Men and Women with similar body mass, surface area, and metabolic heat production were compared, differences were only apparent in excess of usual environmental conditions, and metabolic heat production rate, which result in extreme evaporative needs for maintaining thermoregulation. [1] This would help explain why Women have a lower upper limit for the secretion of sweat, than Men. Although Men and Women have a similar response of sweating to thermal stress, but even with an increased exposure to more severe thermal stress, Women are seen to sweat less than Men. [3]

Sweat gland density is higher in Women than Men, which can be attributed to the lower body surface area n Women. Thus, the lower sweating rates from Women can be a result of lower output per sweat gland. In contrary, higher whole-body sweat rates in Men may be a result of higher body mass, and higher metabolic heat production from higher exercise intensities. [1]

When considering differences between Men and Women, factors such as body size, surface area to mass ratio, heat acclimation status, aerobic capacity, exercise intensity, or environmental conditions all have a greater contribution than the differences of gender and sex in deciding the exercise-heat stress related autonomic responses. These factors can affect the evaporative rate needed for thermoregulation. [1]

Menstrual cycle[edit | edit source]

It is important to note that central temperature rises during the menstrual cycle. One notable difference between Men and Women is that the threshold central temperature for sweating changes as the resting central temperature changes during the menstrual cycle in females. [3]

Some other possible factors that can affect the stimulation of the autonomic response are maturation/development, altitude/hypoxia, circadian rhythm, and/or menstrual cycle. These alterations, though, in stimulation of regional sweating from an increased body core temperature are not directly related to whole-body sweating when it comes to exercise. In regards to the menstrual cycle, regional sweating during the luteal phase is decreased at a certain body temperature, since there is a greater threshold. Though there aren’t any major differences in whole-body sweating during the different menstrual cycle phases. However, for trained female athletes, exercising in the heat, the different phases of the menstrual cycle don’t have any effect on their physiology or performance. [1]     

Heat and Sweating[edit | edit source]

One aspect of exercising in the heat is becoming acclimated to the hot and humid conditions. As mentioned above, heat acclimation allows sweating to begin earlier, generally at the commencement of exercise. This occurs with an increase in sweat rate as well. With sweating commencing at the begging of exercise, there is less heat storage at the start of exercise, and there is also a lower core body temperature. Also, heat acclimation can increase the amount of sweating 3x compared to those who are not heat acclimatized. [2]

As mentioned, sweat rates increase with exercise intensity. In hot environments, sweat rates can reach 2.8L/hour. It is seen that some runner lose 8% of their body weight during a marathon, even if they are hydrating along the way. The loss of electrlytes could pose as an issue as well. [2]

Exercising in the heat doesn’t necessarily have the same effect on sweating as one may think. Excessive body heat is generally diminished from evaporation of sweat on the skin. With high humidity, water vapour pressure of air is high, thus sweating is not as effective in decreasing the body heat since evaporation cannot efficiently happen. [4]  

In hot conditions it is seen that there is minimal conductive heat exchange between air and skin due to the small temperature difference between the environment and the skin. [4]    

Wind speed is also an important factor. Wind can accelerate heat transfer form the skin, as the flowing air replaces the skin surface air which contains evaporating water, with more dry air, which enhances sweat evaporation. [4]

Quick moving activities such as running or cycling will not have the same effect of high heat and humidity as slower moving activities such as beach volleyball or field events. It is noted that body heat release increases with wind speed, and an increase in ambient temperature reduces air density and air resistance. [4]

The heat and light from the sun also need to be considered. Sunburns can aggravate thermal perceptions from exercise, which would limit thermoregulation from a sweat gland responsiveness. [4]

Micronutrient Balance - NaCl[edit | edit source]

Heat acclimation results in better salt conservation with decreased sweat. After 10 days of heat acclimation, the concentration of sweat Na+ and Cl- can range from about 30% - 60%. In fact, heat acclimation may occur after only two consecutive days of heat exposure, and sweat Na+ concentration will gradually decrease. It is seen that with heat acclimation, sweating rate tends to increase on on the peripheral areas of the body such as the forearms, and not so much on the chest or back. [1]

The mechanism for NaCl conservation can be due an increased responsiveness of the sweat glands to circulating aldosterone. This has an effect on Na+ reabsorption in the eccrine sweat duct by increasing Na-K-ATPase activity. For NaCl conservation to occur with heat acclimation, there needs to be a salt deficit. This would help explain the consumption of electrolytes to maintain balance in the body. [1]

Refueling[edit | edit source]

It is uncertain whether the consumption of Na+ has an effect on sweat Na+ concentration during exercise. Sweat glands generally respond to salt deficiencies within 1-4 days. It has been shown that it may take many days or weeks for the influence of ingested Na+ to have an effect of sweat Na+ concentration. With much less Na+ ingestion, it was seen that there were no differences or minimal differences on sweat Na+ concentration or the rate of Na removal. It was also found that there were no differences in Na+ concentration when Na+ was ingested prior to 1.5 hours of exercise. [1]

In terms of minerals, it is seen that minimal intake of various minerals, which are within the body's allowable limits, have a low impact on sweat mineral loss. [1]

Since water loss of more than 2% during exercise in a hot environment can have a negative effect on endurance performance, maintaining water balance is quite important. [2]

Dehydration and Sweating[edit | edit source]

Hydration is very important before during, and after exercise in the heat, for optimal activity performance. However, there cannot be a set amount of fluid intake or loss, as there is a variable fluid need between individuals. Fluid loss by sweating, and hydration status can be assessed by analyzing pre- and post- exercise variations in body weight and urine color and volume. [1][2]

The consumption of salt before, during, and after activity is important to maintain sodium balance in the body. Specifically in hot environments when sweating and loss of electrolytes is high, this would help to retain and distribute the ingested water throughout the body. [4]         

Sweat-induced loss of body water, or in other words, dehydration, would impair athletic performance. Dehydration resulting in a 1-2% loss of body weight is enough to inhibit exercise performance. Dehydration greater than 3% of body weight hinders physiological performance and even has the risk of a heat injury. [2]

 Heat acclimation would occur with practicing of the activity in the chosen/desired heat conditions. The acclimation would be met with a decrease in sweat sodium concentration, an increase in sweat rate, decrease in core body temperature, and decreased heart rate with regular exercise in the heat. Work capacity will also be increased, with the reduction in the risk of exertional heat illnesses. [4]

With heat acclimation there is a 10-12% increase in plasma volume. With the increased plasma volume, central blood volume, stroke volume, and sweating capacity are all maintained. This helps the body to store more heat with a smaller temperature gain. With the heat acclimation, there is an earlier onset of sweating and a greater sweat rate. [2][3] Sweating starts to occur before heat adaptation. A greater extent of evaporative cooling can occur, which makes the sweating and evaporative process more efficient. [2]

Contrarily, as opposed to trained and acclimatized individuals, untrained and unacclimatized individuals lose more Na+ in sweat. [2]

It is seen that dehydration may cause hidromeiosis, as mentioned above. [3]

Ageing and Sweating[edit | edit source]

Older adults are seen to have a lower sweating response than younger adults. [1] It seen that ageing does have an effect on regulating body temperature in sedentary individuals. [2] This would be a lower response per activated sweat gland from a particular pharmacological stimulus. It is seen that here is a decline in sweat response throughout adulthood, and there are regional differences within the body with the sweat gland function decline. However, this may be more likely due to a decrease in aerobic fitness and acclimation, as one ages. This may be due to the decrease in sensitivity of sweat gland to cholinergic stimulation. [1] 

It's worth noting that UV and environmental exposures may play a role with sweat gland responsiveness as an individual ages. It’s interesting to note that there isn’t a big difference between sweating rates in older and younger adults with exercise in the heat, except for peak sweating rates in hot and dry climates. [1] 

A study showed that younger and older male adults showed very little difference in heat control ability. [2] Thermal tolerance, between older and younger adults, is minimally affected when factors such as fitness level, body composition, and chronic disease, are not considered. [1]

Even within healthy and physically active older individuals, heat tolerance does not seem to be drastically affected with age. However, as older adults exercise less and experience deconditioning, this may have an effect on performance (VO2 max), decreased heat tolerance, and therefore thermoregulation. [2]Therefore, it is interesting to note that there is a more apparent difference in the younger population than the older population, during exercise compared to passive exposure of heat. [3]

Inability to Sweat[edit | edit source]

Hypohidrosis or anhidrosis are terms used to describe when an individual is not able to, or no longer able to, sweat, due to dysfunctional sweat glands. This can occur in a certain area of the body, in various areas, or throughout the entire body. A large consequence of not being able to sweat is effect of the body overheating which can cause heat stroke and such injuries and illnesses. [5]

This condition is difficult to diagnose and can often go unnoticed. [5]

This condition has many possible causes, which can be inherited from birth, or may occur later in life. This may occur as one ages, or can even set in with conditions such as diabetes, as mentioned above. These such conditions would worsen one's autonomic nerves, and accelerate any issues with the sweat glands. [5]

The following problems may cause hypohidrosis:

Nerve Damage[edit | edit source]

Nerve damage can impair the functioning of the sweat glands. Such conditions can include: [5]

  • Ross syndrome - a rare disorder encompassing sweating dysfunction and pupils that are unable to dilate properly
  • Diabetes
  • Alcoholism
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple System Atrophy
  • Amyloidosis - occurs when a protein, called amyloid, builds up in the organs and affects the nervous system
  • Sjogren Syndrome
  • Small Cell Lung Cancer
  • Fabry disease - a genetic disorder causing fat to build up in the cells
  • Horner syndrome - nerve damage that occurs in the face and eyes

Skin Damage and Disorders[edit | edit source]

Sweat glands can be severely damaged from sever burns. Other conditions that can damage sweat glands include: [5]

  • Radiation
  • Trauma
  • Infection
  • Inflammation
    • Psoriasis
    • Exfoliating Dermatitis
    • Heat Rash
    • Scleroderma
    • Ichthyosis

Medications[edit | edit source]

Certain medications, especially those known as 'anticholinergics', can induce reduced sweating. They have side effects such as sore throat, dry mouth, and reduction in perspiration. [5]

Inherited Conditions[edit | edit source]

It is possible to inherit a damaged gene, which would result in the malfunctioning of sweat glands. [5]

Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is an inherited condition, that causes people to be born with a very few or no sweat glands. [5]

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Symptoms of hypohidrosis can include:[5]

  • Very minimal sweating, even when others are sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle Cramps or Weakness
  • A flushed Appearance
  • Feeling overly Hot

Hypohidrosis may be unnoticed unless you are vigorously active and become overheated due to minimal sweat or the absence of sweat.

Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Certain tests that can be used to diagnose hypohidrosis include:[5]

  • Axon Reflex Test - small electrodes are used to stimulate the sweat glands, and the volume of sweat produced is measured.
  • Silastic Sweat Imprint Test - indicates where you sweat
  • Thermoregulatory Sweat Test - the body is coated with a powder which changes color in areas containing sweat. A chamber is used, which causes the body temperature to rise to a level that would induce sweat
  • Skin biopsy - some skin cells, and sweat glands, are removed to be analyzed under a microscope.

Treatment and Prevention[edit | edit source]

If hypohidrosis only affects a small part of the body, it may not need such treatment. If it is due to an underlying condition, addressing or treating the condition will most likely minimize the symptoms of hypohidrosis. If it may be caused by medications themselves, reducing or adjusting the medications may help with improving sweating. [5]

Hypohidrosis may not be prevented, but the symptoms of overheating can be minimized. Ideas would be to wear loose clothing, not overdressing, staying inside when its hot, and not overexerting oneself in the heat. [5]

Simulating the effect of coolness by applying water or cool pads, which can simulate the effect of sweating, and the feeling of coolness. [5]

References[edit | edit source]

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