Postpartum Pelvic Floor Considerations

Original Editor - Jess Bell based on the course by Ibukun Afolabi
Top Contributors - Jess Bell, Kim Jackson and Carin Hunter
This article or area is currently under construction and may only be partially complete. Please come back soon to see the finished work! (18/01/2022)

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The postpartum period has been divided into three phases:[1]

  • The initial / acute period which covers the first 6 to 12 hours after birth
  • The subacute period which lasts between two and six weeks
  • The delayed postpartum period, which can last for six months

The effects of birth are usually felt most during the first 12 weeks postpartum[2] - the time also known as the fourth trimester.[3] However, in reality, childbirth can impact a mother’s pelvic health for much longer than just the fourth trimester. Thus, pelvic health should be a key focus during the postpartum period as the pelvic health foundations established during this period can have a long-term impact women.[2]

The Fourth Trimester[edit | edit source]

During the fourth trimester, tissues are still healing and the body is "finding its new self".[2]

Specifically during the first two to six weeks, the body experiences significant changes in terms of:[1]

  • Haemodynamics
  • Genito-urinary recovery
  • Metabolism
  • Emotional state

Changes in the later postpartum period tender to be very gradual and pathology is not common.[1] Because of these changes, it is important not to overstrain or exert the tissues. Instead, the focus should be on:[2]

  • Rest
  • Recovery
  • Replenishment
  • Restorative practices


Expectations for Recovery[edit | edit source]

It may be necessary to discuss recovery expectations with women. Savage[5] suggests having a wellness action plan can help expectant mothers and their families to be proactive and prepare for their physical and emotional needs after the birth of their baby. However, it is important to note that many women in the fourth trimester will have to plan:[2]

  • Their return to work
  • Childcare
  • Getting strong enough to manage everything on their own etc

Discharge from Obstetric Care[edit | edit source]

Many women will be discharged from the care of their midwife or obstetrician after their six-week follow-up unless there is a specific medical concern.[2][6] These time-frames / standards may vary in different countries.

At the point of discharge, not all women will be given a comprehensive examination of their pelvic floor. However, when it is safe and appropriate, a women's pelvic health physiotherapist can provide this evaluation as needed. This is often around the five to six-week mark once bleeding has stopped.[2] It is also possible to teach clients how to perform a self-examination of their vulva and perineal region with a mirror.


The rest of this page will discuss six specific areas that pelvic health physiotherapists can review with their clients prior to the six-week assessment to enhance their pelvic health.

Normal and Abnormal Experiences[edit | edit source]

According to Finlayson et al.,[8] many women do not feel prepared for the physical and psychological impact of childbirth nor the recovery period in the postpartum period.

The following can occur:[2]

  • Body may still be in “birthing” mode (ie. open, soft ligaments, etc)
  • Connective tissue / soft tissue healing takes at least six weeks
  • The stability system (i.e. inner core) is often compromised and needs retraining
  • The vulva / vagina will likely look and feel different after a vaginal birth
  • Clients may express that they feel like their bottom is falling out
  • Pelvic heaviness or pressure
  • Discomfort or pain in hips, low back, pelvis, perineum
  • A jiggly / jelly-like belly
  • Doming or tenting in the abdomen when trying to sit up or lift things
  • A sense that it is challenging to control the loss of urine, stool or gas
  • Dryness or sensitivity in vaginal tissues (this can persist due to hormonal changes)
  • A sense of living in an unknown / different body

After six to eight weeks and by 12 weeks, these sensations will usually have self-resolved.

Perineal and Vulvar Care Practices[edit | edit source]

More than 85 percent of women are estimated to experience perineal trauma during childbirth (episiotomy or tear).[9] Associated complications include pain, discomfort, infection, persistent pelvic pain, dyspareunia, pelvic floor weakness, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, depression and unstable mood.[10] Complications of tears / episiotomy can have an impact on the immediate and longer-term postpartum period and affect:[9]

  • Mobility
  • Urinary / bowel elimination
  • Newborn care
  • Activities of daily living

The following can be beneficial for perineal / vulva care immediately postpartum:[2]

  • Padsicles (chilled or frozen sanitary pads) and herbs can be used to decrease perineal pain and reduce swelling
  • Air-drying the area from time to time to promote healing and reduce the chance of irritation or infection
  • Nutrient-dense food choices[11][12] and adequate hydration to promote healing


Healthy and Pressure-Free Bowel Movements[edit | edit source]

Constipation is a common condition for postpartum women causing pain, discomfort and straining. The risk of constipation postpartum is increased by:[14]

  • Haemorrhoids
  • Pain around an episiotomy
  • Effects of pregnancy hormones
  • Haematinics used in pregnancy
    • Recommended to prevent anaemia and to ensure normal foetal development
    • Includes folic acid, iron salts[15]

Strategies to encourage healthy and pressure-free bowel movements immediately postpartum include:[2]

  • Using a squatty potty
  • Not straining
  • “ILU” massage over the abdomen (i.e. a massage making the letters I,L and U)
  • Supporting the perineum manually
  • Food and drink choices

Postpartum Abdominal Wall Support[edit | edit source]

After childbirth, the abdominal muscles are able to return to their role as primary stabilisers of the spine. However, these muscles are often stretched / overstretched during pregnancy.[18]

It is, therefore, important to discuss abdominal wall support with clients during the first six weeks postpartum to:[2]

  • Facilitate healing and provide support
    • Using an ab wrap
  • Restore balance
    • Alignment and diaphragm above the pelvic floor
  • Manage pressures
    • Avoid compression on the belly that puts strain on the pelvic floor or diaphragm
    • Postures and positions
    • Diaphragm and rib position
    • Breathing style
    • Pelvic floor
    • Clothing (belts, baby carriers)
    • Self-perception (waist trainers, sucking in)
  • Reconnect to the core
    • Gentle reactivation, re-awareness
    • Providing a check for diastasis recti
  • Regain motor control and pelvic floor coordination
    • Simple movements in supine such as alternating bent knee lifts or simple clamshell
    • Teaching the knack (i.e. pre-contracting the pelvic floor muscles before a cough or a sneeze[19])
  • Progressively retrain with a focus on function

Resume Penetrative Intercourse[edit | edit source]

Various studies have looked at mothers’ experience of intercourse during the postpartum period:

  • Connolly et al. found that 57 percent of women resumed intercourse at 6 weeks, 82 percent at 12 weeks and 90 percent at 24 weeks postpartum[23]
  • Barrett et al.[24] found that 89 percent of women resumed intercourse within six months of giving birth
    • In the first three months after childbirth, 83 percent of women experience sexual problems
    • This number was 64 percent at six months
    • Pre-pregnancy sexual problems were found in 38 percent of women
    • Dyspareunia in the first three months after birth was associated with vaginal deliveries and a history of dyspareunia
    • There was no association between dyspareunia and delivery type at the six month follow up
  • Korzeniewski et al.[25] found that women usually resumed intercourse during the early postpartum period, during which time there was a high prevalence of sexual health problems

It is beneficial to advise women that intercourse should not be painful and if it continues to cause discomfort, they should get help. They should then work on increasing pleasure if that has been affected by birth.[2]


Activities of Daily Living[edit | edit source]

Women should be encouraged to be mindful of their pelvic floor when they participate in activities of daily living.[2] Mothers are often involved in:

  • Lifting
  • Pushing
  • Carrying
  • Bending
  • Balancing
  • Prolonged lying
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Standing
  • Floor activities

Strategies to assist with these activities include encouraging mothers to:[2]

  • Engage the pelvic floor with exertion (tension to task)
  • Monitor for pain or discomfort
  • Test out different ways to do specific tasks
  • Keep activities varied
  • Aim for left / right symmetry and balance
  • Use props, rolls, pillows, wedges, stools
  • Visualise spaces in the pelvic floor
  • Lengthen
  • Limit prolonged static positions
  • Hold and carry any load close to the centre of gravity

References[edit | edit source]

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