Manual Therapy

Definition[edit | edit source]

According the the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT) Description of Advanced Specialty Practice (DASP), orthopaedic manual physical therapy (OMPT) is defined as:

"OMPT is any “hands-on” treatment provided by the physical therapist. Treatment may include moving joints in specific directions and at different speeds to regain movement (joint mobilization and manipulation), muscle stretching, passive movements of the affected body part, or having the patient move the body part against the therapist’s resistance to improve muscle activation and timing. Selected specific soft tissue techniques may also be used to improve the mobility and function of tissue and muscles."

Terminology[edit | edit source]

PPIVMS[edit | edit source]

PAIVMS[edit | edit source]

Mobilizations[edit | edit source]

Shoulder Mobilizations

Elbow Mobilizations

Wrist/Hand Mobilizations

Hip Mobilizations

Knee Mobilizations

Ankle/Foot Mobilizations

MWMs[edit | edit source]

Manipulation[edit | edit source]