Antimicrobial Resistance

Introduction[edit | edit source]

"The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance - Options for action". Policy document from WHO

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is not a recent phenomenon, but it is a critical health issue today.  Over several decades, to varying degrees, bacteria causing common infections have developed resistance to each new antibiotic, and AMR has evolved to become a worldwide health threat. With a dearth of new antibiotics coming to market, the need for action to avert a developing global crisis in health care is increasingly urgent.

Definition[edit | edit source]

 When microorganisms such as virus, bacteria, parasites, fungi changed in some way and become have resistance to medical drug that used to treat their infections and change it to be ineffective. AMR is a general term for many types of resistance such as antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasites and antifungal drugs.

Some of the most common bacterial infections resistant to antibiotics are:

Mechanism[edit | edit source]


Causes [2][edit | edit source]

It isn’t an isolated responsibility and need combined efforts. we can classify it into individual level, governmental or national level even global level

Individual level:[edit | edit source]

Illogical use of over- counters antibiotic drugs from different types, people use it unnecessarily or they aren't in need to take it as we see in case of viral infection, cold or flue for example.

Some times people share their their antibiotic or drug  based on their experience

Poor hygiene

National or governmental level:[edit | edit source]

low quality medicine due to lack of tools and methods of diagnosis that lead to

Wrong prescription of drugs and some doctors prescribe wide spectrum of antibiotic drugs for patient as a treatment instead of one specific

poor infection prevention and control in some organizations, hospitals and health care centers.

Spreed of drugs without control from governments

Global level[edit | edit source]

we are in need for more Stricter laws and supervision to control irrational and illegal use of medicines.

WHO stated that we not only develop AMR from medication we have it also developed by widespread use of antibiotic for livestock in aim for prevent their illness and increase their productivity. So the illness and AMR transmit in for us in food-borne illness.[edit | edit source]

As population are in continuous movement and travelling that makes spread of drug resistance easily from one to another and to more than one area.[3]

Side effect of AMR[edit | edit source]

AMR is widealy spread allover the world in away that creating new antibiotic drugs can't go with so that need more effort to control this issues and to speed up process of creating new antibiotic. AMR is life threatening one of major causes of morbidity and mortality it makes it difficult for patient who has AMR to receive suitable and must treatment when he are in need for it.Patients who developed antimicrobial resistance for many antibiotic their treatment will be costly expensive. In addition success of many important surgeries will be complicated.

In addition to a substantial financial burden that national health-care budgets can ill afford, AMR has economic consequences far beyond the health sector, such as damaging repercussions on international travel and trade resulting from the cross-border spread of resistant infections. The cost of not acting against AMR needs to be considered when deciding resource allocation and assessing interventions.

Resources[edit | edit source]

The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance - Options for action[4][4][2][1][1] describes examples of policy activities that have addressed antimicrobial resistance in different parts of the world, with the aim of raising awareness and in particular to stimulate further co-ordinated efforts.

What is antimicrobial resistance WHO

Antimicrobial resistance WHO

Antimicrobial resistance: conserving life-saving medicines takes everyone’s help

References[edit | edit source]

  1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance. Available from:[last accessed 21/3/2020]
  2. Uchil RR, Kohli GS, KateKhaye VM, Swami OC. Strategies to combat antimicrobial resistance. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2014 Jul;8(7):ME01.
  3. Antimicrobial resistance: conserving life-saving medicines takes everyone’s help [1]
  4. The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance - Options for action. WHO. 2012