Movement Dysfunction

Original Editor - Mariam Hashem

Top Contributors -Lucinda hampton, Mariam Hashem, Kim Jackson and Jess Bell

The kinesiopathologic model[edit | edit source]

The movement imparement syndrme (MIS) was developed by Sahrmann and colleagues [1]. The kinesiopathologic model (KPM) was developed to explain the occurance of MIS. The interaction of various systems work together to produce body movement. Sustained posture and repetitive movement are believed to be risk factors for movement system impairements. There are intrinsic, such as characteristics of an individual, and extrinsic factors, such as work and fitness that can contribute to the degree of tissue changes.

The combination of micro-instability, relative stiffness, the neuromuscular activation pattern and motor learning contribute to development and persistence of impairement.

Correction of impaired alignments and movement contributing to the tissue dysfunction through addressing presented stiffness, weakness and neuromuscular activation patterns is the proposed treatment for MSI[2].

Using KPM uses clinical tests to identify the impairmed movement within the kinetic chain and optimizes interventions that are specific to this function.

The following steps are used to assess and treat MSI:

  1. determinethe syndrome
  2. identify the contributing factors
  3. determine the corrective exercises
  4. identify the align-ments and movements to correct during daily activities
  5. educate the patient about factors contributing to themusculoskeletal condition by practicing correction duringactivities

Functional Muscle Classification[edit | edit source]

There are two classifications muscle functions developed by many researchers[3]:

1-Stabilizers and Mobilizers

2-Local and global muscles

Stabilizers are belived to have postural role and control excessive joint movement. Examples:gluteus medius, subscapularis, multifidus, semispinalis). Mobilizers, such as rectus femoris and latissimus dorsi.

The classification of local and global muscles was developed to describe the control across the lumbar spine Local muscles maintain the mechanical stability of the spine while global muscles are responsible for the load transfer[4].

To learn more, refer to tables 1 & 2 in this article.

Abnormalities in the recruitment patterns of the muscles are thought to be linked to pain[4].

Examples of abnormal recruitment:

  • Normally, to generate hip extension, hamstrings activate first follwed by glutes then contralateral erector spinae. A delayed activation of glutes after hamstrings followed by ipsilateral erector spinae was associated with low back pain
  • The normal sequence of muscle recruitment for shoulder abduction is as follows: Deltoids - Contralateral upper trapezius-  ipsilateral upper trapezius -lower scapula muscles. This normal sequence was found to be disturbed in painful shoulder and neck[4]


Classifications of Movement Dysfunction Syndromes

Different clinical tests can be utilized to classify movement impirments. The results of these tests indicate the degree of impareied control and should be aaimed to reproduce the symtoms.

Screening tests are followed by symptom modifications to correct the alignement, activate inhibited muscles or eliminate excessive movement on a particular joint[2].

Examples of Motor Impaired Syndromes[2]:

  • Cervical flexion-rotation
  • Thoracic flexion
  • Scapular winging
  • Lumbar extension
  • Hip lateral rotation
  • Tibiofemoral hypomobility
  • Insufficient ankle dorsiflexion


References[edit | edit source]

  1. Sahrmann S. Movement System Impairment Syndromes of theExtremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spines. Elsevier Health Sci-ences; 2010.2.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Sahrmann S, Azevedo DC, Van Dillen L. Diagnosis and treatment of movement system impairment syndromes. Brazilian journal of physical therapy. 2017 Nov 1;21(6):391-9.
  3. Maluf KS, Sahrmann SA, Van Dillen LR. Use of a classification system to guide nonsurgical management of a patient with chronic low back pain. Physical Therapy. 2000 Nov 1;80(11):1097-111.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Comerford MJ, Mottram SL. Movement and stability dysfunction–contemporary developments. Manual therapy. 2001 Feb 1;6(1):15-26.
  5. Cervical Motor Control Example . Available from:[last accessed 29/02/2020]
  6. Motor Control and Shoulder Mobility. Available from:[last accessed 29/02/2020]