Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT)

Original Editor - Candace Goh Top Contributors - Candace Goh

Objective[edit | edit source]

Through timed and practical exercises, the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) measures upper extremity (UE) motor abilities[1].

Intended Population[edit | edit source]

  • Individuals with stroke
  • Individuals with upper extremity functional deficits

Method of Use[edit | edit source]

  • The original version of the WMFT consisted of 21 items. The widely used version of the WMFT consists of 17 items.
  • It is composed of three parts namely, time, functional ability (items 1-6) and strength (items 7-14). *remaining 9 items involves analysing movement quality when completing various tasks[2].
  • The less affected side is tested first, followed by the affected limb.
  • The following tasks should be completed as quickly as possible, with a 120-second time limit.
    1. Forearm to table (side): client attempts to place forearm on a table by abducting at the shoulder
    2. Forearm to box (side): client attempts to place forearm on a box, 25.4cm tall, by abduction at the shoulder
    3. Extended elbow (side): client attempts to reach across a table, 28cm long, by extending the elbow (to the side)
    4. Extended elbow (to the side) with 1lb weight: client attempts to push the weight against outer wrist joint across the table by extending the elbow
    5. Hand to table (front): client attempts to place involved hand on a table
    6. Hand to box (front): client attempts to place hand on the box placed on the tabletop
    7. Weight to box: client attempts to place the heaviest possible weight on the box placed on the tabletop
    8. Reach and retrieve (front): client attempts to pull 1lb weight across the table by using elbow flexion and cupped wrist
    9. Lift can (front): client attempts to lift a can and bring it close to his/her lips with a cylindrical grasp
    10. Lift pencil (front): client attempts to pick up a pencil by using 3-jaw chuck grasp.
    11. Pick-up paper clip (front): client attempts to pick up a paper clip by using a pincer grasp
    12. Stack checkers (front): client attempts to stack checkers onto the center checker
    13. Flip 3 cards (front): using the pincer grasp, client attempts to flip each card over
    14. Grip strength
    15. Turning the key in lock (front): using pincer grasp, while maintaining contact, client turns key 180 degrees to the left and right
    16. Fold towel (front): client grasps towel, folds it lengthwise, and then uses the tested hand to fold the towel in half again
    17. Lift basket (standing): client picks up a 3lb basket from a chair, by grasping the handles, and placing it on a bedside table

Scoring[edit | edit source]

Uses 6-point ordinal scale[1].

0. “Does not attempt with UE being tested”

1. “UE being tested does not participate functionally; however, an attempt is made to use the UE. In unilateral tasks, the UE not being tested may be used to move the UE being tested”.

2. “Does attempt, but requires assistance of the UE not being tested for minor readjustments or change of position, or requires more than 2 attempts to complete, or accomplishes very slowly. In bilateral tasks, the UE being tested may serve only as a helper”.

3. “Does attempt, but movement is influenced to some degree by synergy or is performed slowly or with effort”.

4. “Does attempt; movement is similar to the non-affected side but slightly slower; may lack precision, fine coordination or fluidity”.

5. “Does attempt, movement appears to be normal”.

*Lower scores are indicative of lower functioning levels.

Time to Administer[edit | edit source]

Approximately 30-35 minutes.

Equipment Required[edit | edit source]

  • Table 28 cm long (height not reported)
  • Chair (dimensions not reported)
  • Bedside table (dimensions not reported)
  • Box (25.4 cm tall)
  • Free-weights
  • Can
  • Pencil
  • Paperclip
  • Checkers
  • Cards
  • Key lock with the key
  • Towel
  • Basket
  • Dynamometer for measuring hand grip strength

Responsiveness[edit | edit source]

Internal consistency: Two studies examined the internal consistency of the WMFT and reported excellent internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha [3][4].

Test-retest:Two studies examined the test-retest reliability of the WMFT and reported excellent reliability using Pearson and Intraclass correlations coefficients (ICC)[5][3].

Inter-rater: Four studies examined the inter-rater reliability of the WMFT and reported excellent reliability using the ICC[3][4][1][2].

Links[edit | edit source]

See the measure.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wolf SL, Catlin PA, Ellis M, Archer AL, Morgan B, Piacentino A. Assessing Wolf motor function test as outcome measure for research in patients after stroke. Stroke. 2001 Jul;32(7):1635-9.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Whitall J, Savin Jr DN, Harris-Love M, Waller SM. Psychometric properties of a modified Wolf Motor Function test for people with mild and moderate upper-extremity hemiparesis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2006 May 1;87(5):656-60.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Morris DM, Uswatte G, Crago JE, Cook III EW, Taub E. The reliability of the wolf motor function test for assessing upper extremity function after stroke. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2001 Jun 1;82(6):750-5.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Nijland R, van Wegen EE, Verbunt J, van Wijk R, van Kordelaar J, Kwakkel G. A comparison of two validated tests for upper limb function after stroke: The Wolf Motor Function Test and the Action Research Arm Test. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. 2010;42(7):694-6.
  5. Whitall J, Savin Jr DN, Harris-Love M, Waller SM. Psychometric properties of a modified Wolf Motor Function test for people with mild and moderate upper-extremity hemiparesis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2006 May 1;87(5):656-60.