Editing your profile

To complete or edit your profile follow the steps below. 

  1. Access your profile page by clicking on the left menu link containing your name / username, top left under Personal tools.


    If you have not edited your profile before you will see that the information you added to your personal biography when you requested an account has automatically been added to your profile.  You now need to organise this information using the Profile Template.
  2. Click on the Edit tab to edit your profile.


  3. Click on the Wikitext button in the editing toolbar (top left)


  4. Paste the following text {{subst:Profile}} into the text entry box.


  5. Click the Save page button at the bottom of the page


    When you now view your profile it will be populated with the template content which you can then edit.
  6. To edit this content with your personal information click on the Edit tab and edit as normal.  For more information on how to edit a page refer to the editing pages tutorial.