User:Keta Parikh

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Name[edit | edit source]

Dr. Keta Parikh

About Me[edit | edit source]

I believe, Physiotherapists are the healer's, They can alleviate one's suffering, just with their manipulations and their techniques. I have completed my bachelor's in physiotherapy . Along my journey , I have acknowledged that, accurate diagnosis is very important and for that, one should be always updated. Physiopedia, is the perfect place to explore various clinical condition . along with that, it will provide me the opportunity to work as a team member. Currently, i am living in India. I have graduated from Gujarat University. I have completed my bachelor from, Suresh Brahmkumar Bhatt college of Physiotherapy. The hospital setup has provided me, with immense practical knowledge.Throughout my bachelor, I have treated many patients, working as a trainee. It has enhanced my communicating skills, and techniques of treating my patients. Currently, i am working as a Physiotherapist at a clinical setup. I have specialized in, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization technique. In addition to this, i have attended workshops, on neck pain and tapping. Furthermore, i have attended, the international conference held at AIIMS, Delhi, India.My area of interest, is Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy.

My goal, is to study my master's program, at Nottingham University, to enhance my knowledge and skills.

Physiopedia Badges[edit | edit source]

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Education[edit | edit source]

Bachelor's of Physiotherapy

Professional Affiliations.[edit | edit source]

Gujarat State Council Of Physiotherapy

You can find me on[edit | edit source]

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