Post-Polio Syndrome

== Living with Post-Polio Syndrome

When we left hospital after contracting Polio, ( know as Infantile Paralysis many years ago ), regardless of the disabilities bequeathed us by the Polio Virus, the last thing told us by our attending Physician, now burnt into our memory was "You must use it, or lose it"

How wrong was this statement, and since that fateful day we have been unwittingly destroying, or further damaging, already seriously damaged motor neurons, to such a degree that almost 70% of Polio Survivors are now experiencing one of the most devastating debilitating neurodegenerative condition in the world.

Non-motor symptoms of PPS have considerable quality of life implications and are notoriously challenging to manage, and yet very few Medical Professionals have even a slight knowledge of Polio, and even less of PPS.