Physical Activity and the Built Environment


The environment is integral to encouraging physical activity. The built environment is an aspect of the environment that is increasingly receiving research attention. Recommended levels of physical activity can be achieved by including activities such as walking, cycling as part of everyday life. This can be encouraged with a supportive built environment. Public health advocates can help shape the design of cities and suburbs in ways to encourage physical activity. The emphasis on the role of built environment is necessary as encouraging people to be more physically active in an environment that is not supportive is less likely to be effective. The built environment is defined as the part of the physical environment that is constructed by human activity. It includes homes, schools, workplaces, parks or recreation areas, green-ways, business areas and transportation systems. In public health, a built environment refers to physical environments that are designed with health and wellness as integral parts of communities. This includes open spaces, footpaths, cycle lanes, parks, trails.