Neuromuscular Disorders

What is a neuromuscular disorder?[edit | edit source]

Neuromuscular disorders is a general term that encompasses a large number of diseases with different presentations, The terms 'muscle disease', ‘muscular dystrophy', ‘neuromuscular conditions' and ‘neuromuscular disorders' all describe a large group of conditions which affect either the muscles, such as those in the arms and legs or heart and lungs, or the nerves which control the muscles.

There are lots of different types of muscle disease. Different conditions affect different muscles. The severity of conditions and how they affect individuals varies greatly from person to person. Most conditions are progressive, causing the muscles to gradually weaken over time. People's mobility is affected and most conditions lead to some sort of disability.

Muscle disease affects babies, children and adults, both males and females, and all ethnic groups. Conditions can be inherited or occur out of the blue where there is no family history.

The Walton Report

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

Some neuromuscualar diseases have symptoms that begin in infancy and others where the symptoms may appear in childhood or adulthood.

Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Treatments[edit | edit source]

Conditions[edit | edit source]

Resources[edit | edit source]

The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign