Modalities Used in Animal Physiotherapy

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Original Editor - Alan Jit Ho Mak Top Contributors - Alan Jit Ho Mak  

Top Contributors - Alan Jit Ho Mak  

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Modalities are the physical entities used a part of a treatment plan. Many of these modalities introduce an energy source to the body to stimulate or support the healing process. Fro instance, thermotherapy and cryotherapy, electoral muscle stimulation, laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, extracorporeal shockwave therapy and hydrotherapy.

Crypotherapy (Superficial cold therapy)[edit | edit source]

Cryotherapy is most often used in the acute phase of an injury or immediately post operatively. It can also be used in exercise-related injury. Application of a cold pack to an area will reduce blood flow to that area. Cryotherapy has been shown to interfere with pain transmission. It also reduces oxygen demand from the surrounding tissues and will help reduce swelling. If cryotherapy is applied under pressure, this results in greater reduction in swelling and reduced pain scores.

Superficial Hot Therapy (Thermotherapy)[edit | edit source]

Superficial heat is often used in chronic conditions such as OA and can also be useful for reducing muscle spasm. It promotes blood flow to an area, reduces pain and increases joint and soft-tissue flexibility. Superficial heat will penetrate about 1-2 cm in depth. Sources of heat include a damp towel placed in the microwave, wheat bags, heat mats, gel packs heated in hot water and special hot packs that generate heat on the mixing of two chemicals. Again a towel or similar be placed between the hot pack and the animal's body.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)[edit | edit source]

Electrical muscle stimulation is sometimes referred to as Estim or NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation). These are all the same thing. EMS is sometimes also referred to as TENS (transcutaneous nerve stimulation). Whilst both use the same machine, TENS uses completely different settings to achieve pain relief by stimulating the sensory fibres. EMS is used to reverse or reduce muscle atrophy by stimulating motor fibres.

Resources[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]