Manual Muscle Testing: Forearm Supination

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Muscles Involve[edit | edit source]


Biceps Brachii

Patient Position[edit | edit source]

Grade 3 to 5  : Short sitting, arm at side, elbow flexed to 90°.

Grade 2: Short sitting with shoulder flexed between 45 and 90 and elbow flexed to 90, forearm in a neutral position.

Grade 1 and 0 : Short sitting, arm and elbow are flexed as for grade 3.

Therapist Position[edit | edit source]

Grade 3 to 5 : Stand at the side or in front of the patient. One hand supports the patient elbow and for resistance, grasp the forearm on the volar surface of the wrist.

Grade 2: Support the test arm by cupping the hand under the elbow.

Grade 1 and 0: Support the forearm just distal to the elbow.