Introduction to Clubfoot

Definition/Description[edit | edit source]

Clubfoot, also known as Congenital Talipes Equinovarus, is a congenital deformity of the foot. It is one of the most common serious, congenital abnormalities to affect the foot occurring. Incidence varies between ethnic groups. Incidence in Western countries goes from 1-1.50 per 1000 live births and in some developing countries rises up to 3 per 1000.[1][2][3] Clubfoot is more common in males with a 2.5 to 2.8:1 Male:Female ratio.[1]

Most often it is an isolated abnormality, but occasionally it is associated with other congenital malformations or syndromes.


Global Burden of Disease[edit | edit source]

If Clubfoot is not treated or managed successfully, it can progress to a severe deformity causing lifelong impairment affecting participation in activities of daily living. As the child grows and puts weight on their feet they will bear weight through the sides, or even the tops of their feet. A large callus of thickened skin forms on the weight-bearing surface and the deformed position causes pain and leaves the feet open to injury and infection.

In an adult this often means the individual is unable be able to wear normal footwear with most cases experiencing severe restriction in walking by the time they are in their 20s or 30s with visible deformity of the foot. This in turn often leads to discrimination and inability to access education and employment impacting on the individuals capacity to contribute economically which may impact both the individual and their family members.

Epidemiology/Etiology[edit | edit source]

The causes of Clubfoot are not clearly understood. Many theories have been suggested including the following possibilities:[4]

Club foot causes.JPG

Neurogenic Theory[edit | edit source]

Reduced motor unit, which counts in the distribution of the common peroneal nerve, may be responsible for clinically demonstrable muscle weakness.

Myogenic Theory[edit | edit source]

Suggested by the presence of anomalous muscles, e.g. accessory soleus muscle and flexor digitorum accessorious longus muscles, which can produce equinovarus deformity.

Vascular Theory[edit | edit source]

Diminution of blood flow in the anterior tibial artery and its derivatives.

Embyonic Theory[edit | edit source]

Developmental defect occurring up to 12 weeks of intrauterine life.

Chromosonal Theory[edit | edit source]

Presence of some chromosonal defects in unfertilized germ cells.

Osteogenic Theory[edit | edit source]

Due to some unknown cause, temporary arrest of development occurs in the 7- to 8- week-old embryo, which can lead to clubfoot or other deformities.

Mechanical Block Theory[edit | edit source]

Due to some mechanical obstruction during the intrauterine development period, e.g. intrauterine fibrotic bands, less amniotic fluid, disproportionate uterine cavity, etc, talipes equinovarus can occur.[4]

Summary[edit | edit source]

Researchers who have looked into the causes believe there are are both genetic and environmental influences. While in some countries and cultures there are different beliefs about what causes a child to be born with Clubfoot, which include spiritual influences, spells, or curses often leading to mothers being blamed for the deformity. These ideas can cause the child with clubfoot to be excluded from society and it is important to explain to families that children with Clubfoot are a valuable part of the community.

Clinically Relevant Anatomy[edit | edit source]

The foot consists of 26 bones. Most relevant for this congenital deformity are the Talus, Calcaneus and Navicular. The Calcaneus and Navicular are medially rotated in relation to the Talus. The foot is held in adduction and inversion by ligaments and muscles. Muscles that are contracted are triceps surae, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus. Weak peroneal muscles allow the foot to be inverted. The ligaments of the posterior and medial aspect of the ankle are thick and taut.[5].

Anaatomy club foot 1.JPG

Classification[edit | edit source]

Not all Clubfeet are the same and it is important that all people treating Clubfoot use the same terms to describe the different types. Each type of clubfoot has unique characteristics and may need specific treatment. Early recognition of the type of clubfoot one is dealing with can help guide appropriate treatment. Although there is no classification system for clubfoot is universally used, clubfoot can be classified according to the nature of the deformity: [6]

Idiopathic Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

Most commonly Clubfoot is classified as “Idiopathic Clubfoot”, meaning there is no known cause for the deformity. In Idiopathic Clubfoot, there I can also be a definite hereditary influence, in that if you have a relative, parent, or sibling with Clubfoot you are more likely to have Clubfoot yourself, or have a child with it (3-10% Chance). Within the group of Idiopathic Clubfeet there is a wide spectrum of impairment depending on severity, and also on whether the Clubfoot has been untreated, partially treated, poorly treated, or successfully treated.[7]

Untreated Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

All clubfeet from birth up to 2 years of age that have had very little or no treatment can be considered as untreated clubfeet.[7]

Treated Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

Untreated clubfeet that have been corrected with Ponseti treatment are termed “treated clubfeet”. Treated clubfeet are usually braced full-time for 3 months and at night up to age 4 or 5 years.[7]

Recurrent Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

This is a Clubfoot which has achieved a good result with Ponseti treatment, but the deformity has recurred. The commonest reason is due to abandoning the braces early.[7]

Neglected Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

The Neglected Clubfoot is a Clubfoot in a child older than 2 years, where little or no treatment has been performed. The Neglected Clubfoot may respond to Ponseti Treatment, but also may have bony deformity that requires surgical correction.[7]

Complex Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

Any foot with deformity that has received any type of treatment other than the Ponseti method may have added complexity because of additional pathology or scarring from surgery.[7]

Resistant Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

This is a Clubfoot where Ponseti Treatment has been correctly performed but there has been no significant improvement. It is often found that this type of Clubfoot is not in fact idiopathic after all and is Secondary or Syndromic.[7]

Atypical Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

This is a an Atypical Clubfoot which involves a foot that is often swollen, has a plantarflexed first metatarsal and an extended big toe. It can occur spontaneously but most often occurs after slippage of a cast.[7]

Secondary or Syndromic Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

Secondary Clubfoot, on the other hand, occurs when there is another disease or condition that is causing or linked to the development of Clubfoot, such conditions are usually Neurological or Syndromic Disorders such as Arthrogyposis or Spina Bifida etc.

Spina Bifida[edit | edit source]

Congenital, neurological condition where there is failure of the formation of the bone or skin or both to cover the lower end of the spinal cord and nerves. It is often associated with neurological problems in the legs, and clubfoot. If cases present to the clubfoot clinic it is important to find out what the long-term prognosis is, and whether the child is likely to walk. If the child is likely to survive and walk then it is worth trying Ponseti Clubfoot Treatment. The success rate with simple manipulation is not high and surgery may be considered. Even if the child has a low likelihood of walking the parents might still like to try to get the feet corrected so that shoes can be worn.[8]

Arthrogryposis[edit | edit source]

Congenital condition where the child is born with a number of deformities of the joints. A severe case can have stiffness of the elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and feet. Severe cases are often unable to walk. Clubfoot is a relatively common association. Ponseti treatment can be tried and is often partially successful.[8]

Amniotic Band Syndrome[edit | edit source]

The cause of amniotic band syndrome is not fully clear, but children with this condition are born with tight skin and soft tissue bands around their limbs, constricting blood and lymph flow and causing swelling. Some cases are associated with clubfoot although in the one illustrated here it is only mild. Treatment of the tight band often involves surgery. If there is a clubfoot associated then Ponseti treatment should only be done with extreme care as blood supply to the foot can be affected and there is a risk of gangrene. These cases are best referred to a centre with surgical experience.[8]

Tibial Agenesis[edit | edit source]

Failure in the formation of the tibia. There is a spectrum of presentations from complete absence to a slightly short tibia. In this case there is only a very short tibia and the foot therefore adopts a varus deformity pointing to the midline. This is not a clubfoot deformity even though there is a similarity in the appearance. If there is doubt about the diagnosis, an X-ray should be taken. Treatment is very complicated and many surgeons recommend an amputation with below-knee prosthesis. There is little benefit in starting clubfoot treatment.[8]

Positional Clubfoot[edit | edit source]

Positional related. A foot that at the time of birth has some of the deformity of a clubfoot but which is correctable through simple, pain-free manipulation. In some cases post manipulation the foot can benefit from 1 or 2 Casts to ensure they are maintained in a corrected position although in the majority of cases these feet usually correct well and do not lead to any long lasting, significant impairment.[7] [9]

Characteristics/Clinical Presentation[edit | edit source]

The deformity consists of equinus/plantarflexion at the ankle combined with adduction and inversion at the subtalar, midtarsal and anterior tarsal joints[10]. Clubfoot can be described as “congenital dislocation of the Talo-Calcaneal-Navicular (TCN) Joint” [11]. Further there is an imbalance between the inverter-plantarflexor muscles and the everter-dorsiflexor muscles. The calf and peroneal muscles are usually poorly developed.[10]

Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Talipes Equinovarus is usually detected at birth. The examination after birth consists of taking the foot and manipulate it gently to see if it can be brought into normal position. If this examination is positive the condition is considered to be correctable[12]

Prognosis[edit | edit source]

The prognosis depends mostly on the time the treatment started. When treatment is started within the first week after birth, the chances of healing without relapse in further life are high. Persistence in wearing the abduction bar also contributes to a good prognosis .[10]

Outcome Measures[edit | edit source]

The most common used outcome measure is the scoring system of Pirani. This scoring system assesses the severity of clubfoot deformity and response to treatment[13]. It has a predictive value concerning the number of casts needed to correct the foot. A high score, 4 or more, predicts the use of at least 4 casts. A score less than 4 predicts the need of 3 or fewer casts. Each component is scored as 0 (normal), 0.5 (mildly abnormal) or 1 (severely abnormal) [5]

Therapy[edit | edit source]

The Ponseti method is the most common used and known treatment of talipes equinovarus[1][2][3][13][14][5] . It consists of a series of manipulations/manual stretchings and immobilisation by plaster casts and abduction bar. The treatment usually starts within one week after birth. The therapist manipulates the foot (or both feet) gently by stretching the tight anatomical structures, i.e. the ligaments of the posterior and medial aspect of the ankle, triceps surae, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus. When the foot position has obtained a degree of correction that shows progress to the initial situation, a plaster cast is applied and held on for one week. After one week the cast is taken off, the foot is manipulated again and a new cast is applied to correct the position further. This procedure is repeated until the foot position is normal.


The manipulations correct first the cavus stance of the foot, then adduction, valgus and at last the equines stance[13] . All components are corrected simultaneously except for the ankle equinus [5]. In severe cases, when plaster casts and manipulation do not obtain the right correction, tenotomy of the achilles tendon is applied to correct the equines stance or other surgical interventions are needed.


After removing the final cast, both feet are held in hyperabduction by a foot abduction brace. The Ponseti bar is to be held on 23 hours a day for three months and afterwards during night till the age of four. The purpose of this final part is to avoid relapse in later life. Although the Ponseti method has good results[1][3][15] , it is a long and intensive treatment. In some developing countries people often have to travel far and long to have a treatment. Most people can’t afford or don’t have time to travel such a distance several times. Therefor an accelerated Ponseti method is applied, where patients are treated within 3 weeks [2].

The French technique involves daily manipulation of the foot for 30 minutes followed by stimulation of the muscles of the foot and lower leg, with the emphasis on the peroneal muscles. The purpose of muscle stimulation is to maintain the correction obtained by manipulation. After manipulation and muscle stimulation taping is applied. The treatment has to be applied daily for two months, followed by three treatments a week for 6 months.

This method gets good results but has decisive disadvantages. The therapy involves too many hospital visits, depends on the manipulation skills of the physical therapist and is costly.[11]

Recent Related Research (from Pubmed)[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]

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  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Harnett, P., Freeman, R., Harrison, W.J., Brown, L.C., ; Beckles, V. (2011). An accelerated Ponseti versus the standard Ponseti method. The Journal of Bone ; Joint Surgery, 93, pp. 404-408.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Jowett, C.R., Morcuende, J.A., ; Ramachandran, M. (2011). Management of congenital talipes equinovarus using the Ponseti method. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, 93, pp. 1160-1164.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Pandey, S., & Pandey, A.K. (2003). The classification of clubfoot a practical approach. The Foot, 13, pp. 61-65.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Staheli, L. (2009). Clubfoot: Ponseti Management Third Editon. Seattle: Global Help.
  6. Clubfoot, (accessed 28 June 2017)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Africa Clubfoot Training Project. Chapter 2 Africa Clubfoot Training Basic & Advanced Clubfoot Treatment Provider Courses - Participant Manual. University of Oxford: Africa Clubfoot Training Project, 2017.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Africa Clubfoot Training Project. Chapter 15 Africa Clubfoot Training Basic & Advanced Clubfoot Treatment Provider Courses - Participant Manual. University of Oxford: Africa Clubfoot Training Project, 2017.
  9. Africa Clubfoot Training Project. Chapter 1 Africa Clubfoot Training Basic & Advanced Clubfoot Treatment Provider Courses - Participant Manual. University of Oxford: Africa Clubfoot Training Project, 2017.
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  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Docker, C.E.J., Lewthwaite, S., & Kiely, N.T. (2007). Ponseti treatment in the management of clubfoot deformity – a continuing role for paediatric orthopaedic services in secondary care centres. The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 89, pp. 510-512.
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  15. Gurnett, C.A., Boehm, S., Connolly, A., Reimschisel, T., & Dobbs, M.B. (2008). Impact of congenital talipes equinovarus etiology on treatment outcomes. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 50, pp. 498-502.