How to Take Notes for Learning

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Effective note taking encompasses summarising important concepts as precisely as possible using your own words and connecting those concepts with the lectures. In order to take good notes, preparation is key. The student needs to familiarise themselves with the topic and focus during the lecture. This will ensure an active listener rather than a passive participant.[1]

During the note-taking process, learners will interpret, filter and process information. This new information will be stored with prior knowledge that can be retrieved at a later date.

There is a two-fold value or function in taking notes:

  1. Encoding:
    • the listener has to actively engage with the incoming information when taking notes
    • then they need to make decisions about how to encode that material
  2. Storing information:
    • note taking creates a record of information that be accessed at a later date
    • this stored information can be used for a multitude of assignments past the listening event[2][3]

Comprehension[edit | edit source]

Note taking is a method that is particularly effective on comprehension. Taking notes during helps students understand what is being taught more easily. Specifically, note taking facilitates increased comprehension in the following manners:

  1. the students focus their attention on the material that is lectured or read or listened
  2. it prevents students from missing the specific points being taught during class
  3. it helps with recall of information[4]

After class[edit | edit source]

When the lecture is over and note taking is done, students should continue to add on to their notes. This process means looking at the new concepts and clarifying any unclear ideas and answering any questions they still have. This process can be done with a partner in a collaborative nature. This helps with organisation and legibility and increases the amount of notes taken.[1]

Sketch Note taking[edit | edit source]

Sketch note taking also called visual or graphic notes is a new method being used. This technique involves notes with illustrations or symbols as well as text. The combination of drawing with writing has been shown to increase memory and retention. The use of sketch notes helps create stories rather than just ideas. [1]

Technology[edit | edit source]

Mobile devices have been incorporated into the learning environment with the advent of technology. The use of smart phones, tablets, computers and especially iPads for note taking have been found to have positive attitudes towards learning by students. In addition, student report these mobile devices provide additional online information on hand to improve their learning. There have been many developed applications for mobile devices to assist students. [3]Students can even take photos of writings in the classroom boards. The speed and conveniences technologies have provided decreases the amount of time students spend writing.[4]

Technology vs. Writing[edit | edit source]

There are mixed feeling on the use of technological devices versus pen and paper for note taking. Theories behind each technique is highlighted below:


  • more organised and comprehensive notes
  • some results show poorer academic performance
  • can be distracting resulting in decreased attention[5]
  • multitasking on device can impact learning[3]

Paper and Pen:

  • better academic performance with conceptual questions
  • no difference on factual questions
  • ability to make connections between different areas of notes
  • ability to draw images[3]
  • less words captured[5]

** not a big difference now- what seems to matter is the quality of the notes[1]

Cornell Method[edit | edit source]

The Cornell note system uses a distinctive layout with a single sheet of paper separating it into three columns. The three columns consist of:

  1. Cue column:
    • most important section
    • add a question for each note written that helps them organise or remember the information
  2. Note-taking area:
    • quick note taking
    • getting overall concept and important detaols
    • use of bullets, graphs, drawings or definitions
    • information regarding what is on the board or professor
  3. Summary area:
    • summarises the details of the note-taking area column into a few sentences to attain the big picture
    • trying to to envelop what this particular page is all about

Each column is intended to serve a specific purpose.

sers a statement by developing a question. In the final section, the summary section, the note writer encapsulates the details from the notes section into a few sentences that paint the big picture.4 The object of this section is to answer the question, “What is this page all about?”4 When the note writer finishes writing or reviewing the notes section from a lecture, the summary section helps to provide an aerial view of what this set of notes is all about. While taking facts and digesting them into knowledge can be challenging, this is a vital step in the Cornell Note system and should not be skipped.

This system is designed to allow students to reflect on the material and quiz themselves on the material both throughout the lecture and while reviewing the notes post-lecture.4 The Cornell Method provides a functional mini quiz that can be taken by placing blank sheet of paper over the note-taking area, exposing only the cues. The note writer then goes down the list of cues and quizzes themselves on the respective notes that accompany each cue. This reciting method provides instant feedback and motivation to continue. This activity allows the note writer to actively reflect on the information instead of passively reading it. The summary serves as a reflection of the key ideas for each page of the Cornell Notes.[6]

Resources[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Schmidt SJ. Taking Notes: There's a Lot More to It than Meets the Eye. Journal of Food Science Education. 2019 Jul;18(3):54-8.
  2. Siegel J. Factors affecting notetaking performance. International journal of Listening. 2022 Apr 15:1-3.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Pyörälä E, Mäenpää S, Heinonen L, Folger D, Masalin T, Hervonen H. The art of note taking with mobile devices in medical education. BMC medical education. 2019 Dec;19:1-0.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Özçakmak H. Impact of Note Taking during Reading and during Listening on Comprehension. Educational Research and Reviews. 2019 Oct;14(16):580-9.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Crumb RM, Hildebrandt R, Sutton TM. The value of handwritten notes: A failure to find state-dependent effects when using a laptop to take notes and complete a quiz. Teaching of Psychology. 2022 Jan;49(1):7-13.
  6. Saran M, Krentz Gober M, McCarty EB. An introduction to the Cornell Note system. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. 2022 Nov;101(9_suppl):37S-41S.