
Why donate?[edit | edit source]

Physiopedia is a charity registered in the UK run by a team of volunteers who are on a mission to improve global health by providing free access to physiotherapy knowledge to everyone! Empowering physiotherapists with knowledge means better health care and reduced disability around the world. It is about the power of individuals to do extraordinary things for the global physiotherapy profession and for the world wide population of people that will benefit from our care.

There are many ways to donate to the Physiopedia charity, including making a one time or regular donationbecoming a benefactor or making a legacy gift that will help us to plan ahead for future Physiopedia projects. We would be delighted if you joined our existing donors, benefactors and legacy gifts, ensuring Physiopedia can do much more in the future.

Make a donation[edit | edit source]

We take donations via JustGiving, a UK organisation that helps charities to raise funds to support their mission. This helps us to streamline a better service for you.

If you are a UK tax payer, your donation is eligible for Gift Aid which boosts your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you! To activate this, when you donate, you’ll simply be asked to confirm whether or not you are a UK taxpayer.

Where does your donation go?[edit | edit source]

All money received as a donation goes towards supporting our mission where the main purpose is to:

  1. Maintain the Physiopedia website with quality information and keep it free for all for ever.
  2. Offer free online courses for physiotherapists in topics that particularly affect individuals and communities in low income and/or conflict or disaster affected settings.

How do we spend your donation[edit | edit source]

Free courses 1000's of people from over 150 countries attend each of our free courses but it does cost us to do this. 200 x £50 will enable us to deliver a free course
Administration Most of the team are volunteers but to ensure quality content we do have one remunerated member of the team, our content manager. £33 per day funds our quality assurance efforts
Technical We pay for standard technical services like website hosting and domain names. £20 keeps the website online for one day
Professional fees We are very lucky to have a team of professional that help us for free but we do pay someone to manage our finances to make sure that your donation goes to the right place! This costs us £3 per day
Development Tony does most of the technical development work for free but sometimes even he needs a bit of help! These people are expensive so we only use them when we have the funds to do so!

We support physiotherapy education[edit | edit source]

In the hopeful situation of additional funds being available we will:

  1. Sponsor individual education - support physiotherapy education for individuals that otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity.
  2. Support community education projects - support physiotherapy educational and professional development projects all over the world.

Other ways to donate[edit | edit source]

  • Contribute content - many physiotherapists around the world are engaged in creating and updating the Physiopedia content. Find out more about joining our awesome tribe of Physiopedia editors.
  • Benefactors and legacy gifts - become a benefactor or make a legacy gift.
  • Other financial donations:
    1. Credit card or Paypal - all credit card transactions are processed by PayPal by clicking on the buttons above.
    2. Make a regular donation - a regular gift will help us to plan ahead for future cool Physiopedia projects. Click on the 'Other' button above, choose amount and check the 'make regular donation' box.
    3. Direct deposit - Physiopedia can accept money transfers to the following account:

15 Cornhill

Account No 21508458
Sort Code 401921
IBAN GB38MIDL40192121508458

Please email us to let us know that you have made a donation this way.

Questions?[edit | edit source]

If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact Rachael Lowe

Thanks for your donation, you are awesome!