Diet And Physical Activity In Older Women


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Introduction[edit | edit source]

Physical activity and diet are vital for retaining good health and staving off development of non-communicable diseases. As both physical activity and nutrition are connected directly to the risk of chronic disease, we need grasp how these modifiable factors relate to related to health status. Expanding lifespan is not linked with healthy aging for all, and there has been a large rise in age-associated morbidity. Women have distinct nutritional needs based on physiological and hormonal changes at several times during their life (e.g., menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause). Gender medicine needs an increase in studies dedicated to older women with a view to bringing more quality of life into a longer life.

Older age is associated with many physiological changes making undernutrition a large risk eg reduced bone and muscle mass, increased frailty, reduced cognitive function and dependence on others ability to care for them. How our diet affects us as we age is poorly understood, but evidence points to the probable effects of a wide range of dietary factors with the ability to offset molecular damage (e.g., inflammation, oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction) and mitigate associated functional changes that aging induces.[1]

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The timing of nutrient consumption appears to influence the metabolism in women. A huge percentage (95%) nutrient timing recommendations spring from studies conducted in men. We know now that timing of nutrient consumption during exercise directly affects performance, fatigue recovery, fat oxidation and energy expenditure. Research shows, women frequently exercise on an empty stomach, hoping to “burn fat” but it appears that women particularly this reduces fat oxidation. A better option is to , exercise on a full stomach as a higher total daily energy expenditure, increased fat oxidation and improved body composition is the likely outcome. Evidence suggests that consuming a bolus of protein before exercise, not carbohydrates,, significantly increases energy expenditure and improves fat oxidation after aerobic exercise, high intensity interval training and resistance training. It seems the above approach ie pre-exercise nutrition is more better way for women to see improvements in strength and lean body mass, than post-exercise nutrition.

Some foods and nutrients may play a part in preventing fractures. Recent research revealed that along side protein, tea and coffee seem to play a role in prevention of hip fractures in underweight women. For every extra cup of tea or coffee per day consumed a 4% lower risk of hip fracture was noted, whilst a 25 g/day increment of dietary protein intake was also associated with a 14% lower risk of hip fracture.

Vitamin D plays a role too in older womens health, with many peri- and postmenopausal women being either deficient in or have low levels of vitamin D and magnesium. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, as well as preventing muscle weakness, protecting against falls, and providing immune support.[1]

Assessing the quality of the total diet appears to be a better approach to nutritional epidemiology, with early measures of diet quality focusing on malnutrition and nutrient deficiency diseases. Current assessments of diet quality, such as the Diet Quality Index and the Healthy Eating Index, look more at the issues of overnutrition and focus on dietary moderation, variety, and balance. Evidence suggests that in the US elderly women have the highest scores, reflecting high consumption of grains, vegetables, and fruits. Healthy Eating Index scores increased with age, education, and income, again showing that the quality of the diet is largely determined by social and environmental variables.[2]

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Resources[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Mattioli AV, Selleri V, Zanini G, Nasi M, Pinti M, Stefanelli C, Fedele F, Gallina S. Physical activity and diet in older women: a narrative review. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Dec 22;12(1):81.Available: (accessed 26.1.2024)
  2. Drewnowski A, Evans WJ. Nutrition, physical activity, and quality of life in older adults: summary. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2001 Oct 1;56(suppl_2):89-94.Available: (accessed 26.1.2024)