Community Based Rehabilitation(CBR) Matrix

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Original Editor - Redisha Jakibanjar Top Contributors - Redisha Jakibanjar, Kim Jackson and Naomi O'Reilly

What is CBR matrix ?[edit | edit source]

CBR matrix is a framework established in 2004 to create a uniformity in CBR programmes. [1]CBR matrix highlights the different sectors and elements of community to create a CBR strategy. [2]

CBR matrix has five key components which is further divided into 5 elements. The CBR personnel can pick and choose any element or component from the matrix which planning the programme. The matrix should not be viewed as a sequential.[2]

Components of CBR[edit | edit source]

The five components of CBR matrix are: health, education, livelihood, social and empowerment. [1]The following table shows the elements of the matrix along with the components[1]:

Health Education Livelihood Social Empowermeent
Promotion Early childhood Skills development Personnel assistance Advocacy and communication
Prevention Primary Self-employment Relationships, marriage and family Community mobilization
Medical care Secondary and higher Wage employment Culture and arts Political participation
Rehabilitation Non- formal Financial support Recreation, leisure and sports Self-help groups
Assistive devices Lifelong learning Social protection Justice Disabled people's organization


References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 World Health Organization. Introductory Booklet. Community Based Rehabilitation CBR Guidelines.Switzerland:WHO press;2010.Available from:
  2. 2.0 2.1 World Health Organization. Disability and rehabilitation. Community-based rehabilitation(CBR).Accessed on: 2021/05/07. Available from:
  3. World Health Organization, UNESCO, ILO,IDDC. CBR guidelines2: health component. Geneva: World Health Organization,2010.Available from: