Coleman Block Test

Original Editor - Muskan Rastogi Top Contributors - Muskan Rastogi

Purpose[edit | edit source]

The Coleman Block Test which was first described by Sherman Coleman, MD, and William Chestnut, MD in 1977 is used on patients with a Cavo varus foot deformity to determine whether the hindfoot varus deformity is fixed or flexible.

It helps to determine the type of orthotics and surgical management is required.[1]

Technique[edit | edit source]

Positioning-The foot is placed on a block high enough to avoid touching the ground when placing the plantar-flexed first metatarsal over the block’s edge. The medial metatarsals are placed off the edge while the rest of the foot remains on the block. This way, the plantar-flexed first metatarsal cannot tilt the foot into varus.

Result- If the heel deformity corrects while weight bearing during this maneuver, the deformity is flexible. If the heel deformity does not correct, there is a fixed hindfoot deformity.[1]


Evidence[edit | edit source]

Level of Evidence - V.

It has been mentioned by experts to use in diagnosing Cavo varus foot in Charcot Marie Disease and level of evidence is quiet low.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Polander TJ, Garbrecht EL, Price AL, Johnson PJ, Miller RA. Simulated Method to Perform the Coleman Block Test in Educating Orthopaedic Residents Outside of the Clinic. UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal. 2018;7(1):22.
  2. tiffanyxl50. Coleman Block Test. Available from