Vacuum Compression Therapy

Original Editor - Sheik Abdul Khadir

Top Contributors - Sheik Abdul Khadir, Kim Jackson, Lucinda hampton and WikiSysop  

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In 1956, Erler and Itting designed a vacuum-compression unit that served as the prototype for the clinical model in use today. The device consists of a plexiglass chamber connected to a compressor. The unit provides a timed alteration of positive and negative pressures at a selectable range of intensities. Researchers believe that VCT systems do improve total tissue blood flow and oxygenation. [1]

Device [edit | edit source]

The device comprises of 
  1. Vacuum chamber
  2. Pressure Monitor
  3. Rubber cuff
  4. Compressor Unit.

Physiology[edit | edit source]

The cycles of positive and negative pressure aids in improving circulation. The volume of an elastic vessel can be increased by the application of a vacuum force on its outer wall[2] In the negative pressure phase of VCT , just such a force is exerted on the extremities and its vessels.In the positive pressure phase, the venous drainage is facilitated.Thus the alteration of positive and negative pressure facilitates increased arterial and capillary circulation and better venous drainage.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Akbari et al ; Effects of vacuum compression therapy on healing of diabetic foot ulcers :Randomized control trial ;JRRD; Vol 44; No 5;2007; 631-636.
  2. Nave CR, Nave BC, eds. Physcs for the Health Sciences. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders CO; 1975:73-75.
