Developed by the SAFEMOB Task Force:
Dr. Elizabeth Dean, Dr. Darlene Reid, Frank Chung, Simone Gruenig, Rosalyn Jones, Jocelyn Ross, Maylinda Urbina, Alison Hoens.


What to Assess, What to Monitor, When not to Mobilize, and How to Mobilize and Progress

Purpose, Scope, & Disclaimer[edit | edit source]

The purpose of this document is to provide physical therapists with guidance on safe mobilization of the patient in acute care settings. This decision-making guide is evidence informed and where there is insufficient evidence, expert informed. It is not intended to replace the clinician’s clinical reasoning skills and interprofessional collaboration. Mobilization, for the purposes of this document, has been defined as “To work towards the functional task of locomotion”.

What to Assess[edit | edit source]

The Chart The Patient, Family, and Team Member
  • Medical history
  • Premorbid level of function (e.g., mobility aids), activity and exercise response
  • Primary diagnosis
  • Medications
  • Investigations, lab work (e.g., Hgb, RBC, Blood sugar, ECG, fluid/electrolytes)
  • Risk factors and lifestyle conditions
  • Physician orders re specific restrictions on mobilization
  • Multisystem review (e.g. cognition, respiratory, cardiac, musculoskeletal & neuro systems)
  • Level of cooperation
  • Ask patient what he/she currently feels about mobilization concerns and readiness.
  • Consider the impact of the illness or medical procedures & medications on the patient’s mobility (e.g. weakness from disuse, incision, trauma, pain, equipment needs, e.g., walker)
  • Coordinate with team members the timing of treatment with medication, availability of equipment and of personnel to optimize effectiveness

When to Consider Not Mobilizing[edit | edit source]

Cardiovascular Status Neurological Status
  • Mean arterial pressure: <65 1,3 or >110 3
  • BP: A drop in systolic pressure (>20 mm Hg) or below pre-exercise level OR a disproportionate rise i.e., >200 mm Hg for systolic or >110 mm Hg for diastolic 4
  • HR: <40 3 or >130 3,5; requiring temporary pacer.
  • Hemodynamic: Administration of a new pressor e.g. inotropes agent1; two or more pressor or frequent increase 5; uncontrolled systemic hypertension; active bleeding 3,5
  • Acute or unstable cardiac status: New MI1; dysrhythmia requiring new medications1; active cardiac ischemia3; unstable rhythm5; intra aortic balloon 5
  • Pulmonary embolus: Discussion with physician required to determine suitability
  • Deep venous thrombosis: May mobilize as tolerated immediately after low molecular weight heparin (e.g, enoxaparin (lovenox®), dalteparin (fragmin®), tinzaparin (innohep®), nadroparin (fraxiparine®)) is given. If patient is on any other form of anticoagulation (e.g., IV heparin) please check mobility orders with the physician. Monitor patient for changes in pain, swelling, colour and sudden shortness of breath 6
  • Patient status: Severe agitation, distress, or combative 2,3; not able to understand instructions thus risking patient or therapist safety
  • ICP: Increased3 i.e. >20 mm Hg, however, ICP needs to be considered in conjunction with cerebral compliance
  • Uncleared, unstable/non fixated spinal cord injury 5 or head injury
Respiratory Status Other
  • SpO2: <88% 1,3 or undetermined cyanosis
  • RR: <5 or >40 3
  • Intermittent hemodialysis 3
  • Unstable fracture
  • Excessive muscle soreness or fatigue that is residual from last exercise or activity session
  • Other contraindications specific to a given setting/unit

What to Consider During Mobilization[edit | edit source]

How to Mobilize and Progress[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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