Service Provider Guide

Do you work for a phyisotherapy or physical therapy service? For service providers, Physiopedia offers an opportunity to involve their staff in this knowledge creation process as part of service development programs.

This guide explains how Physiopedia can be used for service development in health care organisations, and also outlines ideas on how staff could incorporate Physiopedia into their continuing education and professional development.

What is a wiki
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A Wiki is a website that allows any visitor to easily contribute to and edit that website. Wikis are particularly suited to collaborative group authoring of documents and websites. The most famous example of a Wiki is Wikipedia, a very extensive on-line encylopedia that allows anyone to add to and edit its entries.

Wikis for service development
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The nature of wikis means they offer a number benefits relating to service and staff development:

  • Wikis are ideal for collaborative writing applications.
  • Wikis can be edited and entries published without knowledge of specialist web development tools.
  • A wiki enables the development history of a document to be explored revealing who contributed what and when.
  • A wiki will never be lost along with the efforts that have been made in adding content to them, they can be continually updated and always be referred to.

Physiopedia in service development
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As a wiki, Physiopedia offers educators an opportunity to involve their students in the creation of this global resource as part of an educational program.  Student involvement in creating, reviewing and updating Physiopedia content is an excellent activity for developing skills of reflection, critical assessment and writing.

Application examples
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  • Group assignments. A group of students could be tasked with creating a new Physiopedia article. During and after the authoring process, the article's associated history page allows the tutor to monitor contributions and observe the development of the article.
  • Group debates can be held in the dedicated Talk pages related to each page in the wiki.  Opposing positions can be argued and evidence presented.
  • Lecture preparation on particular topics can be completed in Physiopedia. Each individual could be assigned with a different topic to research which should then be either edited or added to Physiopedia with supporting evidence.  These can then be viewed by all students, discussed in the lecture and then edited further if necessary following the lecture.
  • Case studies can be added by students as part of an assessment or learning task.  Once added to Physiopedia they will be available for all to view and learn from.
  • Individual portfolios can be created from an individuals profile page.  The flexible nature of wiki's allows an individual to be very creative in their personal portfolio creation and also allows for very flexible portfolio mentoring.

See more examples on the educators application examples page.

Why get involved
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  • Student involvement in creating, reviewing and updating Physiopedia content is an excellent activity for developing reflection, critical assessment and writing skills. 
  • Encouraging students to become actively involved in Physiopedia early in their careers will encourage them to interact professionally with colleagues from the start.
  • Being involved from the initial stages students will continue to contribute content to Physiopedia to assist in the development of the profession in the future.
  • Know that your institution has been a part of the development of this valuable global collaborative effort.
  • Institutions that partner with us in this way will permanently be featured on our page of acknowledgements.
  • Partner institutions will also be entitled to free course advertising space on Physiopedia.

Frequently asked questions[edit | edit source]

If you are interested in using Physiopedia in your class, check out the educators FAQs first.

Step by step guide[edit | edit source]

If you have decided to go ahead and use Physiopedia with your students follow our step by step guide that is specifically written to help educators who use Physiopedia as part of their educational program.

Resources[edit | edit source]

Leeds University have developed an extensive site about using wikis in teaching and learning.