Posterior Drawer Test (Knee)

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The posterior drawer test evaluates the posterior cruciate ligament.

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The patient laying supine with the knee in ninety degrees of flexion. The foot of the patient is stabilized on the table. The fysiotherapist grabs the anterior aspect of the tibia over the tibial tuberosity and push forward with a steady force. The tibia displaces posteriorly. If the posterior translation of the tibia is more than normal (compared with the healthy side), the test is positive. This is indicative of a posterior cruciate ligament tear.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title 

Evidence[edit | edit source]

Results from a blinded, randomized, controlled study shows that the accuracy for detection of a PCL-tear is 96%, with 90% sensitivity and a 99% specificity. For grade 2 and grade 3 posterior laxity, the examination accuracy was higher than for grade 1 posterior laxity.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title

Resources[edit | edit source]


Recent Related Research (from Pubmed)[edit | edit source]

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