The Jackson Clinics Residency Project


Course Description:[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the The Jackson Clinic's Resident Directed Community Service Learning Project. This project was created by and for the residents of The Jackson Clinic, and is part of their Residency programme. 

Project dates[edit | edit source]


Course Instructors:[edit | edit source]

Kris Porter

Objectives[edit | edit source]

The expectation for these projects is that they are extensive and a comprehensive review of all available literature on Resident Directed Community Service Learning.

Instructions[edit | edit source]

Residents will:

  • Will complete 32 hours of “Resident Directed Community Service Learning” which will be to create 2 articles for Physiopedia on a topic that has yet to be created, expand a stub article, and/or edit an existing article.
    • First Article: The resident will create 1 lower quarter disorder article during the first 6 months
    • Second Article: The resident will create/expand/edit an upper quarter disorder article during the last 6 months.
  • If 32 hours of “Resident Directed Community Service Learning” has not been reached with the 2 articles as described about, the resident is encouraged to create, expand, and/or edit existing physiopedia articles of their choice.his topic. They should be highly referenced. They should be written at the level and profiency of a clinician at the fellowship level.

Articles[edit | edit source]

Below are links to the articles created during this project.