
Podcasts are audio files that are published on the internet on a regular basis and that users can subscribe to. They are both are digital files that can be downloaded and listened to using portable devices or at the user’s desktop. Free software makes it easy to subscribe to podcasts using RSS feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. It is the subscription feature that makes a podcast so powerful as a form of social media. People have long been able to upload audio content to the web, but the subscription feature means that people can build regular audiences and communities around their shows. It effectively puts private individuals or brands on a level playing field with traditional media organisations when it comes to competing for people’s attention with AV content online. Podcasts are part of a shift in media consumption patterns, which increasingly sees people watching or listening to content when and where it suits them.

For more information on podcasting have a read of the Leeds University podcasting site (written by Tony Lowe) and take a look at the Common Craft video:

Examples of good uses of podcasting and videocasting

A few free, health science podcasts are:

Scientific American podcasts
Cochrane Reviews
Open University Health Science series

In physiotherapy, there are a few free podcasting services:

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Journal
Paedtiatric Physical Therapy Journal