User:Aviva Gans

I have been a physical therapist for more than 40 years. For most of my career I have served as a pediatric physical therapist, particularly school-based physical therapy. I have also taught kinesiology as an Assistant Professor in the Physical Therapy Program at UMDNJ (now called Rutgers)in Newark, NJ. My professional experience also includes practice in acute care and orthopedics. I presently serve as the Chair of APTANJ's Pediatric Special Interest. I have been team leader on the authoring of 2 fact sheets on clinical education in school-based practice.

Due to my concerns about the health effects environmental degradation, especially the state of the planet children will inherit, I have delved deeply into the topic. I am especially interested in how health professionals, specifically physical therapists (physiotherapists) can engage in climate and environmental action and incorporate environmental awareness into their practices, I have presented a webinar on climate and environment to New Jersey physical therapists, testified in favor of constructing wind farms off the coast of New Jersey, and written an op ed supporting measures to decrease the effects of transportation pollution on health.

Personally, I am the mom of two amazing grown sons. I enjoy writing and teaching. One additional item, before becoming a PT I was a ballet teacher and dancer.

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