Biopsychosocial Considerations for Clinicians when ordering MRI for Low Back Pain


Biopsychosocial model


Low back pain

Literature synthesises that MRI is the optimal imaging choice when detecting spinal pathologies. (REFERENCE WB)

Biological Considerations

link to LBP guidelines

red flags

Psychological Considerations

link to patient perceptions

Social Considerations

Currently, for every ten patients presenting to primary care with LBP, one receives advanced imaging.(REFERENCE WB)

Waiting Times: In 2023, the current average estimated waiting time is 6-18 weeks for an outpatient MRI scan. It is estimated that 26% of outpatients in 2023 have waited longer thank 6 weeks for an MRI. (REFERENCE WB). Waiting lists for outpatient MRI scans have significantly increased in recent years, with the number of patients waiting six weeks plus increasing from 2.5% in August 2019, to 28.1% in August 2020. (REFERENCE WB).
