User:Bianca Rus

I am a romanian physiotherapist with an experience for a few years in a private hospital from Romania. I was also a volunteer for a few months in a rehabilitation hospital . In 2019 i `ve seen fot the first time how looks a physiotherapist day in the UK thanks to the Physiotherapy Department from Yovil District Hospital. I spend there a few days in different departments as a shadow . During that period i continued to work in Romania , most of times remote. In 2020 i started my first job in UK as a Physiotherapist ( MSK) in a private clinic. After the pandemic started the clinic shut down and i returned to Romania. Now , i am back in UK ready to undertake the next step in my career. I choosed to be a physiotherapist as i love to make a difference in people` s lives. In my opinion , one of the most powerful effect of physiotherapy is the ability to make people feel better, to give them confidence to try something that`s been too paintful or frightening to do for so long time, to take control of their lives, to breath easily, to stand on their own again, to gain their independence that they used to have .

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