User:Asha Bajaj

Bio sketch for Asha Bajaj, PT/DPT - Physical therapist

 Dr.Asha Bajaj, PT/DPT has 30+years experience in a variety of settings including the management and operation of an outpatient private practice in Walnut Creek ,CA from 1985-2004. Asha has served in Bhutan, India, Vietnam and Malawi Africa with Health Volunteers Overseas to train and develop their Physical therapy program. From 2006-2013 Asha was involved with Acute care in a hospital setting and an outpatient clinic as a locum therapist. Asha has a special interest in Women’s health and did her doctoral project in the area of Bone health and Osteoporosis. Asha has been involved with a monthly Health education series at the Afghan Elderly association in Fremont and a health series with the Town of Danville.
 Asha Bajaj was involved actively since 1993-2004 as a clinical associate professor with the UCSF physical therapy program and served on the admissions committee. Her professional activities have included serving on the executive board of the Golden Gate chapter in the capacity of PAC and Publicity Chair and as a delegate to represent the Physical therapists in her area.

Due to her involvement with AAPIO, the physician group, Asha has done many speaking engagements at their monthly CME meetings and serves on their Ancillary Board.

Asha Bajaj is actively involved in the community with women’s education and legal advocacy and served as the president of the local branch in Danville for the AAUW (American Association of University Women).Her current interests include Storytelling at the Asian Art museum, playing tennis and internet Scrabble, reading and hiking and spending time with her grandkids and taking care of her senior mother. Professional interests include Abstract Reviewer and Con ED reviwer for CPTA and writing a monthly column for her neighborhood magazine,

It's time to give back and focus on a healthy lifestyle so that the best years are always ahead of us rather than behind us.

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