User:Zeina Grifoni

Bio from the web site:

I have always wanted to help others through my work. As a water polo player, scuba diver, aerial artist, runner, and cyclist, my love of movement lead me into the world of rehabilitation. I received an undergraduate degree in psychology at UC Davis and my Master’s degree in Physical Therapy at Samuel Merritt University in Oakland, California in 2003, as well as my Pilates Instructor Certification with Ellie Herman in 2004. In September 2005, I opened my own practice, Synergy + Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio, in California, in order to create an ideal environment for the healing and wellness of my clients. My main focus is Pilates based orthopedic care including sports rehab, chronic pain, pre and post-natal rehabilitation, cancer rehabilitation, pre and post op care, and overall health and wellness. I continue to teach continuing education instruction courses to physical therapists, Pilates instructors, health care practitioners, and the general public. Opening Synergy +, was a dream come true, because it allows me to harness my energy, athletic background, and education into one discipline. Besides enjoying as much time as possible with my three children and husband, my hobbies include hiking and running, mountain biking, swimming, rock climbing, ice skating, playing piano as well as participating in mini triathlons and distance runs. My true passion and dream is to be able to reach a greater population of people, especially those that need care and do not have easy access to it and help them get back on their feet, literally. I enjoy working with athletes of all ages, I enjoy the world of dance and acrobatics, I enjoy keeping the elderly mobile and independent, and I am passionate about reaching a greater population of people who need help restoring movement to their lives. I hope to one day make a bigger impact in the world by educating the general public and other practitioners who can help bring physical wellness and movement to those who cannot come to me. Synergy+ continues to operate in San Rafael, California, and Ticino, Switzerland.

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