Goniometry: Elbow Flexion

Active Range of Motion[edit | edit source]

Passive Range of Motion[edit | edit source]

Since you, as the therapist are facilitating the movement, in addition to the patient start position, there will be a stabilization, therapist's distal hand placement, Therapist's hand movement, and end feels, which will be important components of conducting a passive ROM test. [1]

Start position: the patient can be supine or sitting

Anatomical Movement[edit | edit source]

Elbow flexion

Axis and Plane of motion[edit | edit source]

Elbow flexion movement occurs in sagittal plane and around frontal axis

Testing position[edit | edit source]

Patient is supine or seated with the hand supinated and the arm parallel to the midline of the body

Stabilization[edit | edit source]

Stabilize distal end of humerus to prevent flexion of shoulder joint.

Goniometer Placement[edit | edit source]

lateral epicondyle of the elbow parallel with the humerus parallel with the radius

Expected Findings[edit | edit source]

Expected range of motion is 150 degrees but variation is seen with increased arm circumference, i.e. decreased "normal" range of motion due to large biceps.[2]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Clarkson Hazel M. Musculoskeletal Assessment - Joint Motion and Muscle Testing. 3rd Edition. Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2013. p145.
  2. Norkin CC, White DJ. Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. FA Davis; 2016 Nov 18.

2. https://www.google.com/search?q=elbow+flexion+plane+and+axis&tbm=isch&chips=q:elbow+flexion+plane+and+axis,online_chips:movement:3E4G91y0fHk%3D&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZ2oWi-Jf3AhWTktgFHYKyDdwQ4lYoA3oECAEQIw&biw=1423&bih=757#imgrc=6f4Suxz9kUF3-M&imgdii=UvsjX70MMn__1M