Paraffin Wax Bath

Introduction[edit | edit source]

It is a form of deep heating therapy which mainly use paraffin oil and wax to promote pain relief to hand, feet, sore joints and muscles. The actual temperature of paraffin wax is 42-52°C whereas its melting point is 51-54.4°C. The melted wax should not be poured directly on the body tissue as it may lead to thermal injuries. In order to avoid this, melting point of wax is usually lowered by adding an impurity in the form of paraffin oil.

Physical Principle[edit | edit source]

The heat transfer during paraffin wax bath therapy occurs through conduction from the layer of solid paraffin wax into the skin. When the warm paraffin wax are applied to the skin, it causes the blood vessels to get expand by improving the circulation, promote healing and removing toxins out of the skin.

Paraffin Wax Bath Unit[edit | edit source]

  • Parts of PWB includes container, mains, thermostat, thermostat pilot lamp, cap and casters.
  • The container of PWB is usually made up of steel.
  • The ratio of paraffin wax and mineral oil is 6:1 or 7:1
  • The composition of the solid wax : liquid paraffin : petroleum jelly is 2:1:1

Preparation of Patient[edit | edit source]

  • Explain the procedure to the patient prior applying PWB.
  • Expose the body part to be treated.
  • Remove jewelry or metal if any.
  • Check for the sensation of the patient.
  • Check for the contraindications if any.
  • Thoroughly inspect the body part to be treated.
  • Ensure comfortable position of the patient.
  • Check the temperature selected on thermostat before treatment.
  • Check the temperature of the bath.
  • Select convenient or appropriate method of application.
  • Inspect the body part after the treatment.

Method of Application[edit | edit source]

There are various methods used for the application of paraffin wax such as-

  • Dip method
  • Immersion method
  • Brush method
  • Bandage method
  • Pouring method

Dip method[edit | edit source]

In this method, therapist will instruct the patient to dip his/her extremity to be treated in the PWB. Remove the extremity once the paraffin solidifies or becomes thick which covers the skin. Dipping should be done for 8-12 times until a thick coat is formed. Once thick coating of wax is formed the treated area should be wrapped 1st in a plastic and then wrapped with a towel. This method of PWB promotes mild heating. The treatment duration should be 10-15 minutes.