User:Kapil Narale

I am a Doctor of Physiotherapy student at Macquarie University, in Sydney, Australia. I studied Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo, in Canada.

I enjoy learning about various aspects of the body, and helping to prevent and treat injuries and illnesses.

I am a runner, enjoy practicing yoga, and am interested in learning about these activities in the physiotherapy practice.

I discovered Physiopedia through through research and studying of my schoolwork. I decided to participate in a MOOC last year (in 2021), which I really enjoyed. The project/webpage I created was greatly appreciated by the Physiopedia Team, and was published as a Physiopedia page. As a result of this, I was presented with the opportunity to join the Physiopedia Volunteer Team. I am very excited to dive deep into the world of Physiopedia, help educate others, and be exposed to various Physiotherapy content along the way!

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